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Hi! :) So I finally realize just what an insane secondary goal I set for myself after completing my original vow is. I am having a lot of fun building my Deathwatch with all the sweet variations we get, but the pile to paint grows and starts to intimidate.

I felt I was posting too much in the "progress" thread so I started this blog! biggrin.png

All C&C welcome.

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Thank you guys. :)


Next up is a Stalker squad. I really like Prot's build of 4 stalkers, 1 infurnus and 1 CL termi. I like the utility of the squad. I was almost tempted to make it 5 vet stalkers, 2 infurnus, 2 CL termi's and a libbi.  That is a ton of points though. :(


Also my corvus just arrived so I am tempted to build it , but it is getting a lot of negative press lately. Any idea's on a decent build for it?

Thank you guys. smile.png

Next up is a Stalker squad. I really like Prot's build of 4 stalkers, 1 infurnus and 1 CL termi. I like the utility of the squad. I was almost tempted to make it 5 vet stalkers, 2 infurnus, 2 CL termi's and a libbi. That is a ton of points though. sad.png

Also my corvus just arrived so I am tempted to build it , but it is getting a lot of negative press lately. Any idea's on a decent build for it?

It does seem to be my favorite config so far for Stalkers. You just have to have that one game where the Cyclone Termie makes 5-6 saves for the squad and it's hard to give that up. lol

But sometimes when I'm pruning my lists he's the first guy to go and I try to rely on cover or the 3+ save instead.

The Corvus is a -good- flyer. Not great, but good enough for casual play. Don't take my crusty accounts into consideration. The situation here is I'm sometimes playing against very top tier stuff and in those games there's really not a lot this codex can do at that level. So unless you're playing against that meta all the time (which I don't) then I highly recommend it.

I disagree with some of the selling points that others like about it... like the Skyfire I don't like at all. (A Flyrant will beat this thing down every day of the week), but I personally believe in keeping it cheap. The Halo Launcher is all I put on it. It's imho the best of the best wargear for it.

Where I think it conflicts with the codex is there is a very strong sense of Alpha strike in this army. And I've had 2 games in a row where it sat just too long with too many points out of the action. Against WarConvo, Tau, Eldar, Battle Co, etc, the game is basically over. But that's a flyer thing, not a "Corvus" thing. It's also a meta thing. So I would take it. I don't regret using it; I just think you could probably get more mileage for 185 pts out of the codex if you had to. ;)

Plus it's a fantastic model.

Thank you guys. smile.png

Next up is a Stalker squad. I really like Prot's build of 4 stalkers, 1 infurnus and 1 CL termi. I like the utility of the squad. I was almost tempted to make it 5 vet stalkers, 2 infurnus, 2 CL termi's and a libbi. That is a ton of points though. sad.png

Also my corvus just arrived so I am tempted to build it , but it is getting a lot of negative press lately. Any idea's on a decent build for it?

It does seem to be my favorite config so far for Stalkers. You just have to have that one game where the Cyclone Termie makes 5-6 saves for the squad and it's hard to give that up. lol

But sometimes when I'm pruning my lists he's the first guy to go and I try to rely on cover or the 3+ save instead.

The Corvus is a -good- flyer. Not great, but good enough for casual play. Don't take my crusty accounts into consideration. The situation here is I'm sometimes playing against very top tier stuff and in those games there's really not a lot this codex can do at that level. So unless you're playing against that meta all the time (which I don't) then I highly recommend it.

I disagree with some of the selling points that others like about it... like the Skyfire I don't like at all. (A Flyrant will beat this thing down every day of the week), but I personally believe in keeping it cheap. The Halo Launcher is all I put on it. It's imho the best of the best wargear for it.

Where I think it conflicts with the codex is there is a very strong sense of Alpha strike in this army. And I've had 2 games in a row where it sat just too long with too many points out of the action. Against WarConvo, Tau, Eldar, Battle Co, etc, the game is basically over. But that's a flyer thing, not a "Corvus" thing. It's also a meta thing. So I would take it. I don't regret using it; I just think you could probably get more mileage for 185 pts out of the codex if you had to. msn-wink.gif

Plus it's a fantastic model.

Agreed on all points. I think the best way to set it up is the Infernum launcher since it's cheap and you can't take both the launcher and the auspex array (yes, this is a dumb limitation). I like to set mine up with the Blackstar rocket launcher because I find the Stormstrikes run out too quickly and the Corvus is best employed as a horde-clearing unit. Since you can employ both Ignores Cover bombs and rockets, you can flush out pesky campers (especially off of objectives) and the Assault Cannon is just an all-around good weapon. The one thing I'd recommend NOT doing is putting any units in it. You won't get them (best case scenario) until turn 3, and by then your expensive 200+ point Kill Team may be too late to turn the tide.

You guys have mo sold on the Corvus loadout. I really love the model and I am excited to field her. smile.png

Prot, I saw your post with the build "1 chaplain, 7 DW Vetrans (2 Frag Cannons, 3 Shotguns, 2 Combi- Melyas), 1 Terminator w/ THSS".

I like this build a lot. Do you still think its a solid choice?

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