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1000 point troops game ~ ultramarines

Lords of Preyspire

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So I am playing in a friends mini tournament with mini points values. The games are set at 1000 points and must be dudes on foot (or assualts). Skimmers, bikes or walkers. Basically no tanks, transports or fliers.


The battlefields are going to be packed with buildings and have multiple levels. Potentially some parts might be blocked off even for dreads. But I think that's mission specific.


I know I am going to play a RG player who is bringing two sniper vet units, a recon unit, vigilator and Mor deythan squad.


And a terminator heavy SoH army with speeders.


My army is:


Consul, Legion Champion. Artificer armour, refractor field, legitine axe, melta bombs.


Master of signals. Artificer armour, refractor field, melta bombs


2 tactical squads of ten. One with lightning claw the other with power sword.


One dread: extra armour, power fist, heavy bolter and assualt canon


5 cataphractii. Bolters and power fists.


I want it to be as fluffy ultramariney as I can at this points level so I've tried to be varied and flexible and have a master of signals.


Cheers all.

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Here's my 1000pts IF list, running SG:


Delegatus: artificer armour; thunder hammer; combi-weapon; boarding shield 120


9 Breacher Space Marines: 2× meltagun; legion vexilla; + 1 Breacher Sergeant (artificer armour; power weapon; melta bombs) 270


9 Breacher Space Marines: legion vexilla; + 1 Breacher Sergeant (artificer armour; power weapon; melta bombs) 240


Apothecarion Detachment

• Apothecary: artificer armour; power sword 65

Contemptor-Cortus Class Dreadnought Talon


• Contemptor-Cortus Dreadnought: Dreadnought close combat weapon; carapace-mounted havoc launcher 150


5 Heavy Support Marines: + 1 Heavy Support Sergeant 155


1,000 points


Heavy bolters provide covering fire, supported by the cheaper breacher squad.


delegatus, apothercary join the squad with melta to advance up the table, supported by the Cortus.

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