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1500pts from the Calth box


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OK, the plan was to buy the Calth box and a few extra vehicles that I could then use for 30K and 40K, but it looks like I would need different vehicles for 40K. Soooo, thinking instead about 30K - the plan is still to use the box for the core and then buy a couple of vehicles. I have them painted up in purple and gold because i love the colours rather than wanting them to be EC (I avoid the HH fluff)



Centurion (termi, chainfist)


10 tacticals in rhino

10 tacticals in rhino


5 termis (poweraxe) in LR spartan

dread (lascannons)


5 legion HS - volcite culverin

5 legion HS - flamers




Im wondering whether i should drop the predator and put the flamers in a vehicle instead? i.e. 7 flamers in a rhino?



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The flamers certainly need to be in a rhino but remove them altogether in the list.


Outside of Salamanders I'm not sure what 5 heavy flamers would achieve in a mostly marine in marine game (though your meta might be different).


I'd use the points to add lascannons to the predator, articfer armour, power weapons and meltabombs to the tac sgts, extra combat weapons to the tac sqds, dozer blades to the rhinos, power fists and chain fists to the terminators, etc.

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Thanks - thats really useful. I can never get my head around Marines lists :-/

so like this:


Centurion (termi, chainfist)


10 tactical w sarg (meltabombs, artificer, power axe) in rhino (dozerblade)

10 tactical w sarg (meltabombs, artificer, power axe) in rhino (dozerblade)


Mortis Dread (TL lascannon)


4 termis (power fist) & sarg (chainfist) in LR 


5 Legion HS (Culverins)


Predator (2 lascannon)

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