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Imperial Fists 2000 points


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After getting a few games under my belt I've started planning how to expand my army beyond the betrayal at calth box.


My plan is to camp the master of signal out with the breachers with the apothecary without the augury scanner. The heavy support squad will hang out nearby to benefit from the +1 bs and the praetor will join the veteran tactical marines with the apothecary carrying the augury scanner.




Rite of War: None




Praetor (150 points)

- Solarite Power Gauntlet, Iron Halo


Master of Signal (105 points)

- Artificer Armor




15 Breacher marines (315 points)

- Vexilla

- Artificer Armor, Power Fist


10 Legion Tactical marines (195 points)

- Vexilla

- Artificer Armor, Power Fist

- Rhino




Apothecarion Detatchment: (115 points)

- Apothecary, Artificer Armor, Augury Scanner

- Apothecary, Artificer Armor


Contemptor Dreadnought (205 points)

- Contemptor Dreadnought, Extra Combat Arm, 2 Graviton Guns


5 Legion Terminators (210 points)

- Chainfist (sgt)

- 2 Lightning Claws

- Power Fist

- Heavy Flamer, Power Sword

- Teleport Homer


10 Legion Veteran Tactical Marines (235 points)

- Vexilla

- Artificer Armor, Power Fist

- 2 Heavy Bolters


Heavy Support


Legion Heavy Support Squad (250 points)

- Lascannons

- Artificer Armor, Augury Scanner


Legion Sicaran Battle Tank (205 points)

- Lascannon Sponsons

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Id give the Tac Squad's rhino to the vets and give them marksman (for sniper and outflank).


My default setting would be to leave the MoS with the heavy support squad as you may need to advance into the midfield with the breachers squad.


I'd also look to drop a few points to get some form of fortification, such as bunker, for the heavy support squad, maybe drop the second apothercary?

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couple of thoughts:


would it be a good idea to swap a couple of bodies from the breachers for special weapons (grav for AV)

and kit for the serg TH & breach ch. gives them some versatility.


how will you support the termies when they come in, as the rest of the army is footbound apart from the tac squad but they are lacking a vox for no scatter on tele?


is there a way to give your vets transport as this seems your most useful unit?

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