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1250pts. Mechanicum Escalation League


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Hello everyone, recently Horus heresy has gotten really popular at my FLGS and an escalation league has been declared with the plan of it starting in December. As I already have a sizable Skitarii army I have decided to add a force of 30k to compliment them with some awesome robots. The only rules are we cannot take our best standard HQ choice (No Praetors for example) and that it must be painted and the starting point value will be 1250 points increasing by 250 every few weeks. This is a first attempt at a Mechanicum list for me so let me know what you guys think and thanks for posting!


-Magos Dominus
*w/ Cyber Familiar


-x3 Thallax

-x3 Thallax

-x2 Castellax
*w/ x2 Flamers Each, Mauler Bolt Cannons, Enhanced Targeting Array

-x1 Castellax
*w/ x2 Bolters, Darkfire Cannon, Enhanced Targeting Array

-x1 Castellax
*w/ x2 Bolters, Darkfire Cannon, Enhanced Targeting Array


-x3 Vorax
*w/ x3 Rad Cleansers, Rotor Cannons, Bio Ammunition, Frag Grenades, Enhanced Targeting Arrays


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If you combine the last 2 Castellax into a single unit, you'll be eligible to run a Legio Cybernetica Battle Cohort. That will give you +1 Initiative on all your Battle-automata, and an extra 12" range on Cortex Controller & Cybertheurgy range.


I'd probably give the Darkfire Castellax enhanced targeting arrays. Maybe drop the rad cleansers from the Vorax to pay for them?

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If you combine the last 2 Castellax into a single unit, you'll be eligible to run a Legio Cybernetica Battle Cohort. That will give you +1 Initiative on all your Battle-automata, and an extra 12" range on Cortex Controller & Cybertheurgy range.


I'd probably give the Darkfire Castellax enhanced targeting arrays. Maybe drop the rad cleansers from the Vorax to pay for them?


They are actually on there, I just forgot to put them into the description! And that's if I only I have 2 units of Castellax to get the Legio Cybernetica?

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Not super familiar with the Mechanicum mechanics but I know youve got a solid foundation with the thallax and castellax there. Can you squeeze a multimelta into the thallax by any chance? Jumping MM in the face is brutal!

Whats your next 250? Ursarax look pretty sweet...dont know how effective they are though. 

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Not super familiar with the Mechanicum mechanics but I know youve got a solid foundation with the thallax and castellax there. Can you squeeze a multimelta into the thallax by any chance? Jumping MM in the face is brutal!

Whats your next 250? Ursarax look pretty sweet...dont know how effective they are though. 


Finally having a chance to look over the red book I am definitely leaning towards Legio Cibernetica, however I will have to play it as regular Thagmata until we get to higher points. One of the rules is that Legions can't use a Rite of War and Cybernetica is described as similar to one.


Honestly I am actually thinking about moving away from Thallax in general and instead running two squads of x20 Tech Thralls with Rite of Pure Thought for scoring and Tarpits as it seems to be a great tactic to utilize. Anyone have thoughts on that?

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