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DA 2500pts Ironwing

Lord Asvaldir

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Just playing around with some lists ideas and trying to make Dark Angels work, I'm very tempted to start them as my second legion but don't want to make the dive in without a solid list idea. 



cataphractii terminator armor, paragon blade, digital lasers


ten man tactical squad

sarg with artificer armor, rhino DT


ten man tactical squad

sarg with artificer armor, rhino DT


eight man terminator squad

sarg with combi grenade launcher, stasis shells and chainfist, 1x chainfist, 1x plasma blaster, 6x power fists, 1x combi grenade launcher with stasis shells

Spartan DT with flare shield, armored ceramite and auxiliary drive


ten man veteran squad

sarg with artificer armor and power fist, 2x heavy bolters with acid shells, rhino DT with pintle mounted multi melta, marksmen tactics 


ten man veteran squad
sarg with artificer armor and power fist, 2x heavy bolters with acid shells, rhino DT with pintle mounted multi melta, marksmen tactics


sicaran battle tank

lascannons, auxiliary drive


sicaran battle tank

lascannons, auxiliary drive


vindicator siege tank squadron

vindicator with laser destroyer array and machine spirit

vindicator with laser destroyer array  

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Battlescribe shows this list at 2529 points for me:


Praetor 170

Tac Squad in Rhino 170

Tac Squad in Rhino 170

Terminator Squad 344

Spartan 390

Vet Squad in Rhino 285

Vet Squad in Rhino 285

Sicaran 215

Sicaran 215

Vindicator Squadron 285


Are you using the newest red book?


If you drop one Sicaran and swap the Praetor to a Terranic Greatsword then you can afford another Las Destroyer Vindi with Command Tank and Machine Spirit. If all 3 Vindicators shoot overcharged at the same target you've got 9 S9 AP1 BS5 Twin-linked Ordnance Tank/Monster Hunter Shots.


I'd also consider the Seekers over the Veterans. I don't have any experience with them, but on paper they look like a pretty solid use of the Exterminator rule for Ironwing - particularly if your meta has any hordes of 4+ or 6+ armor guys.

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Battlescribe shows this list at 2529 points for me:



Ya I'm definetly over a few points, have to figure out what to change. 


I forgot vindicators can take a command tank in squadrons of three, I'll definetly make that change since that's too good to pass up on. Deredeo with the lascannons would be very good, but I feel like the three vindicators brings enough really strong anti tank firepower. 


I might swap out a veteran squad for some seekers, they certainly would shine with this rite. 


Terranic greatsword seems cool, but for a preator meant to chill with some terminators and go after +2 armor targets, it doesn't seem like a good choice. The lack of ap2 just sucks. Now on a centurion I'd take one, just not a preator. I'll swap out the sicaran though for that third laser vindicator. 


Thanks for the replies guys. 

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