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With all the furious building I've been doing recently I really feel I have to start the obligatory plog.

I've only got 2 models fully painted so far but most of the rest of the army built.

I'm open to any comments/suggestions on my conversions, painting and army building. Always looking to improve.

Here's what I've got painted so far.

Cyclone Terminator

Corvus Blackstar

Edited by henrywalker
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Someone has been watching Duncans video on how to paint the Corvus Black star :) I like this. 

The window effect is great and easy as Duncan describes it. Gives the model a nice feel. 


I would however suggest that you chip some paint of the red areas too, as there is weathering effects all over the aircraft. 

Now for the long post. Here's all my recently built stuff all ready to be painted.

Strategium Command Squad Artemis

9 veterans led by a chaplain. Joined by Artemis and a grenade wielding inquisitor all nice and cozy in a Corvus.

Furor Kill Team of many dakkas

Aww. Poor little troops. 5 assault cannons. 4 frag cannons and a sergeant with auspex

Sniper Kill Team

Full squad of stalker bolt guns. Probably will spend a lot of time in my bastion.

Termie Devestators


Once my last two cyclones come in the mail this will be a full (and ill advised) squad of 5


Well I had to do something with those cresty helmets. I do like power lances though

Inquisitorial Command Tank

This will be my inquisitors colour scheme to contrast the deathwatch.

Kill Team Jumpy-Smashy

Name pretty much says it all

Watch Ancients.

I like the inquisitorish look from the smoke stacks a lot and I've got both arms swappable for different weapons

Dakka Dreads


Two riflemen and a contemptor Mortis. Sorry for the fuzziness. I'll work on my depth of field

The Mighty Gnats

I figure these will mostly be jumping around in 1s and 2s just to be irritating.

Melta Squad

Classic sternguardy tactics. I'll probably have a squad of melta termies too which can be seperate or join this lot as a kill team.

And Finally! The Watch Commander with his squad of grizzled veterans and his pimped out Landraider Excelsior.



Edited by henrywalker

Someone has been watching Duncans video on how to paint the Corvus Black star smile.png I like this.

The window effect is great and easy as Duncan describes it. Gives the model a nice feel.

I would however suggest that you chip some paint of the red areas too, as there is weathering effects all over the aircraft.

Yup! one of their better paint guides. I will be doing the red but i'd like to do chips of black with silver on top rather than just the silver and thats more time consuming than i want to bother with right now. It will be one of the any finishing touches as the army nears completion

Nice massive force there.

One note though.


There is a FAQ where it says only members of the same faction/codex can join a transport from the start. They can however join later.

So your inquisitor can't join the Corvus as it is.

I wanted to do this myself :(

Nice massive force there.

One note though.

There is a FAQ where it says only members of the same faction/codex can join a transport from the start. They can however join later.

So your inquisitor can't join the Corvus as it is.

I wanted to do this myself :(

Crap. I was going to have one in the land raider excelsior too. Makes so much sense both for fluff and gameplay.


Ah well. Hopefully friendly games won't mind and I'll come up with another plan for proper games

Yah my thoughts exactly.

At least an inquisitor should have authority to join.


But the land raider could still work. Just deploy him behind at the start of the game and on your first movement phase move him in. Then it's legal.

But you can't deploy in the same turn just as a note.

Yah my thoughts exactly.

At least an inquisitor should have authority to join.


But the land raider could still work. Just deploy him behind at the start of the game and on your first movement phase move him in. Then it's legal.

But you can't deploy in the same turn just as a note.

Some of their shoulder pads kind of disappear into their torso which makes it harder. But it's not too bad. Just hack away with clippers.


If memory serves Leon is the assault cannon guy right? He was quite easy. Actually his little round tilt plate thing survived the clipping and goes over the deathwatch pad neatly.

Finished painting my Kheres Contemptor Dread. I did it quickly using all the dirty tricks i know (including metallic sharpies for the gold and silver and even a grey colouring pencil for some of the highlights)

Considering all that I'm quite pleased how he came out.

Also given how much enemy versions of these bastards have annoyed me in the past i'm glad to finally be having one of my own to dakka my foes into the ground. x)



All "dirty" tricks are allowed, as long as the result in the end is a finished model that looks ready to kick some behinds. And I think this fella is about to swing his left foot right up some green skins teeth.

Haha. Thanks.


Im using nids for my various squished and stabbed gribbly corpses but I am tempted to have a ripper or genestealer getting kicked in the arse. Good idea!

Here is Kill Team Excelsior. They are still missing their inquisitor but otherwise all painted and ready to play.


Here are the squad members individually.



Since taking the picture I've gone back and cleaned him p a lot, wasn't very happy with the outcome


Black Shield with twin lightning claws


Shotgun Vet


Vet with Combi-Flamer & Power Sword


Vet with Power Sword & Storm Shield


Vet with Infernus Heavy Bolter. Mainly put him in because I couldn't stand to not use one somewhere.


Sergeant with shotgun and xenophase blade (WHY does the kit only have shotguns with sculpted on hands!!!?)


Watch Master


Vet with power sword and combi-flamer. (i do love that sword from the grey knights box)


Lets be honest most of these need another go over to catch some missing details and clean some stuff and I will get around to doing that I promise.

For now though I'm distracted painting their ride, the "oh so bitchin'" Landraider Excelsior

More on that soon

A new addition.

I bought the blood angels jump pack Chaplain to ride along with some vanguard as a deathwatch Chaplain. .


Of course I'd forgotten our chaplains don't get jump packs.

So instead I'll be taking him as a dark angels interrogator Chaplain.

Still looks cool though


Edited by henrywalker
  • 2 weeks later...

After finally working out how to get more termie deathwatch shoulder pads (managed to cheat and convert some grey knight ones) I've got all my termies built.


Kill Team Boom


Kill Team Dakka


Kill Team Bitch Slap (all with built in meltas)


Kill Team BBQ


Wow thats a lot of terminators :D

How you play tested them yet? I am having a hard time find a good use for them. 


But... one thing I must comment on, and something that pains my eyes and heart. The mould lines... the mould lines :D Please exterminate them. Your excellent conversions don't deserve to be treated with (xenon) filth :)


Anyhow, looking at your other minis, I think it will come soon. 


Keep it up mate.!

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