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Using miscellaneous materials


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So being in fabrication I'm always looking at ways to use anything to build something useful for the hobby.


For example


I recently replaced some drain pipes in my sink, the left over pipe(new clean not old dirty) caught my eye... I've stashed it for terrain buildING obviously but I noticed that 1 1/4 nominal pipe is actually very close to the OD of a terminator base. Tables say that the pipe should be 1.66 inch OD which equates to 42mm, but the pieces I have are actually a hair smaller than real terminator bases... I will be cutting it into segments to build bases for the space hulk terminators I'm converting to be black templars...


I've also used some washers which the size escapes me to rebate an old terminator librarian who was on 25mm slot a base.



Any other weird material ideas out there?



Ps. I was going to post in pca. But the sections were questions and how too etc this didn't seam to fit imo. But any mods judgement is welcomed by me to move this topic if need be.

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Ooooooo, my specialty! I've been repurposing stuff for 40k terrain for 20-something years. Got a torn window screen? Turn it into fencing or floor a catwalk with it. Spare washers? Use them to weight the bottom of bases so the models don't tip over. Coins work well for that, too. Is that water filter cartridge worn out? Dry the carbon particles and mix with sand for basing for variety in size of granules.


I've used the protective seals from injectable medications as medallions around a fortification (I'm a retired nurse). Popsicle sticks with the rounded edges trimmed off make great planks for trench construction and are way cheaper than wood from the hobby store. Throw on a few rivets to fool the eye and it even paints up well as steel. Short lengths of 2" to 3" PVC pipe make nice open chemical storage tanks in an industrial setting. Dress with lots of pipes (straws), valves (different sizes of small buttons), and tint your contents an appropriately disgusting color. AND... you get extra victory points for dissolving chaos warriors in the acid bath. :grin:


The only rule with repurposing is that you shouldn't be able to tell what it once was after you're finished.

May I suggest checking out Necromundicon for all sorts of terrain pieces constructed from found objects mixed with some bits. The person who runs the site gives some documentation on how many of the pieces were made, and apparently takes request for deeper explanations on construction, if what's there is slim. Tons of inspiration on how to change everyday objects into some great terrain pieces with just a little modification and the layering of bits and pieces. My favorite part is recognizing something for what it really is, and being impressed with how different something looks if you modify it a bit, add a few details, and/or change its orientation.

Plastic bottle caps turned into barrels - probably not so weird. unsure.png

Left over bits of screen are great.

Also the hardware that holds the screens in ( the part that screws down into the window frame) look like weird artillery shells an ork would use. The pitch of the 'thread' on those looks more like rifling.

I replaced the bilge pump on my boat and found loads of great parts. That heavy mesh screen works great as a mold for 'diamond plated' green stuff.

I'm sure I'll think of a few others.

Zip ties in various sizes are great for all sorts of detailing.


Spent CO2 cartridges from a soda syphon/seltzer bottle make great canisters for 25-32mm scale games (and great storage tanks for 6-15mm games).


Plastic rainwater goods (especially guttering parts like angles or outlets) are great for making bunkers or sci-fi pre-fab buildings from.


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