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SoH 2500

Arik Taranis

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Rite of War:

The Long March
Malaghurst The Twisted (140 Points)
5 man Legion Command Squad (140 Points)
Contemptor-Mortis Dreadnought with twin-linked Autocannon, Havoc Launcher and Extra Armour (205 points)
11 Reavers with Power Fist, 2 Flamers, 10 Chainaxes and Jump Packs (310 points)
12 Justaerins with Multi Melta 4 Chainfists, 2 Power Fists, 5 Combi-Weapons, 6 Pair  Lightning Claw (735 points)
10 Veteran Tactical Squad with 2 Plasma Guns (230 points)
10 Veteran Tactical Squad with 2 Heavy Bolter (240 points)
Lord of War:
Horus the Warmaster (500 points)
I realize there is a small number of troops, however the point of this list is to hit hard and fast with the justaerins and reavers whilst using the advantage of long march to move the veterans up with long march and using the mortis to provide AAA and cover fire.
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So played my first game, and well things didn't go to badly. My dreadnought and 9 of the 10 heavy bolters died in the first turn, the command squad lost 2, the plasma vets lost 1. Second turn my Reavers arrived and engaged a 10 man heavy weapon squad tying them up. My command squad lost 2 more men and my plasma vets made it to the other side losing 5 men. Third turn my Horus star arrived and I used precision bombardment, with some good rolls from me and bad rolls from my opponent I managed to kill 17 out of 20 models (2*10 man squads). My Reavers finish killing the heavy weapons and moved on to engage a vet squad (having lost 4). Last turn (due to a lucky roll) my Reavers managed to kill 8 vets but where all killed. My heavy bolters killed 5, and where in turn wiped out. Most impressive however was the Horus star, which ripped apart a land raider, killed 9 Invictarus Suzerains and remus venatnus. End of game my 2 vet squads, dreadnought and reavers where gone my command squad was left with 1 man and my Justaerins lost 4 men. Lost the game but had fun.


Any suggestions on how I should go about improving my force.

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I'd find the points to put my Tac squads in a Rhino if you come up against quad mortars at least they have some protection first turn as quad mortars will flat out remove squads in a turn of shooting. Maybe drop a few of your Justerin as 12 is a lot of eggs in one basket at 2500.

I like to put dozer blades and a MM on my Rhino's to help with mobility and possibly do some damage before they end up popped.

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