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4000 point, NL Terror Assault, Plus Knights!


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Literally just finished painting and basing the list and i'm going over to a m8's place for a game (I think he's taking 40k Blood Angels)...


Any way, it's a more or less veteran style list with some heavy hitters in exchange for a lack of numbers, but its a 30k list and GW stuff costs an arm and a leg...



- Legion Centurion, Cataphractii plate, Chain Fist, Combi-Melta, Trophies of Judgement, Teleportation Transponder - 117

- Legion Centurion, Consul: Chaplain, Artificer Armour, Refractor Field, Jump Pack, Plasma Pistol, Nostraman Chainglaive, Melta-bombs - 145



- Terror Sqaud X10, Volkite Charger X9, [sGT - Artificer Amour, Nostraman Chainglaive, Melta-bombs, Bolt Pistol] - 270

- Terror Sqaud X10, Volkite Charger X9, [sGT - Artificer Amour, Nostraman Chainglaive, Melta-bombs, Bolt Pistol] - 270

- Terror Sqaud X10, Volkite Charger X9, [sGT - Artificer Amour, Nostraman Chainglaive, Melta-bombs, Bolt Pistol] - 270



- Legion Terminator Squad X5, Power Fist X4, Chain Fist X1, Combi-melta X2, Combi-plasma X3, Teleportation Transponder - 255

- Contemptor Dreadnaught, Kheres Assault Cannon, Power Fist, Combi-bolter - 190

- DE, Dreadnaught Drop pod - 100


Fast Attack

- Night Raptor Squad X10, Nostraman Chainglaive X4, Twin-Lightning Claws X5 [sGT - Artificer Armour, Nostraman Chainglaive, Melta-bombs] - 415


Heavy Support

- Legion Predator X2, Sponson Lascannon X2, Dozer Blade X2, Auxiliary Drive X2 - 260


Lord of War

- Konrad Curze, RoW: Terror Assault - 435


Total: 2727 points


Allied Detachment: Questoris Knights



- Senechal, Knight Warden, Stormspear Rocket Pod - 465



- Scion Martial, Knight Paladin, Rapid-fire Battle Cannon, Twin Icarus Autocannon - 410


Heavy Support

- Scion Arbelaster, Knight Errant - 395


Total: 1270 points


Overall Total: 3997 points



My opponent usually takes Death Company (I think he's using the new Angels Blade Rule Book, so I really have no idea what I'm up against). Im going to split the force up into 3 prongs, with a squad of terrors in each while being supported by a knight. I'll keep the predators close to the Heavy support knight just to attempt to keep it alive, because my local gaming group use the new 40k draft, if the HS knight stays still, the Melta cannon gains Skyfire! (To kill his fire raptor)


Konrad will join the Night Raptors and Chaplain, and go right up the middle. While the dreadnaught will provide an alpha strike on his support units, and the Terminators will deepstrike to provide support by either killing a vehicle (combi-melta) or damaging TEQ (combi-plasma).



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