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Alpha Legion 3k Coils Swiss Army Knife


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Building an Alpha Legion army to be as useful as I can within the tactics available. I am not using any of the special characters as I wanted numbers and went that direction over bells and whistles. I am in a fairly uncompetitive meta, so I wasn't going for hard core mode but I don't feel like getting stomped either.

3k Coils of Hydra


Praetor- jumppack, paragonblade, iron halo, melta bombs


Assault Squad- x15 guys, 3 power axes, Sgt w powerfist, powerdagger, art armor and melta bombs

Tac Squad x10 sgt with powerfist, meltabombs, power dagger. Rhino w Havoc

Tac Squad x10 sgt with powerfist, meltabombs, power dagger, Rhino w havoc

Tac Support Squad x6 guys melta guns, Rhino w multi-melta

Tac Support Squad x5 guys, flamers Rhino w Multi-melta


Vet Squad- x10 guys, two heavy bolters, sgt with powerfist, power dagger, melta bombs, rhino w Havoc


Seekers x5 combi plasma Rhino with havoc

Seekers x5 Combi-plasma Rhino with Havoc


Iron Havocs x6 missile launchers, Rhino with Havoc

Sicarian with lascannon sponsons



LoW- Strike Wing with 2 Vultures with Punisher cannons(most expensive option pointwise, they will be magnetized). Real reason is I have had them on my shelf for two years and I want a reason to put them together.


Seekers are my main point of concern, they are bloody expensive. I was thinking of a single 10 man squad but that was over 400 points. I have the ten models, not sure what else I can use them for. I don't think off hand that vets have that option. This is even more fun since I have ten more actual headhunters I haven't figured out how to shoehorn in. Wondering if maybe keep a 5 man and whatever change is left and making a bare boned 10 man seeker squad by ditching the flamer tac squad since they were purely an addon since I had a spare 150 points. 

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Would give the Praetor a power dagger and digi lasers for added nastiness with the Paragon blade.

Also maybe bump up the Iron Havocs? You've paid the troop tax, added a rhino tax, but not made best use of the rhino space/numbers available? Could add an augury scanner to the IH Serg, help protect your back line.

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