Dont-Be-Haten Posted January 17, 2017 Author Share Posted January 17, 2017 Thin coat of Meohiston Red should do the trick. GW's Duncan always recommends going over black spray with Abbadon black as it's a different finish/black, so IMO the same principle applies here. Cheers Jol! I Just finished the first layer of Mephiston Red over the fire dragon and it has already darkened up right proper! I'm sure one more layer should fix it! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dont-Be-Haten Posted January 28, 2017 Author Share Posted January 28, 2017 Couple of updates: Firstly I've decided on a plasma pistol on my captain, a'la Fury of Baal that can be changed to a regular plasma pistol as needed. Been thinking about it and if I need to I can roll on the BA for the MC weapon trait. Also, finished assembly on all three of my house Cadmus Knights to paint for the ETL (if I don't paint them before hand) Working on my OIF squads as well as a LBSF. Hopefully in the days to follow I'll have some paint on the board instead of just text. Cheers for all the likes and follows. Really appreciate all the feedback! LutherMax and Flieger 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dont-Be-Haten Posted February 18, 2017 Author Share Posted February 18, 2017 So here are a few updates on my thread and army as a whole. I recently parted ways with about 3.5k points of old BA models, it was bitter sweet but needed to happen. The more I looked at them, the more distraught and hopeless it felt looking at the army. The bloke who purchased all of it hopefully will fix it right proper. The vindicator was just too much trouble for what I paid for it. Luckily I was able to sell it back to the person I bought it from for the same price as before, we agreed it was on loan to clean up for him. I also sold both of my land raiders as well. Now I'm sitting on 2500 points or so instead of the 6,000-6,500 points I was. I'm okay with this as it has given me the chance to start over fresh and not worry about everything getting done. As for painting, I've done a little. I've decided I need to rebase the scout squad I finished as everything else is on 32mm or higher. I'm now also (fingers crossed) going to have a set goal of x amount of points to paint each month so I can have a proper army again. The Carmine Blades are turning out to be a lot of fun, especially with all my customizations. Thanks for the support and all those that follow this thread. I hope I don't disappoint! -DBH Damon Nightman 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dont-Be-Haten Posted February 27, 2017 Author Share Posted February 27, 2017 Here's the finished scouts. Hope you guys enjoy. I'm happy with them. LutherMax, Majkhel, Spyros and 2 others 5 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dont-Be-Haten Posted February 16, 2018 Author Share Posted February 16, 2018 I can't believe it's been a year since I posted in this thread! Okay, I've done a fair amount of work. Bumping this for 8th. Cool things coming, A campaign, some Bat Reps, and a couple finished models to boot. Stay tuned! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Xenith Posted February 16, 2018 Share Posted February 16, 2018 Don't forget to add your photos to the b and c gallery and not photobucket! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dont-Be-Haten Posted February 16, 2018 Author Share Posted February 16, 2018 Don't forget to add your photos to the b and c gallery and not photobucket! Yeah I've got to fix that for sure! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dont-Be-Haten Posted May 21, 2018 Author Share Posted May 21, 2018 Looking to stay encouraged for the long haul. Calen is a model I've been quite excited about. I hope to do him justice when the time comes. Originally I had intended to pain his armor black, now I think I'm going to go with red, as he will gain Death Visions but not always. Looking forward to painting again! Brother Aether, Silas7 and Damon Nightman 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dont-Be-Haten Posted May 24, 2018 Author Share Posted May 24, 2018 Seven hours of orientation yesterday; but was able to get a little paint slapped on Calen. Pictures to come later today once I get a bit more paint on 'em!Been tinkering around with a little bit of fluff for the 3rd captain, I think its a good time to incorporate him as a younger Astartes that showed excellent promise during the Baal Campaign and after the devastation was promptly promoted to the third captain as a natural leader. Hazriel gazed upon the ravaged battle ship once named, "Aegis of Haldroth." It was alive with