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Haemotrope Reactors, a new Mechanicus terrain piece!

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Agreed, this is a rather gory concept but very AdMech, given biology is simply a tool to further the aims of the Motive Force. Now I'm hoping for some kind of holy blood powered robots/cyborgs in the next codex! biggrin.png

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I assume this can be combined with promethium pipes and void generators for some kind of synergistic buff.  For example it grants flame weapons additional damage against daemons and psykers, which would stack nicely with the torrent you get from the promethium pipes. Or maybe the void shields combined with this thing now also give you a chance to deny psychic powers.  The power of the Warp comes out through symbolism, so the blood of martyrs would make for potent fuel.

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Something tells me that blood is rather inconsequential as fuel sources go, but hey ho, rule of cool. :lol:

I'm positive the use of blood is more ritualistic then scientific, much like everything else the Mechanicus does.

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One person on Facebook suggested those Martyrs might be the psykers fed to the Golden Throne which is an interesting idea.

Or it could be that the blood is as good as a host of other things to dilute the fuel and is just used for superstitious/traditional reasons. It might even be less efficient, having been started one time when there was a shortage of radiator fluid or some such but they keep using it as they don't know any better any more.

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Sounds like the Grimdark heresy era Mechanicum where they send the Vorax in just to manage the populations of Forge Worlds. Might as well make use of the corpses to enhance your fuel aswell as building your massive Thrall hordes right? :P

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What's this? They think one giant skull can make up for not having loads of little ones..? I'll let them off as it's a giant cog one.

It may seem odd to say, but it's nice to get some terrain that doesn't have associated rules. Sometimes you just want terrain to take up space, no questions asked tongue.png Better still is that while it's more Imperial terrain it has a direct theme to make it a bit different. If I didn't have so many models to work on I'd be tempted, as this sort of thing will spice a table layout up nicely smile.png

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It may seem odd to say, but it's nice to get some terrain that doesn't have associated rules. 


But this terrain has rules associated. WD says that they come in the box (as it is the case with almost all models since... many years now).


However, I probably won't use those rules, if not in some thematic game, as they would slow down the game further, burdening you with yet another thing to remember. 

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I thought it was talking about other rules for bits, but like you I find them a bit tedious to add to a game so not an issue as I wouldn't bother. That's a good point on the rules having some use for themed games, save you having to invent your own. Options are always a good thing, even if one of he options is to "not" tongue.png

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I think this is a Fortification, not just terrain with rules - WD talks of forming a Fortification Network with the Promethium Relay Pipes, Void Shield Generator and Plasma Obliterator.  That's a slightly different category than simple throw terrain with added rules.

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I hope this one is useful for the Mechanicus ruleswise, the relay pipes aren't as our flamers already have torrent. If i like the rules it might become part of my list and if i don't it becomes inactive terrain on the table, great either way.

As for the blood of martyrs, it might be a way of recycling the remains of skitarii and kataphrons killed in battle.
The Mechanicus equivalent of Soylent Green.

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