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Iron Warriors 3k - Just starting on 30k


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Hi there. have been clearing out and seeing what i had already built/ already bought, and wanted to build a force based just off of that, with minimal purchases required.

wondered if i could get some advice on my list that ive managed to put together with what i have to hand.


Caveat: I havent played a game for at least 5 years, and then it was only a couple. mostly i haven't played since early 4th edition



Erasmus Golg - 175pts


Master of Signal: Volkite Serpenta, Power Weapon, Artificer Armour


Navigator: Cyber Familiar - 65pts



Legion Tactical Squad: 19x tac, sergeant with melta bombs, power weapon, artificer armour - 260pts


Legion Tactical Squad: 9x Tac, Sergeant with melta bombs, power weapon, artificer armour, Rhino - 195pts


Legion Tactical Squad: 9x Tac, Sergeant with melta bombs, power weapon, artificer armour, Rhino - 195pts



Contemptor Mortis: Kheres assault cannons - 180pts


Contemptor Mortis: Kheres assault cannons - 180pts



Legion Heavy Support Squad: 10x Volkite Culverin, sergeant with Artificer Armour, Augury Scanner - 350pts


Legion Predator Strike Squad: 3x predator with lascannon sponsobs


Tyrant Siege Terminators: 8x terminators - 445pts



Questoris Knight Crusader: Occular Augmetics, melta gun, Iron stom missile pod - 480pts.


Unless i miss my guess that is 3000pts on the nose. still have 20x tac marines unassembled that i plan to make into breacher squads, 3x conversions to make to make affordable rapiers (Probs as mortars) and a Sicarian. I also have 9x Thallax tucked away. Future purchases will be an iron havoc squad, and some iron circle, unless the Titan Guard prove to be a tempting list in which case i will be going with mechanicum allies.


What do people think though?

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Why are you taking Golg if you aren't using Terminators as troops? You would be better off just taking a Siege breaker with a boarding shield and chicking him in the Siege Tyrants.


At 3k you are going to have significant problems with armour. As you can only engage anything more significantly armoured than a rhino with about 3 guns.

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hello again. thank you for the replies. taking your advice into account, and some things gleaned from about 100 hours of video battle reports, i have made some changes to the list.



Legion Delegatus: Cataphractii armour, master of the legion (Pride of the legion), Chainfist - 110pts


Master Of Signal: Artificer armour, refractor field,  - 115pts



Legion Veteran Tac Squad: 9 x tac, Sergeant w. artificer armour, Power Weapon. Melta Bombs, 2x Melta gun, Rhino - 270pts


Legion Veteran Tac Squad: 9 x tac, Sergeant w. artificer armour, Power Weapon. Melta Bombs, 2x Melta gun, Rhino - 270pts



Contemptor Mortis: Kheres Assault Cannons - 180pts


Contemptor Mortis: Kheres Assault Cannons - 180pts


Quad Mortar Support Battery: 3x rapier, Shatter Shells - 210pts



Iron Havocs: 8x Havocs, Havoc sergeant w. Artificer Armour, 9x Lascannon - 430pts


Predator Strike Squadron: 3x predators w. lascannon sponsons - 345pts


Tyrant Siege Terminators: 6x Terminators, Siege master, 3x chainfist - 410pts



(War machine detatchment) Questoris Knight Crusader: Ironstorm, occular Augmetics, 1x meltagun - 480pts


TOTAL - 3000pts.


Hopefully this gives me a little more target saturation, though i realise i am now quite lacking in actual bodies. i did consider taking a Stormlord and packing it with 40 tacticals for a firebase that could spit out ludicrous ammounts of lead every turn, but it would first mean buying one, and id honestly prefer a stormblade

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Since you are running a Delegatus, I would consider running his Rite instead, and instead of taking the Questoris knight as a LOW take a pair as allies or not at all.


Problem with pride and only 2 power-armored veteran units, is those units will be targeted first as your only scoring units and the fact that each gives up 3 VPs effectively (1 kill point for each unit, 1 for each rhino, 2 for losing all your veterans).

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Quad mortar price doesnt look right. 3 with phosphex is 180. i thought shatter was cheaper. dont have my book with me though.


your knight is chewing up soooo many points. personally would prefer a typhon. its fluffy for iron warriors plus its cheaper and puts out an equal amount of hurt

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Quad mortar price doesnt look right. 3 with phosphex is 180. i thought shatter was cheaper. dont have my book with me though.


your knight is chewing up soooo many points. personally would prefer a typhon. its fluffy for iron warriors plus its cheaper and puts out an equal amount of hurt

3 with frag is 180. Phosphex is 240.
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Can't take a LoW with a Delegatus off the top of my head. I would consider dropping the Preds, normal battle tanks are pretty meh. 

Think that is only when using the Delegatus Rite of War isn't it?

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Firstly, you cannot take multiple models who have the "must be Warlord" rule, except for Primarchs, who override this and are ALWAYS the Warlord.


If you take a Delegatus, he must be Warlord (due to the Rite of Command special rule). The rules for the Rite of War "Chosen Duty" also stipulate that the Delegatus must be the Warlord in order to run it. Given the Primarch is always Warlord, you can't run it with a Primarch.


Finally, if you have a Delegatus, you cannot take a Praetor or a Lord of War if he is the Warlord.


What this all means is you can't ever take a Delegatus and a Praetor in the same army. However, you can take a Delegatus and a Primarch in the same army, but not whilst running "Chosen Duty".

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi. Been looking through the rules regarding the Delagtus and the only mention i can see of him not being able to take a lord of war is in the limitations of the Chosen Duty rite of war.

Otherwise as long as there isnt a praetor around it should be fine (as i dont really like chosen duty)


However, good news is that i played my first game in years yesterday using the above list (with one or two slight alterations to get flare shields on the preds) and decimated my opponent. Mind you he brought infantry and flyer heavy astra militarum against me...so a rout should have been expected (and before anyone says about 30k vs. 40k, we know. But we were the only people without an opponent so we winged it)

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Hi. Been looking through the rules regarding the Delagtus and the only mention i can see of him not being able to take a lord of war is in the limitations of the Chosen Duty rite of war.

Otherwise as long as there isnt a praetor around it should be fine (as i dont really like chosen duty)

Posted this previously, so copying it here:


Firstly, you cannot take multiple models who have the "must be Warlord" rule, except for Primarchs, who override this and are ALWAYS the Warlord.


If you take a Delegatus, he must be Warlord (due to the Rite of Command special rule). The rules for the Rite of War "Chosen Duty" also stipulate that the Delegatus must be the Warlord in order to run it. Given the Primarch is always Warlord, you can't run it with a Primarch.


Finally, if you have a Delegatus, you cannot take a Praetor or a Lord of War if he is the Warlord.


What this all means is you can't ever take a Delegatus and a Praetor in the same army. However, you can take a Delegatus and a Primarch in the same army, but not whilst running "Chosen Duty".

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