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Iron Hands 2500 list


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Iron Hands 2500 points




Iron Father Autek Mor - 240pts




2x Legion Tactical Squad


9 marines, Vexilla, Sergeant AA, cyber familiar, PF


DT - Rhino, pintle mount MM - 225pts each


Legion Support Squad


4 marines, volkite calivers, Sergeant AA, bolter & augury scanner


DT Rhino, MM pintle mount - 180pts




10 x Gorgon Terminators, 2 xPF 2x CF, Combi weapon on Hammerbearer, cyber familiar


DT Spartan flareshield, AC - 807pts


techmarine, MC bolter, cyber familiar, 1 x servo automata - 67pts




Achilles alpha, blessed autosimilcara, shatter shell, splinter shell - 320pts


Leviathan, grav flux, seige drill, blessed autosimilcara, AC, volkite, DDP - 435pts


total points 2499


Thoughts, advice, what have I got way wrong? I'm not sure about the support squad but there maybe more that needs tweaking to build a solid list.



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I played a 2000pt game yesterday with my IH vs. some IW. He took a 10-man Terminator Squad in a Spartan, much as you have, and they were devastating against the one unit they were able to hit in the game. I would encourage plasma blasters and a handful more combi-weapons, too.


I also took a 10-man Caliver Squad with a Rhino. Due to how deployment turned out, they didn't work for me sadly. They were stranded in a building and got blasted off the board by missiles early on. I don't think 4 Calivers will achieve much. That's 180pts that could get you another 10-man Tactical Squad, or a pair of Quad Guns (I had 3 Graviton Rapiers - Rapiers are great). I'm guessing you want to give Autek Mor's PE skill to this unit? I really think you could find a better choice, but I'm not sure what, without removing large chunks of the list.

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Thanks for taking time to reply I'm a newcomer to HH and more a painter than experienced gamer. Can I take a RoW that gives autosimilcara for free as I have paid the points for the upgrade in the list as it stands? I could drop the tech priest and that plus points autosimilcara can be used to fill out the support squad? So far the only things I have for the list are the Levi plus DDP and some marines but I'm looking at what to buy to complete a viable list.
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Seen as though you have Autek Mor (a complete badass of a character), I would definitely run Head of the Gorgon. And yes, it grants free Blessed Autosimulacra, so you can save a few points there.


Not sure if the Techmarine is worth it. And the Achilles Alpha is a bit of an odd one out. Not sure if it adds much to the list - if it was delivering a plasma Tactical Support Squad to the front lines (an even better target for Mor's PE), it would be awesome. As it stands, it is just a couple of guns that are hard to kill.


Try this on for size:



Iron-Father Autek Mor: Rite of War (The Head of the Gorgon); Cyber-familiar 240



10 Tactical Space Marines: Tactical Sergeant (artificer armour; power fist; melta bombs); 9 Tactical Space Marines; legion vexilla 165

Rhino: dozer blade; pintle-mounted multi-melta 55

10 Tactical Space Marines: Tactical Sergeant (artificer armour; power fist; melta bombs); 9 Tactical Space Marines; legion vexilla 165

Rhino: dozer blade; pintle-mounted multi-melta 55

8 Tactical Support Marines: Tactical Support Sergeant (artificer armour; remove plasma gun; combi-plasma); 7 Tactical Support Marines; plasma guns 260

Land Raider Proteus: hull-mounted twin-linked lascannon; dozer blade; armoured ceramite; pintle-mounted multi-melta; explorator augury web 300



10 Gorgon Terminators: Gorgon Hammerbearer (Cyber-familiar); 9 Gorgon Terminators; 5 × power axe; 4 × chainfist 425

Spartan Assault Tank: armoured ceramite; flare shield; dozer blade 375



Leviathan Pattern Siege Dreadnought Talon

Leviathan Pattern Siege Dreadnought: Leviathan siege drill; grav-flux bombard; 2 × torso-mounted twin-linked volkite calivers; armoured ceramite; phosphex discharger 340

Dreadnought Drop Pod


2,480 points


Proteus Scouts forward, meaning it can unload the Tactical Support Squad and plasma something to death. It has 3 TL lascannon and a Machine Spirit multi-melta, so it dishes out some firepower too. Gorgons and Mor do what they do best. Leviathan drops in and wrecks face (though I'd take a melta lance with the siege drill for more anti-tank personally). All vehicles have dozer blades (super important) and free BA. Still has 20 points to play with too. :)

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Thanks that looks a more cohesive list than my effort. I have the Levi magnetized but only with the option of switching claw for a drill and grav, melta or cannon on the other arm. I couldn't figure a way with the kit to have shooting options on both arms while still allowing CC weapon swaps.

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I also like it, but I have a quick question regarding this unit. Why would you replace the sergeants flamer with a combi-weapon rather than a whole plasma gun? I guess it saves 15 points... but I just wanted to check. If you're gonna do that, why not take the Augury Scanner instead, just in case?


8 Tactical Support Marines: Tactical Support Sergeant (artificer armour; remove plasma gun; combi-plasma); 7 Tactical Support Marines; plasma guns 260

Land Raider Proteus: hull-mounted twin-linked lascannon; dozer blade; armoured ceramite; pintle-mounted multi-melta; explorator augury web 300

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Yeah, it's simply to save 15 points. He'll fire the combi-plasma and then tank wounds with his artificer armour. Works a real treat as you often won't get another volley of plasma (unless your opponent is asleep at the wheel).
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I also like it, but I have a quick question regarding this unit. Why would you replace the sergeants flamer with a combi-weapon rather than a whole plasma gun? I guess it saves 15 points... but I just wanted to check. If you're gonna do that, why not take the Augury Scanner instead, just in case?


8 Tactical Support Marines: Tactical Support Sergeant (artificer armour; remove plasma gun; combi-plasma); 7 Tactical Support Marines; plasma guns 260

Land Raider Proteus: hull-mounted twin-linked lascannon; dozer blade; armoured ceramite; pintle-mounted multi-melta; explorator augury web 300


In a support squad, the Sgt's main job is a meatshield, so the free combi-plasma is adequate.  An apothecary is a worthwhile additionan and can carry the augury scanner.  A 300-point land raider is a bit of a crazy transport choice, though.

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I also like it, but I have a quick question regarding this unit. Why would you replace the sergeants flamer with a combi-weapon rather than a whole plasma gun? I guess it saves 15 points... but I just wanted to check. If you're gonna do that, why not take the Augury Scanner instead, just in case?


8 Tactical Support Marines: Tactical Support Sergeant (artificer armour; remove plasma gun; combi-plasma); 7 Tactical Support Marines; plasma guns 260

Land Raider Proteus: hull-mounted twin-linked lascannon; dozer blade; armoured ceramite; pintle-mounted multi-melta; explorator augury web 300


In a support squad, the Sgt's main job is a meatshield, so the free combi-plasma is adequate.  An apothecary is a worthwhile additionan and can carry the augury scanner.  A 300-point land raider is a bit of a crazy transport choice, though.


What would you take rather than the LR, a Rhino and put points elsewhere?

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I mean it depends on what you want to do. My Alpha Legion Seekers and Support Squads usually need infiltrate and scout to get first turn alpha attacks. Infiltrate is not so much for the extra distance but rather deploying first telegraphs your attack in a big way. Infiltrate lets you go after targets you want rather than what your opponent presents you. And if you outflank you get that from the Rite so could do it with a Rhino (which would save enough points for a smaller meltagun support squad with another Rhino).


I do like the reserve negatives of the array though, and there is nothing wrong with a scouting land raider with ceramite. Wish it could take flamestorm though.

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