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Presence of Erebus: Word Bearers PLOG


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Hello! This is my first foray into the 30k sections of this board, although I have had my Word Bearers for a little while now, and have started playing in a local narrative campaign with them.

I have started out with 2 BoC boxes, being one of the best deals you can get, lol. I expanded that with some Rhinos and a LR Phobos for the first part of the campaign, which was 1850 points, being just an incursion of several loyalist legions against some traitors. Some things I am thinking of for expanding into for the next campaign day, since we are going up to 2500 points, are a Spartan, a Daemon allied detachment, and Erebus. I love the fluff of Erebus and I think he is one of the most fascinating characters of the entire Heresy, being the original source of Chaos among the legions.

So I am making my army into the personal contingent of Erebus, with the daemons being what he is summoning for whatever battle is to be undertaken. Starting off my plog, I have spent most of the day painting a Great Unclean One off and on to be my daemon HQ.

Since I can't seem to get pictures posted without just posting links to them, I have put them all in my gallery, so hopefully this link takes you there.

Not done yet, but I wanted to get some pictures out there, since I'm pretty happy with my results so far.

I am waiting on some shoulder pads from Forgeworld before painting my Legionnaires, as well as Erebus, but I will be able to paint the Rhino or Land Raider next, or maybe some of my Cataphractii termies.

Any votes?

P.S. I will be getting Lorgar eventually too. msn-wink.gif

OK, here goes trying to share the pictures, lol. Haven't made any more progress, so these are still current.




The pictures are crap, I know, I don't have a real light box or anything, and only a desk lamp for lighting. I will be finishing him up tomorrow and hopefully start work on my diabolist from BaC that I am using until I get Erebus.


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