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2000 Pt Imperial Militia

major higgins

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Hi Brothers, I try to replicate some tactical attitude of DKoK in this list. I see them such as an anchestor of Krieg fighters...


1° Detachment HQ

Force Commander + Planetary Overlord + Feral Warriors + Alchem Jackers + Carapace Armor + Iron Halo + Cyber Familiar 


4 Commisar + 4 Melta Bomb 



3 Medical Detachment




Death Korps Infantry Squad + Lascarabine Melta B. 


Death Korps Infantry Squad + Lascarabine Melta B. 


Death Korps Infantry Squad + Shotgun + Melta B.


28 Inducted Levies + Disciple Collar + 2CCW 




3 Sentinel + Autocannon 




3 Rapier Laser Destroyer 


2 Leman Russ + HB 


3 Basilisk Carriage 




2° Detachment HQ

Command Squad + Refractor Field + Melta B. + Carapace A. 



Grenadier + Lasrifle + 2 Meltagun + Melta B. 


Grenadier + Lasrifle + 2 Meltagun + Melta B. 


Fire support squad 6 Lascannon



1 Leman Russ Vanquisher + Lascannon 



What do you think? Any Advise?

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Hey! I hope you don't mind, I took the liberty of trying to conform the list to the AoD FOC. I dropped the Laser Destroyers for a to include the Vanquisher and the Levies in favor of keeping your 2nd detachment troops intact. I also was able to fit Medics and Discipline Masters for all your frontline squads. The dozer blades are just to be Krieg-ie.


+++ Militia DK - 2000 (1999pts) +++


++ Imperialis Militia and Cults Army List (Age of Darkness) (1999pts) ++


+ HQ (325pts) +


Discipline Master Cadre (125pts)

····Discipline Master [Melta Bombs]

····Discipline Master [Melta Bombs]

····Discipline Master [Melta Bombs]

····Discipline Master [Melta Bombs]

····Discipline Master [Melta Bombs]


Force Commander (150pts) [Carapace Armour, Cyber-familiar, Iron Halo]

····The Muster of Worlds [Alchem-jackers, Feral Warriors]


Imperialis Auxilia Platoon Command Cadre (50pts) [Carapace Armour, 3x Militia Bodyguard]

····Platoon Commander [Melta Bombs, Refractor Field]


+ Troops (575pts) +


Imperialis Militia Fire Support Squad (150pts) [Lascannon, 5x Militia Fire Teams]


Imperialis Militia Grenadier Squad (115pts) [9x Grenadiers, Lasrifles, 2x Special Weapons Grenadier with Melta Gun]

····Grenadier Sergeant [Melta Bombs]


Imperialis Militia Grenadier Squad (115pts) [9x Grenadiers, Lasrifles, 2x Special Weapons Grenadier with Melta Gun]

····Grenadier Sergeant [Melta Bombs]


Imperialis Militia Squad (65pts) [Lascarbines]

····Sergeant [Melta Bombs]


Imperialis Militia Squad (65pts) [Lascarbines]

····Sergeant [Melta Bombs]


Imperialis Militia Squad (65pts) [shotguns]

····Sergeant [Melta Bombs]


+ Elites (70pts) +


Imperialis Auxilia Medicae Detachment (70pts) [6x Medicae Orderly]


+ Fast Attack (105pts) +


Imperialis Auxilia Sentinel Scout Squadron (105pts)

····Auxilia Sentinels [Autocannon]

····Auxilia Sentinels [Autocannon]

····Auxilia Sentinels [Autocannon]


+ Heavy Support (924pts) +


Auxilia Heavy Ordnance Battery (234pts)

····Artillery Carriage Team [5x Militia Auxilia Crew]

····Artillery Carriage Team [5x Militia Auxilia Crew]

····Artillery Carriage Team [5x Militia Auxilia Crew]


Militia Auxiliary Battle Tank Attack Squadron (330pts)

····Leman Russ Battle Tank [Dozer blade, Heavy Bolters]

····Leman Russ Battle Tank [Dozer blade, Heavy Bolters]


Militia Auxiliary Battle Tank Attack Squadron (360pts)

····Leman Russ Vanquisher [Dozer blade, Heavy Bolters]

····Leman Russ Vanquisher [Dozer blade, Heavy Bolters]

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The Force Commander has an amazing 20-point rule called "Planetary Overlord", which gives him the ability to choose his Warlord Trait (provided it's one of the Imperialis Militia ones). Taking "Merchant Princeling" to grant an Infantry Squad 1 better AP on their ranged weapons is awesome! AP3 autocannon/heavy bolters/heavy flamers, AP2 missile launchers, AP1 lascannon? Brilliant.


Vanquishers are pretty solid tanks. I'd just give them a lascannon in the hull and leave the sponson heavy bolters at home (as they won't help an anti-tank vehicle).


Normal Leman Russes are also decent, but battlecannons are Ordnance, so they make all other weapons Snap Fire. May as well keep their sponsons at home too.


Lots of Infantry, which will be hard for some opponents to deal with. Would be awesome (and very DKoK) to see some Gorgons to carrry a few squads around! :)

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The Force Commander has an amazing 20-point rule called "Planetary Overlord", which gives him the ability to choose his Warlord Trait (provided it's one of the Imperialis Militia ones). Taking "Merchant Princeling" to grant an Infantry Squad 1 better AP on their ranged weapons is awesome! AP3 autocannon/heavy bolters/heavy flamers, AP2 missile launchers, AP1 lascannon? Brilliant.

Vanquishers are pretty solid tanks. I'd just give them a lascannon in the hull and leave the sponson heavy bolters at home (as they won't help an anti-tank vehicle).

Normal Leman Russes are also decent, but battlecannons are Ordnance, so they make all other weapons Snap Fire. May as well keep their sponsons at home too.

Lots of Infantry, which will be hard for some opponents to deal with. Would be awesome (and very DKoK) to see some Gorgons to carrry a few squads around! smile.png

I never though on that trait... Really, Really interesting thing.

I see Gorgon as a good deal in money, but not so useful in this list, and in my 40k DKoK I prefer a Crassus to a Gorgon, so I'm not so keen in give 110£ to FW

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