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Ultramarines ++2500++


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This list was inspired by Ishagu, we have a bunch of people jumping into the Horus Heresy locally. I figured I would build what I hope is an all comers list that can be on the competitive side as well. I own the Sicarans already from a Salamander build I was going to do. 

+ HQ +
Roboute Guilliman [Primarch] |Primarch's Chosen| **1 Apothecary here**
··Invictarus Suzerain Squad [5x Invictarus Suzerains]
····Legion Land Raider Phobos [Armoured Ceramite, Multi-melta, 2x Twin-linked Lascannon]
+ Troops +
Legion Tactical Support Squad [Legion Rhino Armoured Carrier, 7x Legion Space Marines, Plasma Guns]··Legion Sergeant [Power Armour,Melta Bombs] 

Legion Veteran Tactical Squad [2x Combi-weapon, Legion Rhino Armoured Carrier, 9x Legion Veteran Space Marines, Marksmen]
··Legion Veteran Sergeant [Artificer Armour, Combi-weapon, Power Fist]
Legion Veteran Tactical Squad [2x Combi-weapon, Legion Rhino Armoured Carrier, 9x Legion Veteran Space Marines, Marksmen]
··Legion Veteran Sergeant [Artificer Armour, Combi-weapon, Power Fist]
+ Elites +

Apothecarion Detachment··Legion Apothecary [Artificer Armour,Augury Scanner]  *With Roboute*

Legion Quad Launcher Support Battery [Shatter Shell]
··Legion Rapier Quad Launcher 
Legion Quad Launcher Support Battery [Shatter Shell]
··Legion Rapier Quad Launcher
+ Fast Attack +
Legion Javelin Attack Speeder Squadron
··Legion Javelin Attack Speeder [Multi-melta, Twin-linked Lascannon]
··Legion Javelin Attack Speeder [Multi-melta, Twin-linked Lascannon]
··Legion Javelin Attack Speeder [Multi-melta, Twin-linked Lascannon]
+ Heavy Support +
Legion Sicaran Battle Tank [Lascannons] 
Legion Sicaran Battle Tank [Lascannons]
+ Legion +
Legion Astartes [Loyalist, XIII: Ultramarines]
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That's a pretty nasty list!


The only thing I'd suggest is outside of the Primarchs unit you have little that could deal with decent sized 2+ units do perhaps change the TSS to plasma? You'd have to reduce their number slightly but a salvo of plasma into a Death Star unit, followed by Gulliman and his bodyguard would work really well!

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Sergeant doesn't need a Plasma Pistol, he has a Plasma Gun.

I am going to pretend I did not do that. 


Legion Tactical Support Squad [Legion Rhino Armoured Carrier, 5x Legion Space Marines, Plasma Guns]··Legion Sergeant [Power Armour,Melta Bombs]


Apothecarion Detachment··Legion Apothecary [Artificer Armour,Augury Scanner]  

Apothecarion Detachment··Legion Apothecary [Artificer Armour,Augury Scanner] 


This would round me out to 2500 even, seems like it would do well.

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Also note that in your original list, there was nowhere for one of the apothecaries to go, as you had all 3 10-man units in Rhinos. Cutting the TSS to 5 will let the apothecary join them in the Rhino, and also give them some extra survivability- they'll need it with their low numbers and the danger of Gets Hot.

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Also note that in your original list, there was nowhere for one of the apothecaries to go, as you had all 3 10-man units in Rhinos. Cutting the TSS to 5 will let the apothecary join them in the Rhino, and also give them some extra survivability- they'll need it with their low numbers and the danger of Gets Hot.



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Also note that in your original list, there was nowhere for one of the apothecaries to go, as you had all 3 10-man units in Rhinos. Cutting the TSS to 5 will let the apothecary join them in the Rhino, and also give them some extra survivability- they'll need it with their low numbers and the danger of Gets Hot.

I wouls argue that small squads that 45points for 5 men isnt worth it.


8+ men is where i start to consider apoths

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Also note that in your original list, there was nowhere for one of the apothecaries to go, as you had all 3 10-man units in Rhinos. Cutting the TSS to 5 will let the apothecary join them in the Rhino, and also give them some extra survivability- they'll need it with their low numbers and the danger of Gets Hot.

