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Covenant of Fire 2.5k Melty Melt McMeltface

God-Potato of Mankind

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Hi all, I have a game coming up and it would appear my new local's meta is all the deepstriking elites you can horrifically think of. 


So I'm seemingly instantly on the defensive so thought the short-range melta heavy firepower of the Eighteenth would do quite well. 

Thusly I have crafted the below lists, one for a standard 30k game (2.5k) and one for standard 40k games (1.8k) 









Praetor, stormshield, refractor, mantle, digilasers, mastercrafted paragon blade, melta bombs (Covenant of Meltaspam)

Praevian, artificer armour, fist & combi-flamer with three murder-vorax with EHTA & Bio-corrosive ammo




10 Tacticals,  sergeant with artificer, combi-melta, melta bombs. Rhino with multi-melta

10 Tacticals, as above sans melta bomb

8 Pyroclasts, Warden with mastercrafted fist




2 Techmarines




Land Raider Achilles, pintle multi-melta, incendiary shells

Land Raider Achilles, pintle multi-melta, Land Raider Phobos, AC & Heavy Flamers, incendiary shells

2x Predator with AC & Magnamelta





The plan is to maintain force cohesion and force them to engage the massed melta fire (I count 10 vehicle melta-class weapons, 9 mini-meltas on the 'clasts) which will delete both Dreadnoughts and Terminators. I loaded the quadguns with incendiary rounds in-case they do happen to have MEQ/GEQ in cover. 


The Techmarines stay stock and hide within the raiders, to restore HP to an already hella tough vehicle. 


The 'clasts team up with the Praetor and load into the Phobos - I was planning on using them as a risky as balls counter charge to TEQ. I fire the mini-meltas before charging, which should drop some Terminators and then the Praetor's paragon blade will hopefully dispose of some more and if needed that mastercrafted fist can pulp the remainder. On-top of the TL Heavy flamer bathing them in delicious S6 flame before charging, plus maybe snipe one or two with the lascannons. 


The tacticals secure whatever objectives there may be, and the multi-meltas will mean the enemy has to devote some firepower to them as they will hurt something if they can fire. 


The Vorax I included for some fast moving interdiction and because I have them and they look hella cool. I will eventually replace these with two multi-melta Castellax with two hand flamers because that will suit this list down to the ground, further improving the vehicle class melta count to 12! 


Thoughts? I can also swap one Achilles for an Achilles alpha, so I can deflagrate infantry heavy armies. The pyroclasts can obviously project flame over infantry with glorious effect. So I'm hoping my anti-infantry isn't too gimped. 








Praetor - master crafted paragon, mantle, refractor, stormshield, digilasers & melta bombs (Covenant of Meltaspam)

Praevian - trio of Vorax with EHTA & Bio-ammo



2x 10 Man Tacticools with artificer & combi-weapon sergeants - Rhino's with multi-meltas



2x Achilles Raider with pintle multi-melta, incendiary shells

2x Magnamelta preds with AC & Extra Armour 





The idea, once again, is as much melta as I can get. The lack of Pyros & techmarines reduces my efficacy but it seems 1750-1800 is what people play at...so I'm at a loss as 30k seems to struggle under 2k. Any thoughts or suggestions would be great. 


I can call upon the below for changes






Caestus Ram (Covenant of Fire :( )

10 Firedrakes



Autocannon mortis contemptor

Double-fist contemptor

HB/Fist contemptor

10 Breachers

Fire Raptor (Covenant of fire :( )

Master of SIgnals, Legion Champion, Multiple Apothecaries (Primus included)


3 Jetbikes (<3 heavy flamers)

3 Outriders (<3 TL Flamers)

5 Heavy support of each: multimelta, heavy flamer (not the most useful, I guess - perhaps drive by melting in a rrhino?)



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For your praetor id upgrade the refractor field for an iron halo - giving him a 3++. Id also consider giving him a thunder hammer instead of a paragon blade - with EW and a 3++ he can take a beating before instant deathing most T4 characters.


Squeezing in a basic apothercary would help him and the pyroclasts out even further.


If you haven't purchased the 2 x Achilles I wouldn't - perhaps try one with your techmarine combo but I'm not sure 2 would get their points back. Whilst you have plenty of melta you lack options to target heavy armour that has armoured ceramite so switching 1 for a Sicaran Venator (or something else) may help - points left over could go towards giving you a third predator for your squadron and the unrequired techmarine could pay from the apothercary I mentioned.

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Give the Praetor a Mantle of the Elder Drake for Eternal Warrior.

I thinks he's already added it Sips


I may or may not have misread things while super sleepy yesterday.

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For your praetor id upgrade the refractor field for an iron halo - giving him a 3++. Id also consider giving him a thunder hammer instead of a paragon blade - with EW and a 3++ he can take a beating before instant deathing most T4 characters.


Squeezing in a basic apothercary would help him and the pyroclasts out even further.


If you haven't purchased the 2 x Achilles I wouldn't - perhaps try one with your techmarine combo but I'm not sure 2 would get their points back. Whilst you have plenty of melta you lack options to target heavy armour that has armoured ceramite so switching 1 for a Sicaran Venator (or something else) may help - points left over could go towards giving you a third predator for your squadron and the unrequired techmarine could pay from the apothercary I mentioned.

I already own two Achilles so I am fairly hellbent on using them.


Not many people at my FLGS have Heresy so most things I face have no melta immunity. A trio of MC melta shots and 4 S8 mortar rounds should be sufficient, though I know Achilles are not "meta". Regenerating AV14 and ID for TEQ is also a big draw for me.


I could deploy a trio of multimelta dreadnoughts...but I sure do love Land Raiders.

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I will say that I played an Apoc Game where my LR Achilles did his part in killing off or helping kill 3-4 Knights before the other side got pissy about it nuking them to death with its Multimeltas and Shatter Shells.


So its definitely no slouch but will probably not be the best option for Av14 busting.

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My plan was massed melta fire will melt even AV14.


I do have a Falchion, I could deploy that as anti-AV14 but the amount of formation toting "charge from deep strike LOL" players makes me like how flexible Land Raider boxes can be zipping about. Big old Falchy is asking for turn one nuking.

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