sparks and survivors working like field surgeons trying to working in triage. He had survived the Devastation of Baal. He had sank within himself, as so many of his brothers had fallen to the curse within their Blood. Hajjin had not trusted the Blood Angels fully when the youth of the chapter had voted to go to the aid of their cousins. He had felt the opposite, for it was he who first gazed upon Astorath, and felt an ancient connection he could not fully explain. As Reclusiarch to the Carmine Blades it was his duty to guide his brothers through these turbulent times. Their ranks had swollen thanks to the Lord Commander's soldiers. Many of which were born of ancient times, with traditions of old. They were welcomed in one since, yet trust was brittle and the worlds and traditions were changing. In some sense it was what Hazriel felt needed to happen, to help cull the curse of his blood. Yet lament, stung his pride as the ranks of new bloods were christened with the odes to Baal and her Sister moon."You requested my audience Lord?" The young captain spoke to the Reclusiarch's back. Calen had only been bloodied for fifty-five years when the Carmine Blades went to Baal. However; he was an excellent tactician, earning the rank of Sergeant quickly within the Third Company. His eyes mirrored that of the ebon plated warrior that he stood before. He saluted in the traditions of Haldroth, though Calen did so out of respect, \he was more curious as to why the Reclusiarch had summoned him.Calen's noble features had not been ruined by the horrors on Baal, what scars he gained were more of a concern for the Reclusiarch, as It was uncommon for such a young warrior to obtain the rank of captain. Hazriel turned to Calen. His eyes held strength, that which many would follow. Hazriel's features as nobel as Calen's own, nodded. "Yes Calen." confirmed Hazriel, "There is a call from Baal." Hazriel held his hand up to let him finish, as Calen's eyes narrowed. "When we were not long inducted into the realm of the Winged Father, there was a festival held upon the Home world of the Blood Angels. I took it upon myself to participate, for I had yet to be of the position I am now. It was to show honor and support between our own chapter and that of our blood line." Hazriel remembers all too well the honored combat, though it seemed like a life time ago now."I wish you to enter as one of our Delegates...." Xenith 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Xenith Posted May 25, 2018 Share Posted May 25, 2018 "I wish you to enter as one of our Delegates...." Ace story! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dont-Be-Haten Posted May 25, 2018 Author Share Posted May 25, 2018 Hey Thanks! It needs some fine tuning for sire, but I felt like that got the point across. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dont-Be-Haten Posted June 5, 2018 Author Share Posted June 5, 2018 I thought I'd take a bit of time this morning between working on Dosage calculations and drinking coffee (I have a test in about 2 hours) and write a bit more about Calen or at least some banter that's coming from my brain.There was thunder. It crackled across an infinite sky, rolling and popping like the scream of some ancient being once worshiped by the realm of man, before the days of the imperium. This was followed by the illumination of clouds painted in red and violet, outlining their lethargic journey across this ancient world. It reminded Calen of a memory of his life before.A child stared into the void, thick nimbus clouds strangled any star light that normally would be spilled across the night sky like some spice spilt by a little girl trying to help her mother cook the family's evening meal. Calen's eyes blinked as he was pulled from the memory by the words of a robed servant. "My Lord, it is time..." Xenith and Damon Nightman 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dont-Be-Haten Posted August 3, 2018 Author Share Posted August 3, 2018 With Calen finished, I thought I might play a narrative game with him to fluff him out a little bit. It's looking like Sunday will be the day I play him on the board. The list I'm taking is not one of my normal lists, and its going to be a little bonkers actually. My goal is to forge the narrative.If we play 2,000 points I'm going to be taken loads of troops and just a smidgen of death company. Here's the list:++ Battalion Detachment +5CP (Imperium - Blood Angels) [61 PL, 1210pts] +++ HQ +Captain [6 PL, 129pts]: 2. Artisan of War, Jump Pack, Storm shield, The Angel's Wing (replaces jump pack), Thunder hammer, WarlordSanguinary Priest [5 PL, 88pts]: Chainsword, Jump Pack, Storm bolter+ Troops +Scout Squad [4 PL, 96pts]. Scout: Sniper rifle. Scout: Missile launcher. Scout: Sniper rifle. Scout: Sniper rifle. Scout Sergeant: Bolt pistol, Sniper rifleScout Squad [4 PL, 65pts]. Scout: Astartes shotgun. Scout: Boltgun. Scout: Boltgun. Scout: Heavy bolter. Scout Sergeant: Boltgun, ChainswordScout Squad [4 PL, 65pts]. Scout: Boltgun. Scout: Boltgun. Scout: Boltgun. Scout: Heavy bolter. Scout Sergeant: Boltgun, ChainswordTactical Squad [9 PL, 169pts]. 