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The Craziest Death Guard in the World


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I had the strangest idea just now, and have built a list based on it. According to the rules, any model that is reduced to Toughness 0 is removed as a casualty, yes? Well, I had the brilliant idea that if you combined the Barbaran Thurible, Rad Grenades, Mechanicum Rad Furnaces, and Enfeeble from a Librarian, you could actually remove MEQs from play with but a mean look. It will probably get me killed, but I had to try it. The only problem with this list is a lack of anti-vehicle to pop transports, so anything that won't be killing blobs is killing tanks.


Loyalist - The Reaping - 2215
HQ 1 - Praetor with Cataphractii Terminator Armor, Thunder Hammer, Rad Grenades, and the Barbaran Thurible - 250
HQ Option - 5 Terminator Chosen with Chainfists and Heavy Flamer with Chem-Munitions - 225
HQ 2 - Librarian with Artificer Armor, Power Weapon, and ML 2 - 140
Troop 1 - 20 Tacticals and Sergeant with Artificer Armor and Rad Grenades - 245
Troop 1 - 20 Tacticals and Sergeant with Artificer Armor and Rad Grenades - 245
Elite 1 - 5 Veteran Tactical Machine Killers with Melta Bombs, Meltagun, and Sergeant with Artificer Armor - 150
Elite 2 - 2 Apocatheries with Augury Scanners and Power Swords - 120

Elite 3 - 5 Veteran Tactical Machine Killers with Melta Bombs, Meltagun, and Sergeant with Artificer Armor - 150

Elite 4 - 5 Veteran Tactical Machine Killers with Melta Bombs, Meltagun, and Sergeant with Artificer Armor - 150
Heavy Support 1 - Leviathan with Siege Drill, Seige Claw, Phosphex Discharger, and 2 Volkite Culverin - 300
Heavy Support 2 - 2 Vindicators - 240


Allied Detachment (Mechanicum) - 285

HQ 1 - Magos Dominus with Machinator Array, Plasma Pistol, and Cyber-Familiar - 125
Troop 1 - 5 Scylax Guardians with Volkite Chargers and a Melta Gun - 160


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I see one big problem with this idea, and that is that you only have a roughly one in three chance to get the enfeeble power from biomancy. Considering your whole idea hinges around having 4 sources of reducing toughness, seems like a fairly big chance to take. 


Plus the whole concept would be a one trick pony, as soon as you used it against someone they'd simply say you can't take relics anymore, which you only can do with your opponent's permission, or they'd just avoid the preator-who regardless really needs a transport so he can get his relic in range. 


I guess it could be a fun list once or twice, but relying on such a small gimek to make a list work doesn't really seem reliable to me. 

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