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Alpha Legion 2500 "Coils of the Hydra" with Dynat


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Finalising my Alpha Legion purchases, so wanted to run this list by you all to see what you think:



Armillus Dynat: Rite of War (The Coils of the Hydra); power dagger 205



10 Tactical Space Marines: Tactical Sergeant (artificer armour; power fist; power dagger); 9 Tactical Space Marines; legion vexilla 165 x3

Rhino: dozer blade; pintle-mounted multi-melta 55 x3



7 Tyrant Siege Terminators: Tyrant Siege Master (chainfist; power dagger); 6 Tyrant Siege Terminators 405



8 Seekers: Strike Leader (artificer armour; combi-plasma); 7 Seekers; 7 × combi-plasma 305

Land Raider Proteus: hull-mounted twin-linked lascannon; dozer blade; armoured ceramite; pintle-mounted multi-melta; explorator augury web 300

Javelin Attack Speeder Squadron

Javelin Attack Speeder: pintle-mounted multi-melta; 2 × hunter-killer missiles 75

Javelin Attack Speeder Squadron

Javelin Attack Speeder: pintle-mounted multi-melta; 2 × hunter-killer missiles 75



Fire Raptor Gunship: turret-mounted Reaper autocannon battery; 4 wing-mounted Hellstrike missiles 230

Vindicator Siege Tank Squadron

Vindicator: hull-mounted laser destroyer array 130

Whirlwind Scorpius xxx


2,500 points



- I will run Tank Hunters just about every time, unless I have a particular reason not to.

- Dynat's "Hammerstrike Assault" Warlord Trait enables Deep Strike on the Siege Tyrants, though they'll start on the board with him for BS5.

- Proteus will Scout 12" forward, allowing the Seekers to jump out and plasma something to death Turn 1. Explorator Augury Web is to help get the Javelins and Fire Raptor on the board quicker, or add another -1 to enemies Reserves (making it -2 with Signal Corruption).

- Javelins Deep Strike or Outflank into position to waste medium armour. Fire Raptor drowns the enemy with overwhelming firepower.

- Tactical Squads take objectives as needed.

- Scorpius and Vindicator Tank Destroyer support from the backfield.


I'm thinking that a nuncio-vox or two would be a good idea to help spot for the Scorpius and give my Deep Strikers some safety, but not sure I want to drop anything. Maybe I could swap out the Tactical Sergeants' power fists... Thoughts?

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Lots of variety in your list which I quite like, I think the Seekers are a bit expensive compared to Vets but you don't have the means to run a plasma Vet squad in a Proteus since your heavy slots are full. What's the plan for the Seekers after they plasma their target?


Also, if you plan on Scouting the Proteus forward there is the rare chance that since it is basically sitting on its own that it will get annihilated which will definitely effect your reserve manipulations.

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Yeah, Vets would be cheaper, but due to the need for Dedicated Transports in Coils, Seekers it is! :) I figure they'll do whatever they need to afterwards - take objectives, shoot TEQ with Scorpius shells, etc.


Yes, the Proteus is going to be up front, but ideally I'll put it in cover and not move it after the Scout redeploy. If it's delivered the Seekers and manipulated Reserves, it's done it's job. :) 3 twin-linked lascannon and a multi-melta will be a decent firebase after that!

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High AV will be an issue, but there's no such thing as a perfect list! I have thought about swapping the Javelins for another Vindicator for just that reason...
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Pretty sure you have to pay 20 points for the two batteries otherwise you only get one for the Raptor.


Otherwise, looks like a softer version of my coils list. For whatever it's worth, a Support Squad would probably be better than Seekers since you have Dynat's cognis signum.

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Yeah, the wording is atrocious, but that makes the most sense.


Contemplated Veterans and Support Marines, but neither have a Dedicated Transport for Coils that will reliably get them to a good position.


What does your Coils list look like?

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Can special characters (Dynat) get upgrades (the power dagger)?


My understanding of Coils is that the Tyrants would need to deep strike and can't start on the board,


I love the use of the Seekers - with their specialist ammo they are still deadly after they've used the plasma.


Is tank hunter the best use of the mutable tactic rule? I assume you've taken it just for the Tyrants?

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Yeah, Dynat's power dagger came up over at Heresy30k. I'm perfectly happy to drop it, but I cannot find any rule stating that Special Characters cannot take Legion-specific upgrades. Most Iron Hands take Autek Mor with a Cyber-familiar...


Quote: "Infantry squads that do not have either a Dedicated Transport or the ability to Infiltrate or Deep Strike may not be chosen as part of the force."

So the Tyrants just need the ability to Deep Strike, but they don't have to Deep Strike.


I love Seekers as well! Not a super-competitive choice, but they (and the Proteus) add something to ny list, so I'm happy. :)


Tank Hunters is for a few reasons:

- yes, the Tyrants get a lot out of it.

- my main opponent tends to run an armoured column like me.

- my previous list had 3 units of Breachers with meltaguns, so it's also a holdover from that.

I have considered taking Infiltrate as my Mutable Tactic, and putting a Siege Breaker in with the Siege Tyrants. They'll be pretty deadly that way, and it'll allow me to position my Tacticals and Seekers in very good positions...


The army is based around Dynat's invasion of Paramar, ie. mounted Infantry, with speeder and gunship support (and Mechanicum). The Infantry is bought, assembled & partially painted, and I have a Proteus on the way, but otherwise I'm open to anything that fits the theme! :)

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