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Truescale Blood Angel Successors - Angels Encarmine


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So I decided to get my truescale marines commissioned and I thought I might as well start anew in the correct forum. tongue.png

Here's the first batch. Still WIP.


Here are also some WIPs of a Tactical Squad. That Sergeant I think is one of the better conversions I made.







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Vanguard Squad Oberyn equipped all with power mauls.













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Any plans for how you'll do Terminators?

No idea... I haven't found any bodies that are actually bigger than Stormcasts that would fit the Terminator aesthetic.

I am so :cussing excited for your death company


And the Chaplain that leads them.


Those look bloody amazing!

I hope you don't mind me copying your idea on a squad?

Emulation is the highest form of flattery after all smile.png

Go for it!

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Nice models. Not nearly enough yellow for Angel's Encarmine.


I think you've got the wrong successor in mind. Lamenters, perhaps?



'Not enough' yellow is not the same thing as 'should be yellow'. Not having chest Aquilla limits what you can do about adding colourful insignia. Which I presume is why he changed the colour of the chapter badges to the which works quite well here.


edited for tone

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Nice models. Not nearly enough yellow for Angel's Encarmine.


I think you've got the wrong successor in mind. Lamenters, perhaps?





'Not enough' yellow is not the same thing as 'should be yellow'.


I have an Angel's Encarmine battle company. Angels Encarmine have yellow on them as you'd know if you looked at the picture on that very link of yours.


But since his models have no Aquilla on their chests, there's not enough yellow. Its not a problem when you only have 1 or 2 Mark 6 guys per squad but when you have no Mark 7 or 8 armour you end up with what feels like a pretty much unrecognisable colour scheme.


Other major Angels Encarmine thread, not my army



I think as long as you have the chapter badge that matches, colour scheme isn't  really a problem. That's just my opinion so take it for what it's worth.




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Another Tactical Squad with two Plasma Cannons. I'm going to interchange one of the plasma cannons with the plasma gun marine shown earlier in this thread.






To give a little diversity to normal Tactical Marines, I've been using heads and weapons from the Forgeworld upgrade kits. This guy has an Alpha Legion helm and has a Seeker boltgun.




For this guy I used the nifty Kromlech heavy weapons conversion kit. The arms are thinner than what I'm used to so I might have to change this guy out or replace the Kromlech plasma cannon with a Forgeworld or normal GW one.




This guy has the Umbrax pattern bolter with scope.




Shoulder mounted plasma cannon for "frakk you" moments.




I try and make Sergeants the centerpiece for each squad. In most cases, they should be noble paragons exemplifying Sanguinius's virtues. Veteran Sergeant Targon is a rare divergence from the norm. This is a man who will walk up to you smiling the Angel's beatific smile while slowly peeling your face off with his relic Lightening Claw.

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