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I am the Arch Fiend, aka Biohazard’s Undivided Chaos log


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A few weeks ago a few guys at my club wanted to start a Path to Glory type campaign. Keeping it simple it was a case of 4 Gods = 4 players. We all rolled for our gods and I managed to roll for Slaanesh. Perfect. I've had plans for this warband for a while but the fact that the units we add after each game is adding an awesome random element to my building.


So for our campaign we all started with a basic Lord, a 10 man CSM squad (with the repsective marks for free) and a 10 man Cult squad.


Here's how they look, apologies for the primed pics,


Lord Akvald the Depraved. With MoS, power sword and bolt pistol. Along with a basic unit of Warp Talons.



A little jab at my usual Blood Angel opponent.



Chaos Marine squad (still unnamed)



Noise Marine squad. With scratchbuilt Sonic blasters, blastmaster and Doom siren.




I still need to add a few more cables etc to the weapons etc.


I was also lucky enough to roll for a Defiler and a Forgefiend, these have still to built yet but I have a very clear idea in my head how I want them to look. This week I've got a unit of 3 bikes to build, again I have an idea of how I'd like them to look. Eventually I'll be building a version of Akvald on either a bike or Steed of Slaanesh to run with the bikes. He'll be on foot until I gain the points needed for that though. ;)


A project I've added alongside these guys is a Sonic Dread, built from a Ven Dread this is obviously still early WIP and actually using the legs from my Deathwatch Dread for the pics.


For those wondering where Angron etc is I have to be completely honest I'm a bit burnt out with him for the moment. I can only really focus on a project if I'm really feeling it and Angrons one of those projects I really want to get it right. I will return to him but at the moment I'm loving this campaign. We've only had two games so far, first game was 4 way carnage battle with special objectives that contained hidden weapons like a melta/plasma/flamer/power weapon. If you claimed them you get to keep them for the remainder of the campaign. Who doesn't love free weapons? Needless to say I got none.......yeah.....that sucked :)


Like I say I have a Forgefiend/Defiler and a unit of bikes to build. Let me know what you guys think of the (admittedly fairly poor) pics so far.

No sweat about Angron, buddy! I am looking forward to the finished model (a lot, in fact), but your talent for converting and kitbashing means that none of your threads could ever be dull, even if they don't feature everybody's favourite psychopath ;)


The models are looking great so far -- my one gripe would be the helmet on the lord, as it looks more Tzeentchian than Slaaneshi to me, to be honest.


Anyway, it goes without saying that I'll be watching with interest! :)

Thanks guys, I think once the helmet is painted you might feel different about it Kraut. (Hopefully)

I was planning on using the helmet from the Warshrine kit but can't seem to find it. If I come across it I may switch it out and see how I feel.


Dosjetka, it's from the Chaos Chariot im sure.

Now when you say pink...are we going cool and awesome pink or are we doing ahrrgh my eyes retina burning Barbie pink???


"We're so loud, you wanna die, go march forth and amplify!!!!


Here come the noise marines!!!!"

A little from Column A and a little from column B.


Here's the only pics I have so far. Meant to take more but completely forgot. This was just the basecoat and a wash or two. Both these models are a bit further on now.




Mmm, gorgeous stuff Bio, I love deep rich shade of pink and gold you've achieved, the mix of pink, black & gold combine wonderfully. That all goes without mentioning your kit bashing skills as you've managed to build some really interesting, characterful models, my personal favourite at the moment being that sublime Doom Siren Champion. :)

I've always loved the ideas of warbands like these to advance things so this will be fun to watch. Looking forward to seeing how you finish out the lord.


Are you going to capture on photos of your opponents as the forces grow?

Aha! Another one seduced to the worship of the Prince of Excess! Perfect!


Seriously though, those are some gorgeous models. That Doom Siren is especially gorgeous. I'm loving that you're going with proper black, pink and gold too.

I'd love to see you do a Slaanesh Dreadnought too!

A glorious start you've got there looks like you've got the balance of pink and black nailed. I'm so torn with what units to push for next, I keep bouncing around ideas for all 4 cult marines. Still nothing I can do about that till I get back to the UK except admire everyone else's work and these guys deserve some admiration.

Thanks for the replies folks, works been getting in the way of hobby time as usual.


I have done a bit more painting though. Here's where the Lord stands, still a couple of areas needing tidied up a bit but he's almost done. This is just the first incarnation of this Lord though, when I have the points I plan to build a bike version and possibly a Steed version. The idea I have for the Steed is something along the lines of Pinky demon from DooM 3. So look out for that in the future.





And here's the show stealing Noise champion :)

I can't get a great pic of the skin, I'm really proud of the almost white walker look it has irl. I still need to set up an area in the new house to get proper pics.



A couple of Warp Talons pip



And the Dread that I'd mentioned before but completely forgot to upload the pics. I still need to find the Ironclad chainsfist to finish his arms. He's still mostly just tacked together at the moment


Sonic Dread with Blastmaster and Dirge Caster.





Thousand Eyes, that's a great idea with getting pics of the other 3 armies as they grow as well. The khorne player is actually using my models so I'll be able to get pics of them no worries.


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