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Raven guard 3k list


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So I have built a 3000 point list.  I have play tested 2700 points of it but want to get some opinions about what you guys run in your lists and how you think my list will fair against other legions.


Legion Centurion (105pts) [Artificer Armour, Refractor Field] [Vigilator]

Legion Praetor (200pts), Artificer Armour, Digital Lasers, Iron Halo, Jump Pack, Melta Bombs, Pair of Raven's Talons]

Strike Captain Alvarex Maun (415pts) [Darkwing Storm Eagle]


Legion Tactical Squad (160pts) [9x Legion Tactical Space Marines, Legion Vexilla]
Sergeant [Artificer Armour, Lightning Claw]

Legion Tactical Squad (160pts) [9x Legion Tactical Space Marines, Legion Vexilla]
Sergeant [Artificer Armour, Lightning Claw]

Legion Tactical Support Squad (220pts) [Legion Drop Pod, 4x Legion Space Marines, Plasma Guns]
Sergeant [Artificer Armour]

Legion Tactical Support Squad (220pts) [Legion Drop Pod, 4x Legion Space Marines, Melta Guns]
Sergeant [Artificer Armour]

+ Elites
Apothecarion Detachment (70pts)
Apothecary [Jump Pack, Power Sword]

Contemptor Dreadnought [Multi-Melta](175pts)

Legion Veteran Tactical Squad (220pts) [2x Flamer, 9x Legion Veteran Space Marines, Legion Vexilla, Marksmen]
Sergeant [Artificer Armour, Infravisor, Power Fist]

+ Fast Attack
Dark Fury Assault Squad (175pts) [4x Dark Fury]

Legion Outrider Squad (200pts) [3x Legion Space Marine Outrider, Twin-linked Plasma Gun]
Sergeant [Melta Bombs, Single Lightning Claw]

Legion Outrider Squad (230pts) [6x Legion Space Marine Outrider, 2x Power Weapon]
Sergeant [single Lightning Claw]

+ Lord of War

Corvus Corax (450pts) [Primarch]
····Master of the Legion [Decapitation Strike]


Okay so the apothecary and praetor run with the dark fury

Maun goes in the darkwing storm eagle to grant a 36" deep strike bubble

The vigilator runs with the vets who can possibly join maun in the darkwing or infiltrate with their rending flamers.

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You are spending a lot of points on HQ, 895pts including Corax, and that just doesn't seem a very good investment given how only two out of nine of your units aren't minimum sized squads. I have never had a good run with Vigilators so I feel too biased to give an opinion on them but you seem to only be using Maun for his garage which if you swap the veterans out for Mor Deythan you won't need. I also don't see the place your Praetor has.


 I really don't like 10 man walking tactical squads. With the amount of ap 3 going around you might as well just give your opponent the victory points. Rhino's will protect you from atleast one round of fire and help with manoeuvrability and Line of Sight gimping. Drop Pods give you more of a reason to take Maun but personally aren't worth being off the table turn 1. Although if you have both your tactical squads also in pods you have more flexability when your special weapon guys come down or if you have one you could bring both your special weapon squads down turn one.


The Dark Fury likewise I can't see doing much. 5 men, 7 with attached characters, will shred through basic infantry as well as 10 would but if these guys are the 'decapitation' strike you aren't going to be very successful and Corax needs a unit nearby to work his magic not magic.


As for specific legions: Your anti tank is limited to two twin-linked lascannons, which probably show up turn two, 4 Melta Guns which deep strike, a Multi Melta and two melta bombs. Meaning if they have more than one tank I won't bet on you. With no real way of dealing with spartans basically anyone with a primarch better at fighting than ours, everyone but alpha legion and world bearers, will just walk over you. You also have no anti-air.


I'd try to squish your bike squads together or maybe swap out the dark fury for an assault marine squad. Add in some seekers for the new scorpio rounds and change your plasma guys into more melta guys. Rapier weapon teams with laser destroyer arrays could work because remember you have 4 elite choices. You also have one heavy support which you could use anything from the new jetbike heavy weapon guys to a squadron of vindicators with laser destroyer arrays.

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Thanks for your reply I intend to use the two tactical squads as objective campers so they won't be doing much else.


The vigilator I am still on the fence about, it does seem a lot of points to put into a single model with a bolter.


My dark fury, praetor and apothecary have actually done very well in games. However Corax can do exactly what they can only better.


I am wondering if the bike squads are worth it, they are useful and fast but expensive for 9 t5 power armour guys.

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