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Biggest Sword for Astartes (Not GK though)


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You could also go full on Buster Sword mode and give him a nemesis greatsword devil.gif

Is that the GK TDA one or something different?

Because that is sort of what I'm after.....

If not I also have Arcaeon's metal sword from the foot model lying around.......

You could also go full on Buster Sword mode and give him a nemesis greatsword devil.gif

Is that the GK TDA one or something different?

It's a tad bigger and as hilarious as it would be, I may not be entirely serious at suggesting you use it!

Dreadknight sprue pic

The Fantasy Empire Greatswords (...whatever they are called nowadays) has about twenty two-handed greatswords in the kit. Ten are straight-edged, and ten are flamberge.


Other than that, I think Brother Arkley has covered the main ones I know of... Although there is a pretty big one in the Ravenwing BKCS set too.


Another thought is to look look at the Age of Sigmar Stormcast stuff - plenty of very big swords there, and the models tower over a Marine, so they should do well enough as greatswords.

Hmm the Sigmarines are a solid shout!


The Paladin spear things a pretty huge...!


That Ravenwing one is workable too - as it has wings on.


What about Demons? Any really good swords from the Khorne range people could recomend? I may be going the way of a bound-daemon or something.



Can't find the link at the moment, but in the BA forum someone did a Priest/Sanguinor with a "Buster Sword" that was two of the single Glaive Encarmines back to back. It was the on handed sword with the wing by the haft...

Can't find the link at the moment, but in the BA forum someone did a Priest/Sanguinor with a "Buster Sword" that was two of the single Glaive Encarmines back to back. It was the on handed sword with the wing by the haft...


I DO recall that actually........ HMMMM.


For reference everyone this is for the BA 30k Relic: The Photonic Blade.

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as explained earlier, here are the final two "before" pics of my vows. UPS finally delivered:


8. Chaos Lord of Tzeentch with Jump Pack and Murder Sword: The Overcompensator!




How about that ;)

What about Kromlech ones? They've got a couple of swords that look quite big (one in the two handed pack and another in the one handed, not giving links because their webpage seems to be under maintenance, but if you google "kromlech sword" you should see some images to give you an idea)

When I did my counts as Helbrecht I knew I wanted a nice beefy chunk of metal to represent the sword of the high marshals. I ended up raiding the bits bin for the haft and used green stuff for the blade. It's obviously not a kit item, but I figured it might be worth a look for you. Sometimes it's easier to just make what you have in mind then searching for the perfect premade bit.







Sigmarines. Definitly.

Hands fit well, style fits too if you like lightning for a power weapon.

The basic kit has 5 large one-handed ones, 5 short ones and a very large two-handed one for an Emperor's Champion pose.

(Additionally 10 very bulky one-handed hammers and a big one)


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