7x Space Marine. Space Marine (Heavy weapon): Heavy flamer. Space Marine (Special weapon): Meltagun. Space Marine Sergeant: Hand flamer, Power swordTactical Squad [9 PL, 161pts]. 7x Space Marine. Space Marine (Heavy weapon): Heavy bolter. Space Marine (Special weapon): Plasma gun. Space Marine Sergeant: Chainsword, Grav-pistol+ Flyer +Stormraven Gunship [15 PL, 352pts]: 2x Stormstrike missile launcher, Twin assault cannon, Twin multi-melta. Two hurricane bolters: 2x Hurricane bolter+ Dedicated Transport +Drop Pod [5 PL, 85pts]: Storm bolter++ Vanguard Detachment +1CP (Imperium - Blood Angels) [49 PL, 785pts] +++ HQ +Chaplain [6 PL, 97pts]: Jump Pack, Plasma pistolLieutenants [4 PL, 73pts]. Lieutenant: Inferno pistol, Power sword+ Elites +Death Company [18 PL, 204pts]: Jump Pack. Death Company Marine: Boltgun, Chainsword. Death Company Marine: Boltgun, Chainsword. Death Company Marine: Boltgun, Chainsword. Death Company Marine: Boltgun, Chainsword. Death Company Marine: Boltgun, Chainsword. Death Company Marine: Boltgun, Chainsword. Death Company Marine: Boltgun, Power fist. Death Company Marine: Boltgun, Power fist. Death Company Marine: Boltgun, ChainswordDeath Company Dreadnought [9 PL, 194pts]: Blood talons, Heavy flamer, Magna-grapple, MeltagunTerminator Squad [12 PL, 217pts]. Terminator: Chainfist, Storm bolter. Terminator: Heavy flamer, Power fist. Terminator: Power fist, Storm bolter. Terminator: Power fist, Storm bolter. Terminator Sergeant: Power sword, Storm bolter++ Total: [110 PL, 1995pts] ++As you can see it is a very weird list, however the goal here is to get a feel of some units hunkered down awaiting reinforcements which will be Calen, Hazriel and his death company, and the sanguinary priest Queran. Followed alongside Hazriel's Deathsworn and the indomitable Death Company Dread: Gorius.I really like the feel of the storm raven arriving first, followed by the other units coming in from reserve. I hope you guys like it. Once we have the battle I will try to write up an interesting report for it. Silas7 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dont-Be-Haten Posted August 5, 2018 Author Share Posted August 5, 2018 (edited) Auran PrimeSummer M42018It was another sweltering day on the surface of the quarry. Balin, Quill, Hari, and Gav were all sitting around the work grounds, tired from a hard day's labor. Their muscles, tight and stiff after the day's hard labor. They were strong backed miners, bathing in the irradiating suns of Auran Prime. Their sweat beaded down their skin, saturating the work jackets and undershirts together. The men conversed with one another like all men do once their job is done. They wore once white fabrics, smeared with soot and graying rings from their perspiration mixing with the black filth covering their skin. They wore workmen's fatigues, and thick boots to protect them from debris. Helmets with illumination devices sat beside each of the four men, alongside their tools and ration boxes. They were enjoying the respite for it was dangerous work down in the black coldness leagues beneath the surface of Auran Prime.Quill's rugged voice broke a moment the silence, "They said East-Six had a cave in at the third depth meter, thousand or so kilos of ore lost! Fifteen unlucky bastards went with all that black! Shame." His canteen raised and he threw back a swing and grimaced."Throne! What's worse than getting stuck in East-Six?" Gav half joked, as he took the canteen from his friend, toasted to him and followed a similar face to Quill's.Hari nodded with a dark face, his eyes squinted against the sun. Lines of crow's feet pressed against his temples, and he shook his hand to Gav's offering. He was quiet for the most part due to eating his rations. There was a dumping explosion felt all the way to the surface. The men were used to them, it was just another day in the mines.Balin half raised up, and the others turned their heads following suite. Quill had just finished rolling his tobacco and was about to light it.Gav had rubbed his nostrils with his finger and thumb., "What're they on about?"A Miner covered from head to toe smeared with