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Imperial Knight


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Here is a recent Imperial Knight I have finished. Heraldry is a mash up of Bretonnian and half of a shoulder pad is dedicated to my Space Wolves.



Main weapons are friction fit by shaving down the ball and socket of the arms. I am still undecided on the carapice weapon as I have one more knight still on the sprue to build. 


Painting was done with my airbrush for the most part. Metal trim was brushed on using vallejo model air. Glass coat, then decals and one more coat of gloss. Then oil paint wash and a dull coat after a couple of days of letting that dry. The paint was a labor of love that let me use most of the skills and techniques I have learned over the last 20+ years in the hobby. 


As always, CC is always welcome. I am here to learn as much as to share my work.


Thanks for looking.










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