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Word Bearers - Last of the Serrated Sun - 2000 Points


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Hey gents,


I'm looking at updating my Word Bearers army to use the Last of the Serrated Sun rite of war. I wanted to post my first draft up for criticism, advice and so forth before I buy anything new. For a start I'm wondering if I shouldn't maybe sub out the Contemptor for something else, at least unless I'm playing a higher points value where I'll have more than a single vehicle. Thanks!


HQ - 630 points


Legion Praetor
+Power Fist
+Iron Halo
+Space Marine Bike w/ Twin-linked Bolters
+Digital Lasers
+Tainted Weapon
+Burning Lore
Total: 230 points


Praetor Retinue: Legion Command Squad
+2 Space Marine Chosen
+5 Space Marine Bikes w/ Twin-linked Bolters
Total: 240 points


Legion Centurion
+Consul: Chaplain
+Artificer Armour
+Refractor Field
+Space Marine Bike w/ Twin-linked Bolters
+Burning Lore
Total: 160 points


Elites - 270 points


Contemptor Dreadnought
+Plasma Cannon
+Plasma Blaster
+Dedicated Transport: Legion Dreadnought Drop Pod

Total: 270 points


Troops - 1100 points


Gal Vorbak Dark Brethren
+Power Fist (Dark Martyr)
+Artificer Armour (Dark Martyr)
+Dedicated Transport: Legion Drop Pod
Total: 275 points


Gal Vorbak Dark Brethren
+Power Fist (Dark Martyr)
+Artificer Armour (Dark Martyr)
+Dedicated Transport: Legion Drop Pod
Total: 275 points


Gal Vorbak Dark Brethren
+Power Fist (Dark Martyr)
+Artificer Armour (Dark Martyr)
+Dedicated Transport: Legion Drop Pod
Total: 275 points


Gal Vorbak Dark Brethren
+Power Fist (Dark Martyr)
+Artificer Armour (Dark Martyr)
+Dedicated Transport: Legion Drop Pod
Total: 275 points


List Total: 2000 points


And actually here's a second version of ostensibly the same list, this time with Lorgar and friends.

HQ - 380 points

Zardu Layak, the Crimson Apostle
+Anakatis Kul Blade-slaves
Total: 275 points

Legion Centurion
+Consul: Chaplain
+Artificer Armour
+Refractor Field
Total: 105 points

Troops - 1060 points

Gal Vorbak Dark Brethren
+Power Fist (Dark Martyr)
+Dedicated Transport: Legion Drop Pod
Total: 265 points


Gal Vorbak Dark Brethren
+Power Fist (Dark Martyr)
+Dedicated Transport: Legion Drop Pod
Total: 265 points

Gal Vorbak Dark Brethren
+Power Fist (Dark Martyr)
+Dedicated Transport: Legion Drop Pod
Total: 265 points


Gal Vorbak Dark Brethren
+Power Fist (Dark Martyr)
+Dedicated Transport: Legion Drop Pod
Total: 265 points

Fast Attack - 100 points


Anvillus Pattern Dreadclaw Drop Pod

Lord of War - 450 points

Lorgar, Primarch of the Word Bearers
+Lorgar Transfigured
Total: 450 points


List Total: 1990 points


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From Retribution:


"All infantry units in the army must deploy via a Deep Striking Drop Pod, by teleportation if such an option is available or transported inside a Flyer that has sufficient Transport capacity to carry them."


Jump infantry count as infantry, to the best of my knowledge, but do bikes count as infantry? I would imagine that if one 'equips' the characters and the Command Squad with bikes that would change their unit type, no? Certainly Legion Outriders don't seem to be counted as infantry. I'll swap them out for something else if I'm mistaken, or else just use the second variant of the list.

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No your right bikes are not infantry there unit type is bike so that all good


As for your second list you need a second drop pod for your cent and Lorgar as Zardu and his blade slaves are Demons as so no other unit can join them if they don't have the Demon rule and off memory Lorgar not a demon neither your Chaplin.


Other then that I advices a bit of ranged AT.

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Isn't the prohibition against joining Daemons only for units with the Daemonic Instability rule? For example, normally it's not possible to have Chaos Space Marine characters in 40k join units from Codex: Chaos Daemons because of Daemonic Instability, but when the latter rule was removed from the Daemon units in Khorne Daemonkin they were/are able to join one another without issue.


A perennial favourite of KDK players is putting a Chaos Lord on a Juggernaut into a big blob of Flesh Hounds, for example.


If I'm not mistaken all the "Daemon" rule does on its own, as opposed to Daemonic Instability or Daemon of Tzeentch, Daemon of Nurgle etc. is give the model Fear and a 5++ save.

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  • 2 weeks later...

That's a fair criticism.


Honestly, my intention is to go for tabling my opponent, or getting as near to it as possible, over playing to the objectives, but once I have some more practical exposure to what this army can do I can always swap out Lorgar for some Tactical or Support squads if that proves to be necessary. My past experience with Gal Vorbak is that they get work done, however. A few months ago I played a 2k points game where Kor Phaeron and ten Gal Vorbak essentially swept the entire left flank of the table on their own. Granted Kor Phaeron did roll Endurance, so that certainly helped.

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  • 1 month later...

Bikes do not follow the rules/restrictions placed on Infantry. Jump Infantry do. This is very clear in the rules:


Unlike most other unit type categories, 'Jump' is not a classification in and of itself. Instead, you'll find it occurs before another category - commonly Infantry, sometimes Monsterous Creatures, and perhaps, rarely, other things. Jump units therefore share two sets of rules, the Jump unit rules, and those of their base types. Jump Infantry would, for example, follow the rules for Jump units and Infantry.


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