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Thematic 30k Ultramarines for upcoming game, 2500pts


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So I'm thinking of running this list in a game next week. I can proudly run it 100% WYSIWYG and fully painted which is nice, and I wanted it to look more like a Legion - hence replacing two Tac Squads in Rhinos for a big 20 man blob...



-Centurion, Chaplain Consul, Artifacer Armour, Refractor Field, Plasma Pistol



-20 man Tactical Squad, Sgt with Artifacer Armour and Power Fist

-5 Invectarus Suzerains, Landraider Phobos with Armoured Ceramite and Multi-Melta

-5 Man Tactical Support Squad, Plasma Guns, Rhino with pintle Multi-Melta



-Apothecary, Artifacer Armour, Augery Scanner

-Apothecary, Artifacer Armour

-Cortus Contemptor, Kheres Assault Cannon

-2 Quad Mortars, Shatter Shells


Heavy Support:

-Deredeo, Autocannons, Ailos Missiles

-Legion Sicaran, Las-Cannon Sponsons

-Legion Sicaran, Las-Cannon Sponsons


Lord of War:

-Primarch Roboute Guilliman



So this isn't 100% optimised as I could spam more Quad Mortars instead of the Dread which will be advancing behind the Landraider. An apothecary will be assigned to the Suzerains and to the large Tactical squad. The idea is to hammer the opponent with volumes of decent firepower, whilst looking like a genuine 30k force on the table :-)

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Looks like loads of fun right there! Not cheesey in the slightest, but with enough staying power that you should have a blast in a thematic environment.


I have to say it consistently boggles my little brain to think about just how many more models I could bring in a Gladius....

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I am leery of not taking dozer blades on Tanks. Even on Rhinos, as I have no luck with their Repair rolls! Apart from that, looks like a fun, balanced list. :)
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I second that!

I find with the Primarch's rules allowing Suzerains to be taken as 

troops you can fit a lot of the Legion's flavour into a smaller force.

Let us know how you get on with this list.

I have a game coming up soon and I might just try some large blocks

of tacticals.

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