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2.5k Orbital Assault, 3 Leviathans?!?!


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My question is: the 3 leviathans in this army, are they too overpowered to be in a drop army like this or are they fair in your opinion?


Blood Angels



Praetor w/ Catapractii, Blade of Predition

4 Terminator Bodyguards w/ 2 Chainfists



10 Tactical Squad w/ Sgt AA, Melta Bombs, Drop Pod

10 Tactical Squad w/ Sgt AA, Melta Bombs, Drop Pod

10 Tactical Squad w/ Sgt AA, Melta Bombs, Drop Pod

10 Support Squad w/ Sgt AA, Melta Mobs, Volkite Chargers, Extra CCW, Drop Pod


Fast Attack

Dreadclaw (For Praetor and bodyguard)


Heavy Support

Leviathan w/ Claw+Drill, Phospex, 2x Assault Cannons, Armored Ceramite, Drop Pod

Leviathan w/ Claw+Drill, Phospex, 2x Assault Cannons, Armored Ceramite, Drop Pod

Leviathan w/ Claw+Drill, Phospex, 2x Assault Cannons, Armored Ceramite, Drop Pod


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I'd certainly be scared of that list!


I'd maybe re-jig each of the leviathans weapons so that they can target different enemies more efficiently.


I also think the 3rd tac sqd could be swapped for a small tac support sqd to add different options.


I'd try and find extra points for additional CCW on the tac sqds and some close combat weapons on the sergeants would be useful.


Perhaps getting rid of the third tac sqd all together? You'd still have 7 pods allowing the 3x leviathans and dreadclaw to drop turn 1.

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3 leviathans and no grav bombards or melta lances? Seems like a waste to me, it's definetly worth losing the one attack to throw those awesome weapons on your leviathans. Maybe two lances and a bombard, or vice versa. 

Yeah, but 3 leviathans with claw+drill look so very...badass together!

They just look so awesome!

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I run a 3K Triple-Leviathan Terror Assault List, so this list speaks to me. Speaking from personal experience, absolutely keep one Leviathan with the Claw/Drill combo - mine is often the most productive of my three, and my favorite appearance-wise as well msn-wink.gif . Of your other two, run one with Drill/Cyclonic Melta Lance, and the other with Claw/Grav-Flux Bombard or Storm Cannon. Makes each one bring something different to the table, and still keeps one CCW to keep them brutal to take on up-close. Other than that, I'd drop one Tac Squad and kit-out your Sergeants with fists/axes and the rest of their squads with additional CCWs.

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I find any Blood Angel running a Leviathan to be heresy.

But 3? You're dead to me.

How the hell did you afford that much Forge World?

Why do you say that? BAs are all about dreads.

Hell, look at us in 40k, we have DC and Libby Dreads!

There is something about space vampires being forced into robotic space caskets msn-wink.gif

On the question how do I afford it?

Stubbornest I guess. I plan out my army, buy it, and thats my project for the year. I dont get anything else for the army until next year, and I make sure I stay glued to only two true armies for that year (2017 being the year of 30k BAs and 40k Minotaurs for me). I actually end up spending a lot less in the long run compared to most other people in our hobby.

The key thing is not to get distracted no matter how awesome something that comes out is.

Granted I make exceptions for some things. If for example Sanguinius comes out....well rolleyes.gif

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I wish I had your strength m0nolith, I try as hard as I can to stay on target but there is always some little idea that blows up in my face or some new shiny to add...


Can't really suggest much for this list other than specialising the Leviathans a little

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I wish I had your strength m0nolith, I try as hard as I can to stay on target but there is always some little idea that blows up in my face or some new shiny to add...


Can't really suggest much for this list other than specialising the Leviathans a little

I have to admit tho, I expect that 2017 is going to be very VERY hard year to stay away from those new shinys :D 

Its a good year to be on the Heresy train.

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Oh just wait until (with some luck) book 8 and we get our glorious legion's full rules!


But yeah, I think you need some moar dakka on those Levvies.


Death Blossom perhaps? Two Storm Cannons, two assault cannons and Phosphex? You could even really bluff with it - have this one disembark so the opponet can't claim the cover saves from you shooting outside of the pod - this way it will make them hopefully target this shooting one, instead of the two snippy/ smashy ones waiting in their pods :P

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Oh just wait until (with some luck) book 8 and we get our glorious legion's full rules!

But yeah, I think you need some moar dakka on those Levvies.

Death Blossom perhaps? Two Storm Cannons, two assault cannons and Phosphex? You could even really bluff with it - have this one disembark so the opponet can't claim the cover saves from you shooting outside of the pod - this way it will make them hopefully target this shooting one, instead of the two snippy/ smashy ones waiting in their pods tongue.png

Well, considering how long it took FW to make Inferno, I dont expect to see our book until 2018.

Good I say! Id rather it take a long time and be done right than have it come out too soon and have it be half-assed.

On the Death Blossom, how do they do in pods? Wouldn't it be a better idea to keep one drill since they are going to be in close CC proximity?

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I suppose you could keep a drill, but MOAR DAKKA.


And that would be half of the fun I suppose, they charge your leviathan? Okay cool. Enjoy being tied up forever or until another Leviathan buddy charges you next turn!


Basically my line of thinking is that you're making it an attractive target to charge/ shoot etc.

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Oh just wait until (with some luck) book 8 and we get our glorious legion's full rules!

But yeah, I think you need some moar dakka on those Levvies.

Death Blossom perhaps? Two Storm Cannons, two assault cannons and Phosphex? You could even really bluff with it - have this one disembark so the opponet can't claim the cover saves from you shooting outside of the pod - this way it will make them hopefully target this shooting one, instead of the two snippy/ smashy ones waiting in their pods tongue.png

How is there not a meme for this. Reaper's ultimate from overwatch is called the same thing.

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