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Cyclone Termie Squad Viability (+first conversion for squad)


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I'm definitely going to be building a squad of 5 cyclone missile launcher terminators. Mostly because I have some spare termies from an old project and enough cyclones to make it happen and of course more importantly because we can *yay deathwatch*


Anyway, heres my first conversion for said squad.

How useful/viable do you guys think it will actually be? I'm thinking of giving them an inquisitor psyker to help out with divination meaning there will be 10 pretty accurate missiles raining down on anything within 48 inches.

I'm not sure though, I think it would be easy to actually just end up throwing the points away by not playing them carefully enough.

How would you guys use them? If at all.

(And yes I am planning to build 5 heavy flamer guys and 5 assault cannon guys if I can dig enough termies out of moth balls)


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They're interesting, to be sure.  I for one don't like the idea of stacking so many points on vulnerable 2+/5++ models (yes, 2+ saves are vulnerable, it's a sad time in 40k).  Another point is that S8 is solid for handling AV 12 and below but above that the AP3 will be a huge issue.  You probably don't need a Psyker to buff them since Mission Tactics are a thing, though I suppose if you're going to take a unit like this then going all in may be your only option.  One thing I'd consider is dropping back to 3 CMLs and taking 2 TH/SS Terminators to tank AP2 that will inevitably come your way.  It'll save points, too!

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They're interesting, to be sure.  I for one don't like the idea of stacking so many points on vulnerable 2+/5++ models (yes, 2+ saves are vulnerable, it's a sad time in 40k).  Another point is that S8 is solid for handling AV 12 and below but above that the AP3 will be a huge issue.  You probably don't need a Psyker to buff them since Mission Tactics are a thing, though I suppose if you're going to take a unit like this then going all in may be your only option.  One thing I'd consider is dropping back to 3 CMLs and taking 2 TH/SS Terminators to tank AP2 that will inevitably come your way.  It'll save points, too!

Is 3 CML & 2 TH/SS a viable unit?

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Is 3 CML & 2 TH/SS a viable unit?


I'd say so.  TBH it'll save 30 points and give you some solid "tank" models to protect the expensive CMLs.  If the primary goal of the CMLs is to pop transports (which is really all they're good for, IMO), then 6 missiles should be plenty in most cases.

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