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2500 pts. SOH Tournament Prep


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So my local area is having our next tournament near the end of October so its time to start list building.


Details or our event can be found here(http://www.ottawawargamers.ca/viewtopic.php?f=127&t=16642)


Now I have a few options for a LoW between a Castigator, Acheron Typhon & Horus; I believe the best option this time around will be the Typhon, due to the 5 urn limit Horus's abilities are in my opinion a tad compromised since he are his unit will only be able to engage by turn 3 if things go according to plan.


Quad mortars & Leviathans will be most likely out there too as several of our players use them regularly so options on how to deal with them are required.


Here's my first draft.





RoW: The Long March




10 Veterans (Machine Destroyers)

x2 meltaguns, Meltabombs

Sgt with Artificer Power Fist

Rhino with Dozer Blade


5 Veterans (Marksmen)


Artificer, Power Sword.




5 Justaerin Terminators

x4 combi-Plasma, 3 power fists, 1 chainfist

Dreadclaw Drop Pod


Contemptor Dreadnaught

x2 Grav Guns, chainfist, extra armour

Dreadnaught Drop Pod


Contemptor Mortis:

x2 Kheres autocannons




8 Seekers

Artificer, MB

Rhino, Dozer blade


Javelin Speeder

Multimelta, x2 HKM


Javelin Speeder

Multimelta, x2 HKM




Deathstorm Drop Pod

Krak Missiles, Drop Pod Assault




Typhon Heavy Siege Tank

lascannons, armoured Ceramite


Total: 2498


So some of the options taken may seem a bit unconventional, however when combined with my RoW they can become quite powerful.


Any of you that have watched some of my latest VBR have seen me use the deathstorm and its potential killing ability is not to be under rated. The potential ability to shoot 9 missiles against anything with an AV is great, true I wont hit with them all shooting at BS 2, but even knocking off 1-2 HP right away is great, especially if I can follow up with the Typhon.


A unit that I have yet to try (but will be soon) are the seekers. Once again due to my RoW these, "home base", defenders can lay some real pain with their S5 AP 2 shred shots. They in theory, should be better at handling 2+ AS then a full unit of 10 marksmen vets with plasma & 2 combi plasma guns in the long term. Combined that they are cheaper than the plasma Vets & with their rapid fire 3" templates scattering only D6 due to death dealers just seems too funny to pass up.



Anyway I plan on testing this list out next week against my friend Skimask Mohawk; no doubt it will be a bloody affair.

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Leviathan with grav flux in a DDP can handle quad mortars but it's lots of points to find with your current list. You might get to them with your Javlins which I presume are flanking? Then there is the option if you can't beat them join them and run some of your own, possibly for the contemptor in the pod?

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