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2000pt Solar Auxillia


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Legate Commander (Lord Marshall)   175pt

- artificer armour

- displacer matrix

- digi lasers

- grav wave generator

- master craft weapon

- paragon blade

- plasma pistol


Tactical Command Section  110pt

- 5 additional auxillia

- 2x grenade launcher (tempest)


Infantry Tercio  265pt

- lasrifle section

- dracosan with demolisher


Infantry Tercio 265pt

- lasrifle section

- dracosan with demolisher


Infantry Tercio 175pt

- lasrifle section

- Aegis defence line


Leman Russ Sqdrn 370pt

- Vanquisher with lascannon

- Vanquisher with lascannon


Artillery Battery 350pt




Malcador  265pt








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Have you thought about a tank commander? You could sub one in for the command squad/marshal. It would make sense with the rest of your list/theme, and would be amazing. Tank commanders in a vanquisher are sick.


Even if you don't want to use that, I really like the list. My taste runs more towards veletaris, but you have made a good looking list here.

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Have you thought about a tank commander? You could sub one in for the command squad/marshal. It would make sense with the rest of your list/theme, and would be amazing. Tank commanders in a vanquisher are sick.


Even if you don't want to use that, I really like the list. My taste runs more towards veletaris, but you have made a good looking list here.



good idea, just without the command squad, the legate is pretty out on his own.


to scale to 2500, I was thinking tank commander and infernus  :D

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How do you plan to get them to the objectives? They will get blapped for easy VPs from the get go.


isnt that what the dracosans and ADL are for?   Astartes can make do with paper thin rhino's and then camp. I thought solar would be better in the dracosans as the dracs are harder to kill and still pump out demolisher shots. Using the lord marshall, I can choose master of ambush to scout them forward too?

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You have two 20-man Lasrifle Sections with Dracosans that only hold 10 men (Demolisher cannons reduce their transport capacity). Easy fix is to take Veletaris in those 2 Tercios.
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