black was yelling from the entrance to the foreman, who yelled back. Ripples turned to waves as the echoes of the hoarse man made its way through the camp to the group. "They've found something? What's he saying? Something about dead men, men of metal...?"Nothing was making sense. There was a second explosion, a third, and that's when the men realized something was not right. Edited August 5, 2018 by Dont-Be-Haten brother_b 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dont-Be-Haten Posted August 5, 2018 Author Share Posted August 5, 2018 Right then, the stage is set! So what army do you lot think the Carmine Blades will be facing today? NECRONS of course! This little prologue will set up the discourse between the Sons of the angel and the xenos threat of the necrons. Unbeknownst to the citizens of Auran Prime the mining facilities has disturbed the tomb of an uknown dynasty. The planet was unaware of the aeon long slumber of the seemingly mindless automatons. The citizens put up a valiant effort for what they are, the local perimeters of Astra Militarum have fought justly but pushed to the brink. Each day sees more soldiers lost to the endless legions of the xenos threat. The Governor of the planet has requested aide. Auran Prime is an industrial world for the imperium, its ore makes the crucial weapons of destruction needed to face the enemies of the Emperor. It is to Calen and his soldiers to meet this threat head on.More to come as the day progresses! I hope you guys enjoyed that silly little fluff, and I can't wait to get this game in! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dont-Be-Haten Posted August 5, 2018 Author Share Posted August 5, 2018 Right then. I decided a few last minute changes to my army were in order. Basically it occured to me that I could simply run this army as a double battalion, So I decided to be just a smidge cheeky to get the extra command points. The only other changes I made was I split one tactical squad into two small tactical squads gave Queran a power sword, and one of the death company a hand flamer (I had the point and model to spare)So now it looks like this!++ Battalion Detachment +5CP (Imperium - Blood Angels) [111 PL, 2000pts] +++ HQ +Captain [6 PL, 129pts]: 2. Artisan of War, Jump Pack, Storm shield, The Angel's Wing (replaces jump pack), Thunder hammer, WarlordChaplain [6 PL, 97pts]: Jump Pack, Plasma pistolLieutenants [4 PL, 73pts]. Lieutenant: Inferno pistol, Power swordSanguinary Priest [5 PL, 92pts]: Jump Pack, Power sword, Storm bolter+ Troops +Scout Squad [4 PL, 96pts]. Scout: Sniper rifle. Scout: Missile launcher. Scout: Sniper rifle. Scout: Sniper rifle. Scout Sergeant: Bolt pistol, Sniper rifleScout Squad [4 PL, 65pts]. Scout: Astartes shotgun. Scout: Boltgun. Scout: Boltgun. Scout: Heavy bolter. Scout Sergeant: Boltgun, ChainswordScout Squad [4 PL, 65pts]. Scout: Boltgun. Scout: Boltgun. Scout: Boltgun. Scout: Heavy bolter. Scout Sergeant: Boltgun, ChainswordTactical Squad [5 PL, 86pts]. 3x Space Marine. Space Marine (Special weapon): Plasma gun. Space Marine Sergeant: Chainsword, Grav-pistolTactical Squad [5 PL, 75pts]. 3x Space Marine. Space Marine (Heavy weapon): Heavy bolter. Space Marine Sergeant: Bolt pistol and boltgunTactical Squad [9 PL, 169pts]. 7x Space Marine. Space Marine (Heavy weapon): Heavy flamer. Space Marine (Special weapon): Meltagun. Space Marine Sergeant: Hand flamer, Power sword+ Elites +Death Company [18 PL, 205pts]: Jump Pack. Death Company Marine: Chainsword, Hand flamer. Death Company Marine: Boltgun, Power fist. Death Company Marine: Boltgun, Power fist. Death Company Marine: Boltgun, Chainsword. Death Company Marine: Boltgun, Chainsword. Death Company Marine: Boltgun, Chainsword. Death Company Marine: Boltgun, Chainsword. Death Company Marine: Boltgun, Chainsword. Death Company Marine: Boltgun, ChainswordDeath Company Dreadnought [9 PL, 194pts]: Blood talons, Heavy flamer, Magna-grapple, MeltagunTerminator Squad [12 PL, 217pts]. Terminator: Chainfist, Storm bolter. Terminator: Heavy flamer, Power fist. Terminator: Power fist, Storm bolter. Terminator: Power fist, Storm bolter. Terminator Sergeant: Power sword, Storm bolter+ Flyer +Stormraven Gunship [15 PL, 352pts]: 2x Stormstrike missile launcher, Twin assault cannon, Twin multi-melta. Two hurricane bolters: 2x Hurricane bolter+ Dedicated Transport +Drop Pod [5 PL, 85pts]: Storm bolter++ Total: [111 PL, 2000pts] ++ Silas7 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Silas7 Posted August 5, 2018 Share Posted August 5, 2018 Interesting 55PL = 1000pts roughly. Good luck Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dont-Be-Haten Posted August 6, 2018 Author Share Posted August 6, 2018 Right then Here's a summarized batrep. Didn't take pictures this go round, and I don't have my opponent's list but from memory he ran 2x 7 man squads of Tomb Blades with Tesla weapons. They are T5 with 2 wounds and Reanimation Protocols, that are -1 to hit in the shooting phase. 