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Ah good, at least someone does. ;)


There honestly not too bad. It's just that when you compare them to the Juan Diaz Daemonettes... yeah. I know which I prefer. But your paint job goes a long way to improve the model visuals so kudos for that. :tu:

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I wouldn't be surprised if the next iteration of Slaanesh stuff is even less err... kinky?


But yeah, the Juan Diaz sculpts were great. Just maybe a little too female and not enough daemonic for a firm that largely sells models to kids! :D

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Looks great. I too am a lover of the new Daemonettes and I actually prefer them to the Diaz ones for both the fluff and their more subtle approach. They're meant to be repulsive and alluring at the same time. I think these capture that well.


But back on topic. Can we expect to see more Slaaneshi stuffs from you?

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I will eventually do a slaanesh cohort for my Daemon army. The problem is my daemon army isn;t even built yet, and given we have just seen Magnus, I think it's more likely that my focus will go back to Tzeentch for quite some time. :/

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