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3k Night Lords Terror Assault


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Hey Guys,


I was thinking about this list and was hoping for some advice. Its been ages since I last played so I am not too sure what the meta is now or how good a night lords list will do. It will also be played against alot of 40k armies too.









(Might drop this guy, but he seems pretty night lords themed)




10 Termies 

 - 8 Volkite Chargers

 - 2 Auto-Cannons

 - 2 Chain Fists

 - Deep Striking thing


3 Cortus Dreads

 - Chain Fist (On all)

 - 2 Grav guns (On all)

 - Drop Pod (On all)




9 Terror Marines (Sevatar Goes here)

 - Volkite Chargers

 - Drop Pod


10 Terror Marines

 - Volkite Chargers

 - Drop Pod


10 Terror Marines

 - Volkite Chargers

 - Drop Pod



Fast Attack

10 Night Raptors (Konrad goes here)


3 Javalin Speeders

 - 2 Hunter-Killer Missiles




Raptor Gunship

Reaper Battery



My real worried is anti-tank


I also want to keep it a fun fluffy list, something that is mobile, adaptive and can talk part in all the phases (moving, shooting, assault)

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Hi bud. Sev can't go with terror squad as he doesn't have infiltrate. (even tho there drop podding in) and the dreads are 3 separate elite choices if have drop pods fyi.

Sev doesn't bring much to this list or the vig at the moment. The vig can go with a terror squad tho!

What are the javs armed with. Mm and Las will solve the antitank bit. And give the Srgs all meltabombs.

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You can only have one HS slot with Terror Assault you currently have two, Fire raptor and reaper battery. I presume you are running TA as you have terror squads in your troop slots?

The Reaper Battery is a Fire Raptor Upgrade, yo.

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Hi bud. Sev can't go with terror squad as he doesn't have infiltrate. (even tho there drop podding in) and the dreads are 3 separate elite choices if have drop pods fyi.




doesnt matter so much as he has the elite slots to play with. but the Sev part is true if going RAW until it "may" be in a  FAQ


Anti armor is always going to be a issue with terror assault lists but you have done the best you can with it.

whilen the raptor is the fluffy choice if you wanted a better AA option you may find it better off with something like 3x vindi destroyers.

but i understand why the raptor

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You can only have one HS slot with Terror Assault you currently have two, Fire raptor and reaper battery. I presume you are running TA as you have terror squads in your troop slots?

The Reaper Battery is a Fire Raptor Upgrade, yo.


Doh! my bad I was thinking it was the quad mortar

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