1 ghost ark, 3 annihilation barges all with tesla, 2 lords on command barges, 2x 10 man squads of immortals with tesla, 1x 10 man squad of warriors with gauss, a cryptek and 3x 5 man scarab swarms.Its a very mobile army with one of the dynasty traits he can advance a full 6" without rolling, the other increased AP values by +1 at half range (IIRC) I haven't played Necrons since they got their codex and it was an interesting experience. I knew I was in trouble the moment I realized everything is essentially Strength 5 and does 3 hits rather than 1 on any 6s. With "My Will Be Done" he's getting 2 extra hits on every 5 or 6, and each unit is shooting somewhere along the lines of 15-20 shots. Having Fly on 75% of his army allows him to leave any combat and shoot as normal, and on overwatch any 6s increases the hits by 2 and ap -1.We played Maelstrom of War: Contact Lost for our first game. I felt it was befitting for what was suppose to be for our first Narrative driven game. We deployed using Frontline Assault. I finished deploying first and rolled a 1 for going first which would be a 2. My opponent rolled a 6. He went first, claimed first blood by shooting off 2 units of scouts, and taking out 2 of my tactical marines with heavy bolter, and killing 2.5 Tactical TDAs by throwing an absurd 50 shots into them. He then spent a command point after advancing his scarab swarms 18" to assault the unit of tactical marines. My lieutenant intervened, I was only able to kill 2 bases between my three tactical marines that were left and lieutenant during his turn.My turn one I spent a command point to shoot flakk missiles at the Tomb Blades, I hit, caused 3 mortal wounds, and shot with my sniper scouts to not do any damage. The Storm Raven killed 4/5 bases of the second unit of scarabs with 24 shots from the hurrican bolters. It also killed 3 more tomb blades. I rolled a 1 and 3 on my melta weapon but because they were -1 to hit it was a miss and I rolled 2s on both missiles I shot into the squad. I scored 1 Tactical Objectives point for holding Objective 5 and I really thought I was going to score another point for a BA unit destroying an opposing unit in close combat. I shot 3 bolt pistols and an inferno pistol into the remaining 3 scarabs. I rolled a 6 for damage on the inferno pistol but only took 1 model out. The bolt pistols did 1 wound, even after re-rolls. In the assault phase I took 3 more wounds off the scarabs leaving 1 wound left on the unit so I didn't get the victory point, and I wanted to save those precious 3 CPs for turn 2 when I would bring in my reserves. So I didn't use Honour of the Chapter to fight a second time.Turn 2 basically saw most of my remaining ground forces wiped out. He ran out of combat with his scarab swarm, shot me off Objective 5, shot my remaining Tactical TDA off of the board, assaulted my Storm Raven and took it down with his Lords in barges. My DC dread survived to counter assault.My turn 2 saw me drop my drop pod into his back lines for hopes of line breaker, since it would take him until turn 4 to turn his army around and advance/my goal was to take objective 2, and hold it. I also drew the assassinate tactical objective. His Cryptek, an annihilator barge and immortals were positioned for a multi-assault from my Death company, Priest, Chaplain and Captain. I made the charge with the Death Company, which saw 5 boys in black die to overwatch because each six counts as 3 hits rather than 1, each were strength 5 and -1 AP at half range. All three characters failed their charges, including Calen with his free re-roll, even after spending another command point. (It happens)I shot everything into his warlord from my death company dread. It did an astounding 27 wounds in total between shooting and assaulting, however living metal saw that the lord only took 3 damage. 