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Militia Air Wing - 2500


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So, I'm looking to buy an army out of the box for my birthday and I've come up with a few list options. The first one is a Grenadier list based around a flier theme with some super heavy support. I really like the concept, but I'm not sure how it would play.


+ HQ (180pts) +


Force Commander (180pts) [Planetary Overlord]

····The Muster of Worlds [Abhuman Helots, Survivors of the Dark Age]


+ Troops (960pts) +


Imperialis Militia Grenadier Squad (240pts) [Advanced Weapons, 9x Grenadiers, Laslocks, 2x Special Weapons Grenadier with Plasma Gun, Vexilla]

····Auxilia Arvus Lighter [Twin-linked Autocannon]

····Grenadier Sergeant [Melta Bombs, Power Weapon]


Imperialis Militia Grenadier Squad (240pts) [Advanced Weapons, 9x Grenadiers, Laslocks, 2x Special Weapons Grenadier with Plasma Gun, Vexilla]

····Auxilia Arvus Lighter [Twin-linked Autocannon]

····Grenadier Sergeant [Melta Bombs, Power Weapon]


Imperialis Militia Grenadier Squad (240pts) [Advanced Weapons, 9x Grenadiers, Laslocks, 2x Special Weapons Grenadier with Plasma Gun, Vexilla]

····Auxilia Arvus Lighter [Twin-linked Autocannon]

····Grenadier Sergeant [Melta Bombs, Power Weapon]


Imperialis Militia Grenadier Squad (240pts) [Advanced Weapons, 9x Grenadiers, Laslocks, 2x Special Weapons Grenadier with Plasma Gun, Vexilla]

····Auxilia Arvus Lighter [Twin-linked Autocannon]

····Grenadier Sergeant [Melta Bombs, Power Weapon]


+ Elites (50pts) +


Imperialis Auxilia Medicae Detachment (50pts) [4x Medicae Orderly]


+ Fast Attack (690pts) +


Auxilia Thunderbolt Heavy Fighter (230pts) [Flare Shield, Ground-tracking Auguries]


Auxilia Thunderbolt Heavy Fighter (230pts) [Flare Shield, Ground-tracking Auguries]


Auxilia Thunderbolt Heavy Fighter (230pts) [Flare Shield, Ground-tracking Auguries]


+ Heavy Support (620pts) +


Auxilia Malcador Heavy Tank (310pts) [Armoured Ceramite, Demolisher Siege Cannon, Flare Shield]


Auxilia Malcador Heavy Tank (310pts) [Armoured Ceramite, Demolisher Siege Cannon, Flare Shield]


Any thoughts/suggestions? I'll probably put up an Auxilia and a Legion list as well to compare feedback.

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For starters you're going to need a auxilia tactical command squad maxed out men, and what ever else you want to upgrade them with. Get rid of a thunderbolt and pick up either 2 squads of auxilia lasrifle 20 man blob or 1 20 man blob and 1 10 man veletaris storm section.

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For starters you're going to need a auxilia tactical command squad maxed out men, and what ever else you want to upgrade them with. Get rid of a thunderbolt and pick up either 2 squads of auxilia lasrifle 20 man blob or 1 20 man blob and 1 10 man veletaris storm section.

I appreciate the advice, but this is a Militia list, not a Solar Auxilia list.

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I know you are going for a specific theme, so it's hard to offer advise that doesn't deviate from that.


Arvus lighters are bad. They are expensive, have minimal offensive capability, are easy kill points, and make for terrible transports. They need to make their reserve roll (you have no modifiers) and either function as ghetto drop pods with no vox net or inertial guidance, or come on as fliers which delays disembarking by another turn.


Chimeras would be cheaper, tougher, put out more firepower, start on the board, provide cover for malcadors and have fire slots so your fragile guardsmen don't have to disembark to fire those plasmaguns.

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I know you are going for a specific theme, so it's hard to offer advise that doesn't deviate from that.

Arvus lighters are bad. They are expensive, have minimal offensive capability, are easy kill points, and make for terrible transports. They need to make their reserve roll (you have no modifiers) and either function as ghetto drop pods with no vox net or inertial guidance, or come on as fliers which delays disembarking by another turn.

Chimeras would be cheaper, tougher, put out more firepower, start on the board, provide cover for malcadors and have fire slots so your fragile guardsmen don't have to disembark to fire those plasmaguns.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think Militia can take Chimeras. I'd be open to moving some points around to take a command squad with an Augury Web to help my reserve rolls though.

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My apologies, it seems I'm also getting all the various guard armies confused.


Given your provenances, maybe instead of one or two of those Grenadier squads, you could take miltia infantry squads to bubble-wrap your tanks from Leviathans and other such deep-striking nasties. 50 points for 20 guys in carapace armor is not too shabby.  Then you could take a fortification for your reserve shenanigans.  I don't see what a command squad really brings you, they are fragile and have nowhere to go or hide in this list.

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I'd stick with 10-man Grenadier Squads and put them into Rhinos. You already have advanced weapons and laslocks, which work a treat, and Rhinos can take multi-meltas now! Also, those Medics won't fit into the Arvus Lighters (or the Rhinos, for that matter).


I'd also take less Thunderbolts and mix things up a bit. Maybe some more tanks or artillery?


And the Force Commander needs a squad to hang out with. This is what a Platoon Command Cadre is good for. They can also take a Rhino, for what it's worth.

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Ah then take my advise above and just replace Chimera with Rhino because all the same principles apply. Drop the flare shields from the thunderbolts because it's hard to position fliers to avoid side-shots so it's not even worth the effort. That should save enough points for two bubble wrap squads without having to drop any vets.
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I'd stick with 10-man Grenadier Squads and put them into Rhinos. You already have advanced weapons and laslocks, which work a treat, and Rhinos can take multi-meltas now! Also, those Medics won't fit into the Arvus Lighters (or the Rhinos, for that matter).

I'd also take less Thunderbolts and mix things up a bit. Maybe some more tanks or artillery?

And the Force Commander needs a squad to hang out with. This is what a Platoon Command Cadre is good for. They can also take a Rhino, for what it's worth.

I might be wrong, but I believe the Lighters have a 12-man carrying capacity - so each squad could have its Medic and one would house the Commander - who is mainly there for the Provenances and to give me Hatred from the WL Trait when he inevitably bites it.


The lighters and all the thunderbolts are there because I liked the fluff idea of an orbital flight wing as an army. You're likely right that Rhinos are a better and cheaper transport, but it kind of wrecks the theme :)


Ah then take my advise above and just replace Chimera with Rhino because all the same principles apply. Drop the flare shields from the thunderbolts because it's hard to position fliers to avoid side-shots so it's not even worth the effort. That should save enough points for two bubble wrap squads without having to drop any vets.

You make a good point on the flare shields, I probably can use those points somewhere else. I'll have to look and see what I can get for them.


I appreciate all the feedback so far!

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