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How has Dante resisted Black Rage for 4000 years..


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Eeeh, they all use the blood of Sanguinius to activate their geneseed, though. And all who fall to the black rage think they are Sanguinius, I had thought. But if it's in one of the Swallow story, I don't usually hold what happens there as canon for a variety of reasons.


Remember, the geneseed are grown like all other geneseed, it's just that it is activated using his blood, and since there is no more living blood, the curse is there. But it's the red thirst that it affects. Essentially, the fact that it's dead blood increased the effect of the red thirst, taking it from a rare occurance to a permanent feeling. The race memory was a psychic backlash that all who have his blood feel.

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'Some may even believe that they are sanguinius...'. Its never saud that all dc believe they are him, nor even that they all think they are facing horus. Only 1 marine is recorded as getting as far as believing he is sanguinius on board the vengeful spirit when the emperor boards it - chaplian lestralio who was chained down and restrained because he fell in transit to a warzone and encouraged to speak of what he saw/felt. Walls of flesh cramping his wings, that sort of thing...


They all use the blood from a dead primarch to activate the geneseed but it is specifically said that the blood angels suffered the most from the siege because their genestore on terra was all destroyed (perhaps this will be retconned to be their main store?) and they had to reculture the implant organs themselves from his dead body. Thats a big thing when dealing with chaos psyker death killy nastiness so it really is resurected parts of the very same flesh that horus seared with chaos fire that are implanted into blood angels

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'Some may even believe that they are sanguinius...'. Its never saud that all dc believe they are him, nor even that they all think they are facing horus. Only 1 marine is recorded as getting as far as believing he is sanguinius on board the vengeful spirit when the emperor boards it - chaplian lestralio who was chained down and restrained because he fell in transit to a warzone and encouraged to speak of what he saw/felt. Walls of flesh cramping his wings, that sort of thing...

They all use the blood from a dead primarch to activate the geneseed but it is specifically said that the blood angels suffered the most from the siege because their genestore on terra was all destroyed (perhaps this will be retconned to be their main store?) and they had to reculture the implant organs themselves from his dead body. Thats a big thing when dealing with chaos psyker death killy nastiness so it really is resurected parts of the very same flesh that horus seared with chaos fire that are implanted into blood angels

There's more than one recorded. A sergeant in Deus Encarmine does, and a random dc brother in Angel's Blade does. Also the codex tells us bluntly that many believe that. Definitely more than just one dude.
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I've not read widely - I generally abhor the non-codex fluff - but I was under the impression that 'being sanguinius' was the common manifestation of the black rage. It's certainly the case in the Shield of Baal books mentioned on the last page (I had a boring flight...), with all most of the DC bar Cassor acting that way.


Incidentally, Raphen's portrayal is awesome. Definitely running his unit more as a result.



Jump packs straight through a tyranid warrior, and later headbuts a genestealer (?) to death.


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No, thats 1 recorded marine who survived the physical damage his body did to itself long enough to believe he (as sanguinius) was almost at the point of facing horus for the final time. Thats in universe background as known to and recorded by the blood angels themselves.


But the usual player-speak is 'all my dc believe they are sanguinius facing horus right now...'. Which itself causes problems when discussing these little snippets and nuances of background.

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No, thats 1 recorded marine who survived the physical damage his body did to itself long enough to believe he (as sanguinius) was almost at the point of facing horus for the final time. Thats in universe background as known to and recorded by the blood angels themselves.


But the usual player-speak is 'all my dc believe they are sanguinius facing horus right now...'. Which itself causes problems when discussing these little snippets and nuances of background.

Actually, yeah, you're right - I've just skimmed back through a couple of the books, and they're all reliving the battle of terra, but are clearly not sanguinius (one asks if he still holds the eternity gate, another refers to themselves as 'sons of sanguinius'). Odd how that's taken hold.

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No, thats 1 recorded marine who survived the physical damage his body did to itself long enough to believe he (as sanguinius) was almost at the point of facing horus for the final time. Thats in universe background as known to and recorded by the blood angels themselves.

But the usual player-speak is 'all my dc believe they are sanguinius facing horus right now...'. Which itself causes problems when discussing these little snippets and nuances of background.