3 damage out of 27 is just nasty. I conceded at the end of my turn 3 because turn three I have had 1x 5 man squad of tactical marines and 1x 10 man squad of tactical marines and a drop pod left.Game 2 wasn't terribly different, except I put my Imperial knight in and took some stuff out. I scored more points but ultimately we ended the game on turn 4 after he blew up my knight, returned his warlord back to life with 1 wound and my chaplain missed his 5" charge range. All in all I know what I could have done differently to give myself a more fighting chance. However next time it will hopefully be more of a narrative driven list I will play. My counters would be assault weapons. Silas7 and Majkhel 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dont-Be-Haten Posted August 11, 2018 Author Share Posted August 11, 2018 Here's a list I've been playing around with. It is a Demi company to Captain Elijah of the carmine blades 2nd company, known as the Grudge Bringers. It has just enough of that BA flair I think a lot of you will enjoy. I'm hoping to field this soon. ++ Battalion Detachment +5CP (Imperium - Blood Angels) [101 PL, 1997pts] ++ + HQ + Captain [5 PL, 98pts]: 3. Soulwarden, Master-crafted boltgun, Relic blade, The Veritas Vitae, Warlord Librarian Dreadnought [9 PL, 172pts]: 1. Quickening, 6. Wings of Sanguinus, Furioso fist, Storm bolter Sanguinary Priest [4 PL, 69pts]: Bolt pistol, Chainsword + Troops + Tactical Squad [5 PL, 93pts] . 3x Space Marine . Space Marine (Special weapon): Meltagun . Space Marine Sergeant: Plasma pistol, Power sword Tactical Squad [5 PL, 86pts] . 3x Space Marine . Space Marine (Special weapon): Plasma gun . Space Marine Sergeant: Chainsword, Grav-pistol Tactical Squad [9 PL, 169pts] . 7x Space Marine . Space Marine (Heavy weapon): Heavy flamer . Space Marine (Special weapon): Meltagun . Space Marine Sergeant: Hand flamer, Power sword + Elites + Company Ancient [4 PL, 63pts]: Boltgun Company Champion [3 PL, 54pts]: Combat shield, Master-crafted power sword Company Veterans [8 PL, 118pts] . Space Marine Veteran: Chainsword, Plasma gun . Space Marine Veteran: Chainsword, Plasma gun . Space Marine Veteran: Chainsword, Plasma gun . Veteran Sergeant: Chainsword, Combi-plasma + Fast Attack + Assault Squad [5 PL, 106pts] . Space Marine Sergeant: Chainsword, Plasma pistol . 2x Space Marine w/ bolt pistol and chainsword . Space Marine w/ special weapon: Meltagun . Space Marine w/ special weapon: Meltagun Assault Squad [5 PL, 106pts] . Space Marine Sergeant: Chainsword, Plasma pistol . 2x Space Marine w/ bolt pistol and chainsword . Space Marine w/ special weapon: Meltagun . Space Marine w/ special weapon: Meltagun + Heavy Support + Devastator Squad [8 PL, 199pts]: Armorium Cherub . Space Marine: Grav-cannon and grav-amp . Space Marine: Grav-cannon and grav-amp . Space Marine: Grav-cannon and grav-amp . Space Marine: Grav-cannon and grav-amp . Space Marine Sergeant: Combi-grav Devastator Squad [8 PL, 199pts]: Armorium Cherub . Space Marine: Grav-cannon and grav-amp . Space Marine: Grav-cannon and grav-amp . Space Marine: Grav-cannon and grav-amp . Space Marine: Grav-cannon and grav-amp . Space Marine Sergeant: Combi-grav + Dedicated Transport + Drop Pod [5 PL, 85pts]: Storm bolter Razorback [5 PL, 116pts]: Storm bolter, Twin assault cannon Razorback [5 PL, 116pts]: Storm bolter, Twin assault cannon Rhino [4 PL, 74pts]: 2x Storm bolter Rhino [4 PL, 74pts]: 2x Storm bolter ++ Total: [101 PL, 1997pts] ++ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dont-Be-Haten Posted August 16, 2018 Author Share Posted August 16, 2018 Reinforcements inbound. Quick shot, more to come. brother_b, Spyros, Helias_Tancred and 3 others 6 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bjorn Firewalker Posted August 16, 2018 Share Posted August 16, 2018 The Knights look great! Dont-Be-Haten 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dont-Be-Haten Posted August 16, 2018 Author Share Posted August 16, 2018 Thanks mate!~ Here's the 2nd warglaive and my WIP Warden. In total it's about 1300ish points brother_b 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
brother_b Posted August 16, 2018 Share Posted August 16, 2018 Insane checker skills. Tutorial please! Great stuff, I'm ejoying this. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dont-Be-Haten Posted August 16, 2018 Author Share Posted August 16, 2018 Insane checker skills. Tutorial please! Great stuff, I'm ejoying this. Its transfer hax. brother_b 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dont-Be-Haten Posted August 21, 2018 Author Share Posted August 21, 2018 Well, about to be consumed by school again. It looks like I'm going to have a little free time which is more than I can say for the Summer. Hopefully I can keep this going for the next 4 months without skipping too much time.Only time will tell.I've got a lot accomplished on the Warden Knight that I had originally intended to be Orlando, Maybe he will be Orlandu now ;) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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