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Last of the Serrated Sun 2000p


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Hey everyone just trying to get some feedback about a Word Bearers list. I have yet to play a game of HH but everyone in my area is gearing up for it. Here we go!


+++ Last of the serrated sun (2000pts) +++


++ Legiones Astartes: Age of Darkness Army List (Age of Darkness) (2000pts) ++


+ HQ (300pts) +


High Chaplain Erebus (195pts) [Diabolist]

····Legiones Astartes [Legion Specific Rules]

····Master of the Legion [Last of the Serrated Sun]


Legion Centurion (105pts) [Artificer Armour (10pts)]

····Legiones Astartes [Legion Specific Rules]

····May be upgraded to one of these Consul roles: (45pts)

········Primus Medicae (45pts) [support Officer]


+ Troops (620pts) +


Gal Vorbak Dark Brethren (265pts) [4x Dark Brethren (120pts), Legion Drop Pod (35pts), Power Weapon (10pts)]

····Dark Martyr (20pts) [Artificer Armour (10pts), Tainted Weapon (10pts)]

····Legiones Astartes [Legion Specific Rules]


Legion Tactical Squad (205pts) [Dark Channelling (25pts), Legion Drop Pod (35pts), 9x Legion Tactical Space Marines (90pts)]

····Legion Tactical Sergeant (20pts) [Artificer Armour (10pts), Power Weapon (10pts)]

····Legiones Astartes [Legion Specific Rules]


Legion Tactical Support Squad (150pts) [Legion Drop Pod (35pts), 5x Legion Space Marines (75pts), Volkite Chargers]

····Legion Sergeant [Power Armour]

····Legiones Astartes [Legion Specific Rules]


+ Elites (860pts) +


Contemptor-Mortis Dreadnought (195pts) [Havoc Launcher (15pts), Two Kheres Pattern Assault Cannons (25pts)]


Legion Terminator Squad (360pts) [Anvillus Pattern Dreadclaw Drop Pod (115pts), Chainfist (10pts), Dark Channelling (25pts), 4x Legion Terminators (120pts), 2x Lightning Claw (10pts), Plasma Blaster (15pts), Power Fist (5pts), Tartaros Terminator Armour with Combi-bolter and Power Weapon]

····Legion Terminator Sergeant (5pts) [Power Fist (5pts)]

····Legiones Astartes [Legion Specific Rules]


Mhara Gal Tainted Dreadnought (305pts)


+ Heavy Support (220pts) +


Deredeo Pattern Dreadnought (220pts) [Aiolos Missile Launcher (35pts)]


+ Legion +


Legion Astartes [Traitor, XVII: Word Bearers]


Created with BattleScribe (http://www.battlescribe.net)


General idea: Mhara Gal dread moves up the board with the Deredo and the contemptor acting as fire support/ popping light transports. Erebus and the medic come down with the support squad and then peel off to join the terminators or the Gal Vorbak. Stupid drop pod having only 10 slots...need 1 more for some special characters! Terminators and tac squad have dark channeling for fluffiness. Thoughts?

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You're taking pods for the dreads ?


Well I wondered that, as I thought everything had to start the game in a pod, but having checked my book, I don't think that is the case actually.


All it says is that 'All Infantry units in the army must deploy via...drop pod...' and strictly speaking, Dreadnoughts aren't Infantry, they are Walkers who although act as Infantry, are in fact Vehicles and so it seems as though it is totally fine to not give them pods.

Same as if you had a Sicaran or Land Raider Heavy Support Choice, or bikes/jetbikes; they aren't Infantry so don't need a pod.


Which in terms of what TempestBlade has come up with is actually a very good idea! Pods come down, opponent can't focus on Dreads anymore, who are left to move unhindered or just get on with shooting stuff.

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That's the idea Apostle! The terminators would be in the pod. Lots of up front pressure with pods coming down should leave the dreadnoughts walk up easier. I want to add 1 more pod to get 5 pod so 3 come in turn 1 but I'm not sure what to cut. Maybe cut the missile launchers on the mortis, cut 1 support squad and find 5 more points and get a deathstorm (cheapest point pod I can think of). Like I said I have playtested anything yet just spitballing
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I like it! It is a good idea and I recon it would be fun to play.


There is just one tiny little detail that I have just noticed that makes this list 'illegal' if you will. Word Bearers require 2 compulsory HQ choices, one of which must be a Chaplain or a Centurion.

Whilst Erebus has got you covered for the Compulsory Chaplain, you still need another HQ - I know you have the Primus Medicae but he has the Support Officer Special Rule which means he cannot be a Compulsory choice.


