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An Ultramarines Painting Question


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Hi all.


I've tried various forum searches, and I cannot find what I need/want, so I will be direct. Please forgive me if I did not search hard enough and this question is hiding in plain sight from me.


What advice can you give me for recreating the colors from the Second Edition era of Ultramarines? I had a friend in college with a well painted UM army at this time, and I would like to build my own retro colored force.


I have a good method for yellow for the chest eagles and shoulder pads. It's just that blue that eludes me.


Honestly, the blue is the reason every Ultramarine army I have ever tried to build has stalled out and eventually been sold off. I just have great difficulty painting the color. I love the Ultra's on the same level as my Space Wolves, I just have better luck painting grays!


So please, can anyone direct me to a simple method to achieve that vibrant blue that I so fondly remember?


Thank you in advance.



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Should probably ask in "General PCA questions"


The P in PCA stands for painting. I think the C and A stand for Conversion and Assembly.


Off the top of my head though, I think it could be that the shade of blue used back then is no longer offered by Citadel. I have no idea what would be a suitable replacement.

Used to be called UM blue but it's at the lighter end of the spectrum. Basically you base coat with a dark blue, then UM blue, then that ice blue colour as a highlight, wash with blue/purple ink, then highlight with both previous blues.


I use this for my librarians. More coats of blue + green/blue/purple ink (in that order) keep the colour change quite subtle while using only 3 basic colours for the armour.

As it turns out, I happen to have the painting guides from long ago, being a proper codifier of ancient texts and all. ;)


1st Edition - Black undercoat > Marine Dark Blue base > Electric Blue layer > Ultramarine Blue layer/highlight > Skull White/Ultramarine Blue mix for edge highlights.


2nd/3rd Edition - White undercoat > Ultramarines Blue base > Enchanted Blue layer (leaving UM blue visible in cracks for shading) > Enchanted Blue/Skull White mix for highlights/edge highlighting


Finally, there is this handy chart to reference when searching for color matches. Except for Coat D'Arms, the others are relatively approximate; Coat D'Arms acquired that paint range's recipes I think to the exact match, so their Marine Blue is the classic Ultramarines Blue.



I was wondering about the Coat d'Arms Marine Blue. I might have to get a few bottles.


I have a second edition codex Ultramarines as my guide. I'm going to use modern GW & Forge World models.


Thank you for the tips and moving this for me.



I'm glad it all worked out. For future reference, you can post these kind of topics in the Ultramarines or the PC&A subforum. It all depends on what kind of answers you want but painting questions specific to the Ultramarines and their successors are definitely at home where you originally posted this. thumbsup.gif

Oh, and since you've asked the community for helping with a recipe, you are now obliged* to share your results with the community as a thanks for their help. I'll be keeping an eye out for your future project log. :P

*not really

I'm glad it all worked out. For future reference, you can post these kind of topics in the Ultramarines or the PC&A subforum. It all depends on what kind of answers you want but painting questions specific to the Ultramarines and their successors are definitely at home where you originally posted this. thumbsup.gif

Oh, and since you've asked the community for helping with a recipe, you are now obliged* to share your results with the community as a thanks for their help. I'll be keeping an eye out for your future project log. :P

*not really

I will honor that.

I'm knee deep in a Deathwatch Plog right now, but the Ultramarines are gathering their forces. I have two boxed sets with four to go. I want a FULL company.


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