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2500 points death guard


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Local event is creeping closer and closer and im still not settled on a list. I think i rather take a fluffy list rather than a gamey one.

so in saying that we have 2500 points of chemical spewing fluffy deathguard. 


Siege breaker- cata armour, scythe, charger- 142


20x tacticals- scythe, AA and vexilla, - 270

20x tacticals- scythe, AA and vexilla,- 270


3x quad launchers- phosphex- 180

2x apothecary- aug scanners- 100


2x medusa, regular shells- 310

2x leviathen- 1x claw/drill. 1x grav/claw, phosphex- 600

8x grave wardens-spartan, 4x chain fists- 630


alternatively i could drop a levi and take 2x cortus contemptors. this would allow me  to squeeze another grave warden in.

list has most things covered, only issue is Anti air. i would be relying on the spartans twin linked lascannons 

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