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Word Bearers and Questoris Knights - 3000 pts - Shadow Wars


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I’ve been out of the gaming side of the hobby for a while but I’m looking to get back in by attending the Shadow Wars event at the end of the month. As such, I’m a little rusty on list building and would appreciate any thoughts anyone has on the following list.


I’m quite sure it’s nowhere near optimised and probably never will be – I do have other stuff I can add but would prefer not to have to buy anything much in the way of new models at this point.


With no further ado, many thanks for reading and here’s my list:


Primary Detachment - Word Bearers (Chapter of the Hidden Light)                                                                                                      2085 (69.5%)


HQ                                                                                                                                                                                                                    200 (6.7%)


Centurion (100)

Power Fist; Burning Lore


Centurion (100)

Power Fist; Burning Lore


Elites                                                                                                                                                                                                                 215 (7.1%)


5 Gal Vorbak (215)

Power Fist


Troops                                                                                                                                                                                                            665 (22.1%)


19 Tactical Marines (240)

Vexila; Power Fist


19 Tactical Marines (240)

Vexila; Power Fist


8 Tactical Support Marines (185)

Volkite Calivers


Heavy Support                                                                                                                                                                                                555 (18.5%)


Sicaran Venator (210)

Armoured Ceramite


Sicaran Venator (210)

Armoured Ceramite


Legion Vindicator (135)

Auxiliary Drive; Extra Armour


Lord of War                                                                                                                                                                                                        450 (15%)


Lorgar Aurelian (450)

Lorgar Transfigured


Allied Detachment – Questoris Knights (House Mystral)                                                                                                                         915 (30.5%)


HQ                                                                                                                                                                                                                  505 (16.8%)


Questoris Knight Crusader (505)

Lord Scion; Rapid-Fire Battle Cannon; Stormspear Rocket Pod


Troops                                                                                                                                                                                                            410 (13.7%)


Knight Paladin (410)

Scion Martial; Twin Icarus Autocannon

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First, Off you need a Chaplin, :P or your list is not legal.


I see mobility as an issues but it dose depend on the game types you get at Shadow wars.


Your Venators are good for shutting down Enemy armour, and super heavy's


you only got one Anti Air weapon that might be a bit of an issue but i dont see may list with more then one or two flyers in there as there expensive points wise.


also I swap your knights round the Crusaders a much better Scoring unit being a ranged knight you can just sit it on the target and Dakka everything ware the Paladin wants to get in to combat and the +1 Invo helps it in that.


As for help I upgrade your other HQ to a Primus sit him in the Vorbak with Lorgar and go Mamie stuff :D

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First, Off you need a Chaplin, tongue.png or your list is not legal.

No, Chaplain or Centurion are both good for the Charismatic Leadership rule.

You really need a plan for getting Lorgar and who ever he's running with (assume this is the Gal Vorbak) to the enemy. Either a Spartan or Kharybdis are probably your best options. If you're short on points, even a bunker with an escape hatch would do the trick.

If you're putting Lorgar with the Gal Vorbak, you need more of them, ideally 10. Also give the Dark Martyr some Artificer Armour and make sure the squad has some special weapons - I prefer one power maul per 5 Gal Vorbak, but as long as it's not the plasma gun (rapid fire doesn't mix well with assaults) you can make any of them work.

I'd also take Artificer Armour on your Centurions and sergeants.

I wouldn't bother with a vexilla either since you have the True Believers rule. Since you have two big blobs of tacticals, I would try and fit in a couple of Apothecaries though (definitely with artificer armour and possibly with augury scanners if you have the points).

If you need the points, I'd probably loose one of Venators or the Vindicator. Or perhaps the tactical support marines. I'm also not sure armoured ceramite is needed on the Venators - with 40 well-spaced tacticals on foot you should be able to do a decent job of bubble wrapping them.

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Thank you both for the comments. I'm afraid I don't have a transport option for the Gal Vorbak and Lorgar and I can't afford one at this stage. So I've taken them out of the list and shuffled things around a bit to accord with your other suggestions and put a few more bodies on the table. At present, I'm still 70 points short of 3000 so some suggestions about how I could use those would be much appreciated.


Primary Detachment - Word Bearers (Chapter of the Hidden Light)                                                                                                      1625 (54.2%)


HQ                                                                                                                                                                                                                    220 (7.3%)


Centurion (110)

Power Fist; Burning Lore; Artificer Armour


Centurion (110)

Power Fist; Burning Lore; Artificer Armour


Elites                                                                                                                                                                                                                 300 (10%)


2 Apothecaries (120)

Augury Scanners; Artificer Armour


Contemptor-Mortis Dreadnought (180)

2 Kheres Assault Cannons


Troops                                                                                                                                                                                                            725 (24.2%)


20 Tactical Marines (250)

Power Fist; Artificer Armour


20 Tactical Marines (250)

Power Fist; Artificer Armour


10 Tactical Support Marines (225)

Volkite Calivers


Heavy Support                                                                                                                                                                                                380 (12.7%)


Sicaran Venator (190)


Sicaran Venator (190)



Allied Detachment – Questoris Knights (House Mystral)                                                                                                                         915 (43.5%)



Knight Paladin (410)

Lord Scion; Twin Icarus Autocannon




Knight Errant (370)

Scion Martial


Heavy Support


Knight Crusader (500)

Scion Arbalester; Stormspear Rocket Pod

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