Actually, yeah, you're right - I've just skimmed back through a couple of the books, and they're all reliving the battle of terra, but are clearly not sanguinius (one asks if he still holds the eternity gate, another refers to themselves as 'sons of sanguinius'). Odd how that's taken hold.
It's taken hold because it is actually presented in the fluff. Angel's Blade page 18 describes a fallen brother who believes himself to be Sanguinius killing what he thinks is Horus. The veteran sergeant from Deus Encarmine I referenced earlier calls himself Sanguinius and shouts at Horus while he is being killed. The codex itself describes the Black Rage as "the memories and consciousness of Sanguinius intrude upon his mind," and later, "he may believe he is Sanguinius" fighting at Terra. It's not just one guy. It's not all of them, either, but it's definitely not uncommon.
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In the fluff in WD for the 3rd Armageddon war, Tycho also believed himself to be Sanguinius and he saw an Ork Warlord as Horus and managed to kill it at the cost of being mortally wounded. Lemartes tends to him as he dies and Tycho believes him to be Rogal Dorn.

Going back to the numbers issue, the casualties taken in most 40K games would quickly wipe out chapters given their alleged recruitment rates. tongue.png By the same token, we can imagine games where the DC are fielded represent the "spear tips" of vital engagements and we simply don't play the 90% of games where BA armies are composed of battle brothers who keep their cool.

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I think the confusion is that they do all think they are Sanguinius, but they aren't all fighting Horus. It's a lead up.


The fluff very much describes it as the memory of Sanguinius' final moments. That includes fighting on Terra. For example, in Angel's Blade one of them takes off his helmet and says that he, Sanguinius, didn't need to wear it anyways. A separate one shouts at the enemy "I am Sanguinius!"


They are all memories of Sanguinius, but they havent all reached Horus.

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Well, i came to read some still un-readed passages of the Blood Angels Painting Guide, and about the Gene-seed and Black Rage thing, here is one interresting thing :


Source (Blood Angels Painting Guide, Page 40, Sanguinary Priest Lamentarios lore description.)


"As part of Dante's army, Lamentarios has been entrusted with protecting the gene-seed of the Death Company. It is a perilous mission, but not even the genetic legacy of the Death Company can go to waste."


So, this simple line tend to indicate that the Gene-seed of the Death Company can be and are harvested by the Sanguinary Priests.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Some news/hints 


"Back in the 41st Millennium, we have ‘Dante’, in which Guy Haley tells a tale of the legendary leader of the Blood Angles, perhaps the most renowned and respected Space Marine to serve the Emperor since the era of the Horus Heresy. Like all of his angelic brothers, though, behind the impassive golden mask of heroism, Dante wrestles with the darker aspects of his nature."

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I think in the previous codex (not sure if that lore was kept in this one...) it was hinted that Dante kept it at bay through sheer force of will. Because the scrolls of sanguinius foretold of a golden angel brining hope to the Imperium in its hour of need. Because he thought that he might be that angel hes basicly using his willpower not to fall into temptation.


Or somesuch... Sounds kinda arrogant and more blood angels got golden armour and use jump packs :P but still overcoming it through sheer force of will would be awesome :)

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That is all the Red Thirst, though. When it talks about holding back the darker aspects, it's talking about what all Blood Angels hold back, the thirst.

Could be but doesn't necessarily has to be. Impossible to know for sure without reading the book imo.

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Incoming Dante Hardcover book, that may answer some questions and bring new ones as well.





"The untold origin story of Chapter Master Dante of the Blood Angels, one of the Imperium's greatest heroes.

Dante is Chapter Master of one of the noblest but most troubled Chapters of Space Marines in the Imperium: the Blood Angels. From the time of his birth in the rad-scarred wastes of Baal Secundus, he was destined for glory and strife. From his apotheosis to Scout, to the hive cities of Armageddon and the alien menace of the Cryptas system, Dante has waged war against all the enemies of the Imperium. He has witnessed the divine, and struggled against the darkness within all sons of Sanguinius. Longer lived than any other Chapter Master, this is his chronicle, his great and storied legend."

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Yeah saw that. On one hand I really like the idea. The Blood Angels could really use a well written novel.


On the other hand im fearfull. With the bad track record that our chapter has with novels im fearfull with what to expect. Also some things are best kept a little hidden or secret so we can fill in the gaps with our inmagination. I hope they tell enough to make a compelling stories and leave some areas blank so theres still some mystery left :)

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Incoming Dante Hardcover book, that may answer some questions and bring new ones as well.



Dante is Chapter Master of one of the noblest but most troubled Chapters of Space Marines in the Imperium: the Blood Angels. From the time of his birth in the rad-scarred wastes of Baal Secundus, he was destined for glory and strife. From his apotheosis to Scout, to the hive cities of Armageddon and the alien menace of the Cryptas system, Dante has waged war against all the enemies of the Imperium. He has witnessed the divine, and struggled against the darkness within all sons of Sanguinius. Longer lived than any other Chapter Master, this is his chronicle, his great and storied legend."


When they can't even spell 'Cryptus' right, I have low hopes for the book.

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