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Feeling Old and Grey


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Greetings one and all!
So, a couple of months ago a friend of mine unearthed his old 40K collection... In order to (1) free up space in his new house, (2) keep his wife happy, and (3) not get sucked back into the hobby, he surreptitiously snuck his collection into my hobby room and waited to see how long it would take to find it! Find it I did, and although it adds to the piles I already have to paint, a nice collection of 2nd Edition marines is a fun little gift to receive!
For the most part, the collection consisted of the push-fit 2nd Edition Starter marines, however there were a few gems flushing out the collection - Ragnar Blackmane, Ulrik the Slayer, Bjorn Fell Hand, a full squad of Long Fangs, and some Wolf Guard Terminators to name but a few.  Add those to the handful of "Strike Force" marines I had kicking about, and I now have quite a few Space Wolves to play with...
See what you think of the start I've made on the project so far...









First Half of a Blood Claw Pack







And Individually....

Hidden Content















Apologies for the dark and blurry photos - I'll try and take better ones for next time around.


As you can see, I used the new Upgrade Packs to make them a little wolfy - otherwise they're just grey marines (as anyone familiar with that era can attest to).  It's funny how you forget just how little detail these had on them - I know they're the step between RT and what we're familiar with today, but MAN, were they generic!!!!!


Anyway - more to come soon.  


As always,  Comments and criticism are very welcome.






(Edited for better pics)

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Good old times. Always great to see somebody giving old models some TLC and doing it well too.


I feel your pictures don't do justice to your paint job. I'm struggling to tell what exactly you had to do, but I'm sure somebody in here can help out.


I'm certainly looking forward to seeing more of these. 

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And we're back!


Thanks for the comments and the "likes" folks - I appreciate it!


@Brother Kortmer - Thanks mate - Hopefully the new pics above give a better idea of the paint job.


For the most part - other than stripping an ungodly amount of grey automobile primer paint from them (a full 2 months in Simple Green) - the paint job is my normal Space Wolf Grey. I intended them to fit in from a distance, but be just a little different on closer inspection. Especially as I have a revamp Ragnar's Company in the works...


So... onward to other grey things!


For your viewing pleasure today, I have some new? old? Long Fangs. See what you think!


Long Fangs









And Individually...


Hidden Content












Relatively happy with how they turned out. I need to do some muzzle drilling -which I'm not looking forward to since most of the guns are metal... and my bare faces need some work... but...


As always, comments and criticism are welcome..





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And we're back!


So, looking at the expanded pics above, I'm reminded about just how much you miss looking at them from arms length. They're definitely tabletop quality. Oh well.


Anyways - for today's installment we have the first half of a Grey Hunter pack. See what you think...


Grey Hunters









And individually...



Again, the close ups leave a little to be desired, but on the whole, for tabletop quality, I'm ok with them.


As always, comments and criticism are welcome.





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Looks like Olis beat me to it! rolleyes.gif

Other than that slight nit-pick, great work. Good to see wolves looking gray and not suspiciously blue. Loving the weathering and a nice shade on that yellow too. Whats next in the magical mystery box?


Graymane :)

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Thanks for the comments guys!

@Olis - Yeah - I have to put my hand up and say I am terrible at drilling bolters... I will endeavor to fix them before I post a final Army pic. Appreciate the comments and the compliment though,

@Graymane - Hah! Yeah - despite coming from the late '80s, powder blue tuxedos were never a good thing. These pics actually make them bluer than IRL - which is still bluer than I had intended them to be... Never happy I guess msn-wink.gif Thanks for the comment and the compliments though - I appreciate it!

So... Are we sitting comfortably? Because I have the next installment ready. Today is a two-fer... Some Terminators and an old Bjorn!!! See what you think...

Terminator Squad




And individually...

Hidden Content






And Bjorn Fellhanded...





The sharp-eyed among you will notice I didn't drill the bolters - or even make the nod toward it by putting a black dot to resemble a muzzle... I'll get it done, I promise.

I'm not particularly happy about the way the gold on Bjorn's casket came out... that is partially the pics, but mostly I'm just not happy with the blending. I may revisit it.

I had thought about putting pack markings onto the power fists, but bottled it at the last minute. My second squad has one RT set of markings, but newer Wolf Guard Pack markings might be more suitable.*

I think the transfers I used blended in quite nicely, so I'm ok with that... and I'm sure that there's another few bits and bobs, but its good enough for government work.

That's all for now. As always, comments and criticism are welcome.



* - On that note, there was some GW artwork of terminator armour that came out in an article published near the RT Era box release (Issue .. what? 135-ish probably? And republished in the Compendium I think) that I'm struggling to find on-line. The article had, amongst others, pics of the 4 major chapters from that time, and included a Space Wolf Terminator showing some markings on his power fist. The ">contemporaneous Dark Angel is easy to find, but the Ultra and the Wolf elude me. If anyone can help me out, I'd appreciate it!

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* - On that note, there was some GW artwork of terminator armour that came out in an article published near the RT Era box release (Issue .. what? 135-ish probably? And republished in the Compendium I think) that I'm struggling to find on-line. The article had, amongst others, pics of the 4 major chapters from that time, and included a Space Wolf Terminator showing some markings on his power fist. The ">contemporaneous Dark Angel is easy to find, but the Ultra and the Wolf elude me. If anyone can help me out, I'd appreciate it!

Gotcha covered man (although it isn't a Ultra, it's a Crimson Fist and it was WD 112 according to Index Astartes Apocrypha) Apologies for the bad pictures, they were taken on my phone.


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@The Psycho - 112! Seriously?!?!? Wow! I'm older than I thought!


Thank you sir, you are a gentleman and a scholar! I've been looking for that image for a while now, so I appreciate you posting it.


Now I just need to figure out if I have the strength to undertake chequered power fists

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  • 2 weeks later...

And we're back!


@JJD - Thanks mate, I appreciate it! Glad you like them!


So, next up is a couple of Iron Priests... as before, no drilled bolters.  Sorry.  And again, I'm not happy with the close ups, but there you go - just table top, so I'm not griping too much.










I tell you what - as static as these guys are, I love the details on them.  Really enjoyed painting them!.


As always, comments and criticism are welcome.  More to come soon.





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Memories...I just unloaded the SW half of Storm claw set plus a metal scout squad including a Sgt.w/Power fist.I really like the metal stuff even if the sculpt is so-so the models usually got a bit of attitude .Plus Metal!
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