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Officer's corner (AM Tactical thread)


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So I've been having some trouble grasping the tactics of the guard do I thought I'd make this thread. Feel free to add combos/synergies that you have found or discuss how certain units are used. And what units you prefer over others.


So let's start with the question when do you get vets of their chimera? Wait till the transport blows? Get em out when 1 HP left or if you really need to kill something with those lasguns?


Mods please remove if inappropriate :)

Generally speaking my vet's only come out once they're blown out and I usually run 3x special weapons.

In fact they usually get very nervous when I order them out of the transport. Because it usually means they've just become a very expensive meat shield between my tank / artillery line and the fast approaching enemy.


That's generally how I run all my mounted guard units though. They stay inside their mobile bunkers until they're blown out, or its time for them to give their lives for the emperor so that my tanks can hopefully survive an extra turn.

As with duz my Vets usually disembark involuntarily tongue.png Sometimes bundling out is advantageous but only when there's a specific need such as a quick dash for an objective or to run as an intercept, or if the Chimera is surely to be destroyed next turn trying to avoid some damage/attention. If you're in a Chimera there's usually more reason to stay inside, with few units needing more than the firing point can offer.

As for synergies, I like attaching a cheap infantry squad (or two) to a vehicle especially expensive ones that don't tend to move much like Leman Russes. The infantry do a great job helping protect the tank from close assault (their biggest weakness) as well as handling enemy infantry. This leaves your tank's heavy weapons to do the bulk of the important killing making them a good team with mutual support.

Does wonders for the tank survivability and makes life a bit harder for your opponent as he can't just send his AT unit of doom to chomp through your precious armour. Plus with how cheap the infantry can be (usually 55-60pts for me) it means they usually have to commit more than I do - all the while having to put up with my own efforts to prevent them from getting through. Add in some suitably nasty surprises (e.g. my particular favourite Crouching Demolisher, Hidden Banewolf) and you can create a reliable defensive point to usher forth death by dice from :)

So let's start with the question when do you get vets of their chimera? Wait till the transport blows? Get em out when 1 HP left or if you really need to kill something with those lasguns?


Vets.  We who are about to die salute you.

I'm kind of mean to them.  I have played Sister of Battle so long that I have brought over some of those tactics.  I will give my vets 3 melta or 3 plasma guns, have them run up to a tastey target, hop out and fire the special weapons.  The reprisal is usually quick and brutal while the chimera moves off to a safe distance.

Mine get out if the target is at all important, which it usually is. Getting that third special weapon is just often that important since I need their target to be unconditionally dead. A wounded enemy will still charge and wipe me out since...I play IG. If I can afford to only bloody them up, then I'll just stay on board.


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