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3000 point raven guard for shadow wars


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So I’m going to an event in October that is based on the shadow wars. The games are 3000 points and based on the missions in book 6. Below is the list I have been using in the club with mixed success however looking for thoughts, especially on areas I may have issues with. I have thought of 3 (end of list) already but am I missing any



Raven Guard (Recon ROW)

3,000 points


145 points (5%)

Strike Captain Alvarex Maun (145)



635 points (21%)

5 Recon Marines (150)

cameleoline – Sgt power fist; AA

5 Recon Marines (150)

cameleoline – Sgt power fist; AA

5 Recon Marines (150)

cameleoline – Sgt power fist; AA

5 Tac Support (185)

plasma guns– Sgt; AA


535 points (18%)

7 Mor Deythan (285)

4× combi-flamer; 2× plasma gun; - shade artificer armour; combi-flamer - Rhino

10 Veteran Space Marines (250) [Vets go in the anvillus]

melta bombs; 2× heavy bolter and suspensor web; Marksmen – Sgt power fist; artificer armour

Fast Attack

380 points (13%)

Anvillus Pattern Dreadclaw DP (115)


8 Dark Furies (265)


Heavy Support

855 points (28%)

Leviathan Siege Dreadnought (430)

Leviathan siege drill (meltagun); cyclonic melta lance; heavy flamer; armoured ceramite; phosphex discharger; DDP

Leviathan Siege Dreadnought (425)

Leviathan siege claw (meltagun); grav-flux bombard; 2× torso-mounted heavy flamer; armoured ceramite; phosphex discharger; DDP


Lords of War

450 points (100%)

Corvus Corax (450)




Main concerns are

Lack of Anti Air – not an issue at our club as few take any aircraft but concerned for the event

4 small units – 4 out of 5 of the missions are based on kill points. The 4 troop choice feel like they might be easy points

How to deploy Corax – everyone other than the drop pods can infiltrate but Corax cannot so not sure how best to deploy him.


Am I missing anything and has anyone got any good ideas on the best way to solve any of the above.


Thanks in advance

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I wouldn't worry too much about anti-air. Sure, sometimes you'll be up against a fireraptor and you'll wish you had some serious anti air, but I've never encountered that many fliers in lists even in a tournament setting. Concerning the small units, well you're right that's four very easy kills since they are small 5 man units. I'd consider maybe dropping the plasma support unit for something a little tougher, or flesh your other units. Corax should be fine just deploying on his own because of his forcing snap shots rule, and being jump infantry with fleet he can advance up the board fast to charge something turn 2. 


As far as your list goes, the only thing I'd really consider changing is maybe not taking 3 recon units. They don't really do a whole lot, and they will die fairly easily. I'd at least give them melta bombs so they can at least be a big threat to vehicles. If you drop a recon unit and the tactical support unit, you could take a unit of assault marines to fill your last compulsory troop choice. Throw in some power weapons and with your legion rules they are pretty solid. A fifteen man unit with 3 power weapons would be ideal if you can find the pts. 


Also man 2 leviathans in drop pods is mean and probably overkill, but I like it. Those guys are going to do some serious damage when they drop in. 

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Thanks for the comments. I have played a few test games and have tweaked the list to the below. Fire Raptop has been brilliant in the few games i have played and whilst 2 Levi's is a bit mean but thye really are the major threats in the list and they let the other parts actually do their job.




145 points


Strike Captain Alvarex Maun (145)






450 points


5 Recon Marines (150)


cameleoline – Sgt power fist; AA


5 Recon Marines (150)


cameleoline – Sgt power fist; AA


5 Recon Marines (150)


cameleoline – Sgt power fist; AA





752 points


6 Mor Deythan (263)


3× combi-flamer; 2× plasma gun; - shade artificer armour; combi-flamer – Rhino Dozer blade

6 Mor Deythan (263)


3× combi-flamer; 2× plasma gun; - shade artificer armour; combi-flamer - Rhino Dozer blade


7 Veteran Space Marines (226) [Vets go in the anvillus]


melta bombs; 2× heavy bolter and suspensor web; Marksmen – Sgt power fist; artificer armour


Fast Attack


115 points


Anvillus Pattern Dreadclaw DP (115)




8 Dark Furies (265)




Heavy Support


1086 points


Leviathan Siege Dreadnought (430)


Leviathan siege drill (meltagun); cyclonic melta lance; heavy flamer; armoured ceramite; phosphex discharger; DDP


Leviathan Siege Dreadnought (425)


Leviathan siege claw (meltagun); grav-flux bombard; 2× torso-mounted heavy flamer; armoured ceramite; phosphex discharger; DDP

Fire Raptor Gunship (231)

Reaper autocannon; Hellstrike missiles; searchlight




Lords of War


450 points


Corvus Corax (450)


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