Essentially you just need to add in another HQ (that isn't a support officer), or swap the Primus Medicae for one without the Support Officer Rule.

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Oh man I missed the support officer part of the Medicae! Good catch. I'll swap him out for a Chaplain then. Might then swap Erebus for Layak too then. I hate Erebus for the while taking-out-a-great-character thing. More fluff than rules but still it was not cool!
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I'd watch out for that Mhara Gal. Your Gal Vorbak, Tacticals & Terminators (if you roll daemon for dark channeling) and Erebus (psyker) will limit you quite badly on deployment and movement. If you like dreadnoughts, I'd replace him with a Leviathan in a drop pod if you can find the points. If you can't find the points, then a Sicaran Venator could really help your list when you inevitably come across AV14 and/or lord of war you want to shut down. 


I'd replace the tainted weapon on the Dark Martyr with a power fist and make sure the other squad upgrade is a power maul. 4 S10, 5 S7 and 15 S5 rending attacks on the charge is always fun.


Also worth thinking about is replacing the Tactical Support squad with a Command squad for Erebus since they can also take a drop pod. May be a safer option until you can move Erebus and your other HQ into a better home. A Tactical Support squad is 110 points for one 2+ and four 3+ wounds. A Command squad is 105 points for six 2+ wounds. You're swapping free volkite chargers or flamers for better WS, two more attacks and the standard, but loosing scoring. Or if you replaced the Mhara Gal with a Venator, you could probably have both.


You need think of a another non-support HQ for your army instead of the Primus Medicae. I'd recommend giving him a Boarding Shield for defensive grenades in the event of a turn 1/2 counter-assault, which is quite likely in a drop pod list. If you want to keep the points down, I've had a lot of success with a simple Centurion with artificer armour, boarding shield and power fist for 90 points. But a Forge Lord with rad grenades or a Siegebreaker could also work.


Something else that would also work well in your list, but often hard to fit in, is a Damocles Command Rhino.


If you have any points left over, try and give any characters that don't have a power fist some melta bombs.


However, I think the best thing you could do for your list is to try and squeeze a fifth drop pod in there somehow (always aim for an odd number). Then you'd have three of them coming in on the first turn.


Here's my take on a Serrated Sun list at 2000 points:


Zardu Layek [175]

Command Squad - standard bearer with power fist; 4 chosen with 2 power axes; legion drop pod [175]

Centurion - artificer armour, power fist, boarding shield [90]

Gal Vorbak - dark martyr with artficer armour & power fist; 4 dark brethren with 1 power maul; legion drop pod [270]

Tactical Squad - sergeant with artificer armour & melta bombs; legion drop pod [175]

Tactical Support Squad - sergeant with artificer armour & melta bombs; 5 flamers; legion drop pod [150]

Terminators - sergeant with chainfist, 2 terminators with dual lightning claws, 1 terminator with plasma plaster & power fist, 1 terminator with combi-bolter & chainfist; tartaros armour; anvillus drop pod [360]

Contemptor Mortis - twin kheres & havoc launcher [195]

Sicaran Venator [190]

Deredeo - twin anvilus & aiolos launcher [220]


Give Zardu Cursed Earth (also works well with your Gal Vorbak) and some summoning powers (he chooses his powers rather than rolls for them). So have a couple of squads of Daemonettes or Plaguebearers ready for him. And possibly a greater daemon if you also choose possession, but make sure you make your other HQ your warlord if you want to do this.


Zardu and the Centurion go with the Command squad and come in on the first turn with the Gal Vorbak and Terminators. Tactical and Tactical Support follow later. If you can get Zardu to join the Gal Vorbak as soon as possible that's great, but if not keep him with the Command squad or get him to join the Terminators. The Centurion can stay where he is or join other squads as appropriate.

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Mmm I haven't looked at the command squad option. It sucks about the Mhara Gal. I like the model and have him painted up but it seems he is destined to stay on the shelf for a while. Thanks for the thoughts everyone! I will have to rethink my idea. May have to kitbash a Argel Tal also. Someone needs to the Serrated Sun into battle!
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No, Dhar'Neth has it right. Word Bearers require an additional Compulsory HQ, and this must be a Centurion or Chaplain. Erebus fulfils that, but the Primus Medicae cannot be the other Compulsory HQ, as it is a Support Officer.
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Ok revised list time!