I wouls argue that small squads that 45points for 5 men isnt worth it.


8+ men is where i start to consider apoths

That's a good point - might be worth dropping the apothercary for 2 extra plasma guys.


I think your list is pretty much there - playtesting will allow you tweak things further.

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Also note that in your original list, there was nowhere for one of the apothecaries to go, as you had all 3 10-man units in Rhinos. Cutting the TSS to 5 will let the apothecary join them in the Rhino, and also give them some extra survivability- they'll need it with their low numbers and the danger of Gets Hot.

I wouls argue that small squads that 45points for 5 men isnt worth it.


8+ men is where i start to consider apoths

That's a good point - might be worth dropping the apothercary for 2 extra plasma guys.


I think your list is pretty much there - playtesting will allow you tweak things further.



Agreed. Let us know how it does!


Out of curiosity, what buff are you handing out with Guilliman? Tank Hunters on the Javelins seems like it would be nasty.

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Also note that in your original list, there was nowhere for one of the apothecaries to go, as you had all 3 10-man units in Rhinos. Cutting the TSS to 5 will let the apothecary join them in the Rhino, and also give them some extra survivability- they'll need it with their low numbers and the danger of Gets Hot.

I wouls argue that small squads that 45points for 5 men isnt worth it.


8+ men is where i start to consider apoths

That's a good point - might be worth dropping the apothercary for 2 extra plasma guys.


I think your list is pretty much there - playtesting will allow you tweak things further.



Agreed. Let us know how it does!


Out of curiosity, what buff are you handing out with Guilliman? Tank Hunters on the Javelins seems like it would be nasty.



100% agree with this change. Guilliman is 100% putting Tank Hunter on the Javelin squad. 


I placed my order from Forgeworld for the Invictarus, Guilliman, and Javelin squad. Once that arrives the army will be 100% complete. First game should hopefully be in the next few weeks, we have discussed proxying a few games using 40k models just to be sure on the builds for now. I love how much the British pound dropped :)

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  • 4 weeks later...

This list has been working great for me with the exception of my Invictarus Suzerains, my Ultramarine dice do not like to make 2+ saves for these guys or they run into AP2 weapons.


I have not been overly impressed with my Sicarans, I think I may try to fit a Leviathan Dread and maybe a Venator. The MVP of games has been the Javelin, I deep strike them in behind the opponent's tanks and with tank hunter normally destroy what they set out to. They are easily the most underpriced item on this list. Quad Launchers have been the second best unit in the game for me. 


I did get accused of building a WAAC list by using both Javelins and Quad launchers, which I felt was a bit unfair, I did not table my opponent and he was able in the game we played to destroy a lot of my army (got both Sicarans, all 3 Javelins, all my Suzerains, my plasma unit, 1 rhino and 10 vet marines).


Moving forward I may drop the Rapiers for more plasma and possible a drop pod for the plasma squad. I feel like as is the list may be a little too strong vs the opponents in the area (for now). I sent them over to this website to get feedback on lists, one guy way playing a more serious Salamander list, the other who complained was playing Iron Hands.

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  • 5 weeks later...

The list looks strong (and not dissimilar to what I'm considering) but I have a question; for Primarch's Chosen don't you need to have more units with Legion Astartes than without?


Considering vehicles, dedicated transports and Robute don't have the LA rule isn't the original list illegal?

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The list looks strong (and not dissimilar to what I'm considering) but I have a question; for Primarch's Chosen don't you need to have more units with Legion Astartes than without?


Considering vehicles, dedicated transports and Robute don't have the LA rule isn't the original list illegal?


Do dedicated transports count as 'units' for things like this? I would assume that they're part of whatever unit they're purchased for.

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  • 3 weeks later...

My first suggestion for this list was going to be make one of those Sicaran's a Venator to lock down an enemy super heavy. Better yet, get two! They're cheaper than the MBT variant now.


I always feel bad "wasting" a HS slot. Every list I ever write it's usually the first slot to be filled. If you're being called WAAC with 3x Javelins, maybe consider shifting some points around by dropping one and bringing an LDA Vindicator instead (which is just as evil!) to round at HS force org.

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