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Hi all,

As you may have seen earlier I spent the day at warhammer world (holy censored.gif its awesome) buying and building their exclusive command tanks.

I've built the Rhino Primaris with forgeworld Inqusition doors and panels and i'm thinking of painting it up as an inquisitor's command tank as I will have some inquisition forces scattered through my deathwatch army.

I think that would be nice and fluffy so now I have to work out a color scheme that compliments/contrasts the deathwatch black and silver. Anyone got any ideas? does the Ordos Xenos have anything approaching an official color scheme or similar?

Here is the Primaris


For anyone who is interested here is the LAnd Raider Excelsior from the same box. I did add deathwatch shoulder pads/heads but it is mostly left with the usual doors etc it comes with as they were too damn cool to pass up


Edited by henrywalker

Wow!! They look awesome!! Haven't seen those before. Inquisition doors look great too!!


I don't believe there is an official Inquisition colour scheme if I'm honest - it's really left to the their own personal discretion.

They always seem to be variations on Red, Black and White with Gold and Silver trim though. Which is already a very similar palette to the Deathwatch. Green details would look cool (lights etc).


Any variation on those colours would work well, but I would suggest inverting the Deathwatch colours.

They are all black with red markings. Maybe red with black markings and silver/gold metal?

@henrywalker: WoW! Love the FW bling! You gotta love Inquisition subtlety!

@Apostle of the 30th Host: Heyyy! Red & brass/gold are MY ordo colours! tongue.png

Seriously, there are many ordos and factions within the Inquisition.

I have been entertaining my Deathwatch being more of a Forgewatch of the Ordo Machinum; they police the Adeptus Mechanicus where new tech, old rediscovered tech, etc is concerned. They also partner with the Ordo Xenos conveniently enough. To represent this, I'm going for a bit pf a Techmarine red look with a golden arm.

Another could be to give their vehicles a more Imperial Guard look. They can basically acquisition vehicles & tech from almost any world, so it opens up a variety of possibilities for colour schemes.

I would love to see a white/gold 'Light of the Emperor' scheme. That would be awesome.

Exclusive tanks???

Yeah. They only sell them at warhammer world. £75 for the box of two (can't buy them separately)

People have been saying they will go on regular sale since they came out a couple of years ago but I'd be surprised to be honest.


Nice models and nice rules though

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