+++ Last of the serrated sun (2000pts) +++


++ Legiones Astartes: Age of Darkness Army List (Age of Darkness) (2000pts) ++


+ HQ (460pts) +


Legion Centurion (135pts) [burning Lore (30pts), Melta Bombs (5pts), Power Armour, Tainted Weapon (15pts)]

····Legiones Astartes [Legion Specific Rules]

····May be upgraded to one of these Consul roles: (35pts) [Chaplain (35pts)]


Legion Praetor (325pts) [Artificer Armour, Iron Halo (25pts), Paragon Blade (25pts)]

····Legion Command Squad (175pts) [Legion Drop Pod (35pts), 4x Legion Space Marine Chosen (60pts), Legion Standard Bearer, Power Fist (15pts), 2x Power Weapon (20pts)]

········Legiones Astartes [Legion Specific Rules]

····Legiones Astartes [Legion Specific Rules]

····Master of the Legion [Last of the Serrated Sun]


+ Troops (540pts) +


Gal Vorbak Dark Brethren (270pts) [4x Dark Brethren (120pts), Legion Drop Pod (35pts), Power Weapon (10pts)]

····Dark Martyr (25pts) [Artificer Armour (10pts), Power Fist (15pts)]

····Legiones Astartes [Legion Specific Rules]


Gal Vorbak Dark Brethren (270pts) [4x Dark Brethren (120pts), Legion Drop Pod (35pts), Power Weapon (10pts)]

····Dark Martyr (25pts) [Artificer Armour (10pts), Power Fist (15pts)]

····Legiones Astartes [Legion Specific Rules]


+ Elites (485pts) +


Contemptor-Mortis Dreadnought (180pts) [Two Kheres Pattern Assault Cannons (25pts)]


Mhara Gal Tainted Dreadnought (305pts)


+ Heavy Support (515pts) +


Deredeo Pattern Dreadnought (220pts) [Aiolos Missile Launcher (35pts)]


Legion Predator Strike Armoured Squadron (130pts)

····Legion Predator Tank (130pts) [Executioner Plasma Cannon (55pts)]


Legion Sicaran Battle Tank (165pts)


+ Legion +


Legion Astartes [Traitor, XVII: Word Bearers]


Created with BattleScribe (http://www.battlescribe.net)


So I know everyone will say to drop the Mhara Gal but I haven't used him and I would like to try him out. He'll probably do nothing and be a pain in my ass but on paper and as long as I keep the Gal Vorbak away from him it should work. The Praetor I am going to call Argel Tal. With the Burning of Prospero boxset coming out the Custodes spear and sword look awesome and I have to make him. So thoughts? The pods will drop in behind with the contemptor, deredeo, predator, sicaran, and Mhara Gal in the front adding firesupport and busting open transports etc.

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I agree, You need something to score but your going to end up with 4pods if you keep your gal vorbak which isn't optimal unless you have a major rethink

I'd try and squeeze in a tac support squad with chargers. in a pod its 225 with Aa/melta bomb Sgt or 245 with extra combat weapon.

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No, Dhar'Neth has it right. Word Bearers require an additional Compulsory HQ, and this must be a Centurion or Chaplain. Erebus fulfils that, but the Primus Medicae cannot be the other Compulsory HQ, as it is a Support Officer.


I thought FW said at some point that Erebus and Kor Phearon fulfilled both the charismatic leadership and standard character requirement, but I might be wrong about that..

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So for a command squad do people like the normal 2+ artifer armor or terminator armor? If terminator armor what kind? I'm leaning towards cataphractii armor. The 2+ 4++ sounds nice and a praetor with a paragon blade and 1 power on biomancy (hopefully iron arm or endurance) should take care of most things and then the command squad mops up
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So for a command squad do people like the normal 2+ artifer armor or terminator armor? If terminator armor what kind? I'm leaning towards cataphractii armor. The 2+ 4++ sounds nice and a praetor with a paragon blade and 1 power on biomancy (hopefully iron arm or endurance) should take care of most things and then the command squad mops up

This is a tricky one and people will have different views I'm sure but I usually go tartaros terminators for a com squad. Whist the 4++ of cata is superb not being able to sweep can really slow you down as a small unit.

Last thing you want to see is a 20man tac squad you get stuck in for 2-3 rouds of combat when it could be over in 1


It's all a trade off

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I also prefer Tartaros for Word Bearers as they are really good at sweeping thanks to their rules. However consider a Command squad with power weapons (axe) and combat shields, they get additional attack compared to teminators and get 2+/5++ in close combat and are only 180 pts at full squad.

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