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In some forums we have our 'iconic' moments captures in threads like this, and I think it's about time we had our own.


So the idea is you take an incredibly difficult moment from your game. Obviously the odds are stacked against you, and maybe it's Xenos, or perhaps something that is akin to Xenos, or heck, a Xenos sympathizer, but regardless you've some how overcome the odds and purged the alien.... or daemon, or whatever. :)


I'll kick this off with my latest game:


Opening turn of my Deathwatch vs. Tyranids in a Maelstrom game. I positioned a Veteran squad of Stalker Bolter Vets, led by a solo Terminator with a Cyclone Missile launcher in some ruins on my end of the table.


The Tyranids have first turn, and I am mostly in reserves so my poor Stalker team is facing down a LOT of Xenos filth.


Right opposite of my Stalker/termie team is a pile of stuff birthing vile gaunts in a ruin, and 2 Flyrants opposite my squad. Of course the horrid beasts get off Catalyst so both Flyrants now have FnP to make things worse.


Sure enough, they smell the burning hatred of my Stalker Vet team and unload twin linked devourers scoring 9 WOUNDS on my 6  man Team. I intentionally put the Terminator out front of the ruins..... and he TANKS ALL 9 WOUNDS like a boss!


Typical Tyranid player eye rolling ensues.... joking aqcusations of 'baked dice', etc, but we know the Emperor protects.


Now my turn 1, I move the Terminator (relentless) towards an Objective...it is revealed as... you guessed it: SKYFIRE ! WOOT.

Terminator and 5 Stalkers light up the night sky and put a lot of wounds against his Warlord Flyrant.


He goes on to fail the last 2 FnP saves on all my poison rounds, and comes crashing to the ground in a heap of burning wings. We will eat well tonight. Wings for everyone. ;)


It felt incredibly lucky, but pretty cool. It turned out to be one of my highest scoring turns of Maelstrom in 7th edition netting me 5 points (Warlord kill, Fisrt Blood, kill a FMC, etc. )  Pretty awesome moment... the rest of game was pretty hairy, but this was golden.

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I had an interesting moment just the other day.


My warlord was a watch captain who arrived via drop pod near a chaos warband. Between his squads shooting, a corvus, and support from a stalker/bolter squad all he had left before him was an aspiring champion and his lord.


So the chaos move over a squad of slaanesh warp talons to meet up with the Lord while the champion forges ahead to charge. When the champion charges my squad holds their fire and meet him in combat, while the warp talons failed their own charge spectacularly. (Lots of dead chaos models where they just landed probably made them hesitate)


Seeing his chance my captain steps up and slaughters the champion, grabs his bolter to aim at the talons, and then activates his beacon.


In seconds the warp talons find themselves with not one or two, but three squads as a Corvus unleashes a strategium assault team and the Beacon Angelis pulls my bolter team up from the back.


The talons are wiped out in the ensuing shooting, and the Lord is beaten to death with mauls by the assault team.


I lost a single watch sergeant during all of that.

Nice. I was thinking about the new Chaos Supplement and you know darn well the cultists will be out by the truckload. But yea a Thirster isn't easy and you can't really prevent the jink so it's not an easy kill even for Frag Cannons.

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