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First Sons of Horus List

The Pounder

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This is my first draft, I've made it with an eye on what I want to paint.

Also I want to get the force on the table ASAP.

So far I have the vets, Praetor and 10 power armoured tacticals 

(weapons for the tacticals are negotiable as I haven't bought them yet!

I went with the Orbital Assault Rite of War.


LoW: Horus (500pts)


Troops: Justaerin, Combi-meltas, Power Fists (320pts)


HQ: Praetor, Combi-melta, Paragon Blade, Iron Halo, Jump Pack (180)


Troops: Vets x10 ,Vexilla, 2 Meltaguns, Lightning Claw, Combi-Melta, Drop Pod and Melta bombs (265pts)


Troops: Tactical Support Squad x9, Volkite Charger, Drop Pod (195pts)


Fast Attack: Reavers x10, Chainaxes, Jump Packs. (270pts)


Fast Attack: Reavers x10, Chainaxes, Jump Packs. (270pts)


I know it's quite elite but I want to get the flavour of the SoH before adding more to it.

Could this force work? 





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Seems a bit squishy for 2.5k with you having no armour, are the Reavers already modelled with jump packs? If not, I suggest running them as Veterans in a Pod since they can be armed similarly but for cheaper. I feel like you need a Dreadnought in there somewhere, either drop the Support squad with Chargers for a Cortus in a pod or maybe consider squeezing a Leviathan in.
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With only one pod coming down on T1 it's going to get blown of the table.


If you stay with the TSS I'd add combat weapons to them as the chargers are assault weapons.


That said, if you drop the TSS and 1 x reaver squad you could sqeeze in a leviathan in a DDP.

Further points could be released by downgrading the praetor to a cheaper HQ choice as master of the legion is covered by Horus.


By dropping the jump packs ad one reaver you pay for some of a dreadclaw - if you go super cheap on the HQ that could pay for the rest. (The HQ goes with the Reavers)


You'd now have something like:

T1: Leviathan in DDP & Reavers & cheap HQ in dreadclaw

T2: Horus & Justaerin

From T2: Vet tac sqd

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If I was you I would:

Drop the praetor and run the list with primarch's chosen, swap the reavers for assault squads and with the profits add some of the things you lack:


Antitank (laser vindi) you need something to hit a knight from the opposite side of Horus.

Antiair (deredo/lightning)

Antiblobs (predator executioner/malcador)


Drop pods seem a waste when Horus already gives you outflank and one precision deepstrike.


Maybe outflank the support squad with meltas if you face lots of tanks.

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