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Spray Paints.

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Right Iam about to start a new project, and Iam a bit of a cheat when it comes to painting as I try and make sure that the color I prime with is the primary color on the model.


This next army is going to mostly have a bone look to them. My Plan was to use the Skeleton Bone spray from Army Painter (http://shop.thearmypainter.com/products.php?ProductGroupId=15#Skeleton Bone)

For my Iron Warriors I made use of the Plate Metal spray they make and for the most part I have liked the sprays. But the last can wasn’t that great, and has made me worry about using them for a second army. So I thought I would ask here to see if anyone has an alternative source.



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I would suggest using automotive paints sold in rattlecans.


Apparently some stores can mix a spray to match a particular colour, so if you take a spare base painted a few times with the colour you want (to ensure a solid even colour to scan from), you can even have it matched to a Citadel paint of your choice. :-)

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Hmm Spectrum paints looks interesting, they are in my State. Just need to work out when I can get to the store. And it does look like its going to cost a fair penny. 


Hmm.. I may try and visit this week if I can (Though I expect thats not going to happen as Works going to be hell this week..) 



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Well, the alternative is to take your painted piece of plastic/miniatures base with you to a store that sells automotive paints, and just choose the nearest match off the shelf.


Even if the paint you like is gloss, that's okay; just dust if with a matte sealer and paint over/wash/etc as normal. You can still seal again at the end of the paintjob just like you normally would too.

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