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The Dark Brethren 2000p


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Hi, 1st Try HH Army


2000p World Bearers


Legion Astartes:World Bearers
RoW: The Dark Brethen



Zardu Layak(175)

Legion Centurion: Artificer Armor, Burning Lore, Chaplin, Lightning Claw Pair(325)



Legion Tactical Squad: 15 Marines, Seragant with Artificer Armor (225)

Legion Tactical Squad: 10 Marines, Seragant with Artificer Armor + Rhino (170)



Gal Vorbak: 7 Gal, 1 Power Maul, Seragant with Artificer Armor and Power Maul


Fast Attack

Anvillus Pattern Dreadclaw Drop Pod(115)


Heavy Support

Legion Whirlwind Scorpius(115)


Demon Allies



Demon Prince:2x Grater Reward, Daemonic Flight, Mastery Lv 2, Mark of Slaanesh, Warp forged Armor (305)



Demonetts: 10 Demonetts, Alluress, Instrument of Chaos, Icon of Chaos (115)


Heavy Support

Demon Prince:2x Grater Reward, Daemonic Flight, Mastery Lv 2, Mark of Slaanesh, Warp forged Armor (305)



7lv of Psycic. Nice to have! I dont think i go full sommon, i just dont have the models for that. So it will take more of a support Role. Zardu Layak will join the Blob hes Propably the one that goes Summoning anyways... The rest of the Tactics in Cave man stile. Marines Hold! Princes Kill! Gal Vorbak+Chaplin+Anvillus kill more!


And a Scorpius against hordes and Light Armor for the giggels.



What do u think?





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Hey, welcome to the Word Bearers!


Couple of points I would make here if you don't mind...


1. I would put Zardu Layak in the Gal Vorbak.

He can 'select' his Powers (which I'm fairly certain means you can just pick the ones you want) so I would go all Daemonology to get Summoning through Psychic Focus as well as Cursed Earth and whatever other Power you fancy.

He will be very useful in the Gal Vorbak as Cursed Earth can give them a much better Inv Save (5+ becomes 4+) and the Gal Vorbak's T5 and multiple wounds means it will be harder to take Zardu out due to Majority Toughness (when a unit is shot the majority T value is used so Zardu's T4 is ignored).

He also confers Zealot to the Gal Vorbak and they can then benefit from his Legiones Astartes Rules which they don't otherwise have.


2. Where is the Chaplain going and why does he have Lightning Claws?


Essentially, there is no point in the Chaplain having Lightning Claws as he gains a Power Weapon for free with the Chaplain upgrade.


Which is why I asked what unit he will be joining as it gives you two options (assuming you put Zardu Layak in the Gal Vorbak as suggested)...


First Option:

If he is joining the Gal Vorbak too, drop the Chaplain upgrade and make him just a Centurion with Burning Lore and Lightning Claws. Take Biomancy as his power to gain Smite (Psychic Focus) and whatever other power you roll - Endurance would be great if you're lucky to give Gal Vorbak Eternal Warrior. Iron Arm is great too though.

The Word Bearers rules demand either a Chaplain or Centurion so losing the Chaplain upgrade does not break this rule.


Second Option:

If he is joining one of the Tactical Squads. Drop the Lightning Claws and put him in the 15-man squad. They will be great with Zealot but stick to the free Power Weapon and save points on the Claws as the Tactical Squad is better off shooting.


Really either option one or two would be good although I would lean towards one as it would make the Gal Vorbak much better.


3. Gal Vorbak Sergeant

Power Maul in the squad is great but give the Sergeant a Power Fist instead as it will come in handy against vehicles and 2+ Saves.


4. Daemon Allies are not a Legal Allied Detachment.

You only get to select a Daemon Prince as a Heavy Support choice if you take a Greater Daemon as your HQ (I.e. A Keeper of Secrets). So one of the Princes will have to go, either the HQ to get a Keeper of Secrets or the HS as it's not allowed.

I would cut the Heavy Support Prince and use that to either get more Legion Troops or add more Daemons.


5. Daemonettes

I would drop the Instrument as it's not that important and use those points to give the Alluress an Etherblade instead for AP2. Would consider upgrading the Icon to a Rapturous Standard too if the points are there.


6. General Army Comp

Your army seems to be lacking a lot of ranged weapons really. Other than the Scorpius, which is decent if you hit. The Gal Vorbak and Daemons are great up close and the Tactical Squads are great at mid-range but there is nothing in your army that could really take out enemy Vehicles or Elite 2+ Saves from range. Might be something to think about.



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Dreadclaws can only take 5 gal vorbak due to the bulky rule making then take 2 spaces each.

This is what often messes up my lists as I'm often left with a Chaplin/centurion that I dont know what to do with as all my melee units have full transports.


Wish we could take gal vorbak as a 2-10 same as death guard can with deathshroud terminators as it would make list building so much easier

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