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Painting Heresy Imperial Fists


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I'm starting Heresy era Imperial Fists army, and struggling with a good but quick yellow.


My current sample paint scheme done in the following way (following other forum guidance):


Undercoat - Army Painter Bone spray

Wash - Agrax/Lahmian mix 1/2 all over

Edge - Dorn Yellow

Wash - Lamenters Yellow x 2


I'm not sure I have a yellow enough to yellow. I am not going for an orangey look, but a reasonable bright yellow I think.


Any advice on how I can tweak my scheme or comments on current model would be appreciated.


New to the forums so not sure how to link/insert pictures. If you go to my gallery you can see my sample marine painted to the stage detailed above.

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Looking at your pictures, you need to be more targeted with the first all over wash, and more it to recesses and shading only.

Here's an example from a while back,


Post #19





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