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Good CC allies for Guard


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I am new to 40k and have just shy of 1500p, I have a 1850p idea based off of about 10 games played so far. I lack backfield defense for close combat. A deep strike termite squad or tau flames usually ends up wrecking my backfield. I have tried to counter with plasma vets, flamer special weapons squads and plasma scions. I really think I need some CC options and want to ally with some SM. I have been looking at Space Wolves and Blood angels. Please provide some knowledge on me!! My current list:



CCS: all;carapace,cam gear.

Auto team, vox


Pask punisher w/ heavy bolter sponsors and camo

Russ battle tank w/ camouflage

Enginseer w/ servo arm & melta servitors



Inf plat.

PCS w/ auto team, vox


Inf sqd w/ vox, grenade launcher

Inf sqd w/ vox, grenade launcher

Inf sqd w/ vox, flamer

Inf sqd w/ vox, flamer

Inf sqd w/ vox, flamer


Veterans in chimera

w/ 3x melta, carapace


Veterans in chimera

w/ 3x melta, carapace


Veterans in chimera

w/ 3x plasma, carapace



Vanquisher w/ las, cam


Wyvern w/ camo





I'm still about 100p down and really don't have a CC backfield answer.

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I think bang for $ would be some SW blood claws (the jump pack variant whose name escapes me at present). Not too expensive, pretty vicious and mobile. Put a wolf priest or rune priest with minimal extras with them for your HQ and you're set


EDIT: Skyclaws

If you can find the points for it, the voidclaw formation from SW Champions of Fenris would be a good option. 5 termies with dual wolf claws deep striking in first turn, and you get re-rolls on reserves to boot.


It also gives you the first turn grab for initiative in the fight. You can change the momentum that your opponent has simply by dropping a squad of termies into his back line.

Also you don't need to take an HQ, or troops (since skyclaws are a fast attack choice) in an allied detachment. It makes them easier to add, and cheaper overall.

I've personally used an Inquisition CC-oriented warband in a Land Raider with some success. They're certainly a pile of fun and pack a pretty good punch and can delete most things you point them at, however, they are a bit of a glass hammer (after the charge they will whither pretty quickly).


The leaks regarding new BA formations look pretty decent. Blood Angels Death Company are probably one of your more efficient CC options and the new formation allows them to take a 6" move after deployment that is not a scout move, giving the potential for turn one charges with jump packs (they are just a shade under 5 meltabombs apiece with jump packs). I'm not sure what the requirements for the formation are to guage how expensive this option may be. Getting a bit more expensive, it looks like the BA will also have two other formations that allow charging out of deep strike with terminators or sanguinary guard. You're almost into a BA army territory with those formations though.

If you decide to go with the Space Wolves you have a couple of options available. 


Skyclaws, as mentioned by Hrlof, can be a solid option. They are a fast attack choice though, so you'd have to take an extra squad of bloodclaws if you want to take them in an allied detachment, which can be pricey. Alternatively you could take them in a Company of the great wolf detachment and fill the two compulsory elite slots with two servitors, which would be cheaper points wise. 


The Void Claw formation, as mentioned by Ulrik, makes for a great tool to influence your opponents momentum. They can be absolutely brutal in close combat thanks to their WS5 (kingsguard special rule).


You could also take a Company of the great wolf detachement with a Wolf Guard battle leader, a pack of thunderwolf cavalry and the two servitors. This gives you easy acces to one of the best close combat units in the game and will probably leave enough room for some nice wargear (give the thunderwolves stormshields to make them super resilient!).

Alternately on the Thunderwolf Idea, you could take two Iron Priests on thunderwolves, or just as they are (the old Elites Iron Priests not the new HQ Iron Priest) to ad some extra CC punch, or to have highly mobile repair men, depending on what you want.

Alternately on the Thunderwolf Idea, you could take two Iron Priests on thunderwolves, or just as they are (the old Elites Iron Priests not the new HQ Iron Priest) to ad some extra CC punch, or to have highly mobile repair men, depending on what you want.


This is actually a really good idea. Since GW confirmed that you can mix and match both Iron Priest entries you could field a CotGW with one Iron Priest HQ and two old Iron Priests as the elites, all on thunderwolves. That's a lot of highly mobile S10 running around. Maybe it would be worthwhile to add some cyberwolves to tank wounds. 


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